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Posts posted by Umega

  1. I am now getting bored of RuneScape, so I thought I buy World of WarCraft from Amazon. Now I have one big concern for this game: Will it work on my computer? I very rarley buy PC games because I don't know if it will work on my computer or not. I bought Diablo 2 + LoD recently about 2 and a half years ago and played fine, the game came to and end for me and the disc shattered inside the drive, my Rollercoster Tycoon disc also shattered in the drive in another computer I had, so I'm thinking any PC game I have is cursed or I have very bad luck. That's why I play RuneScape, it gets the occasional crash, but still works and plays perfectly fine most of the time.








    So I HOPE WoW plays ok on my computer, though I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't, it would probably came up with some stupid error or something while starting up. Though broadband and 2.2ghz should complement the game nicley.








    What do you think? :?

  2. I love my tea!! (Hate the taste of coffee *bleh*)








    I leave it to brew for 15mins, put a spoon in the pot and stir the teabag around to get more of the flavour out. I put the powederd milk (2 spoons) and sugar (3 spoons) all in first. Then put tea in mug and stir. A really nice cuppa!! :D

  3. The bag/Backpack would increase your inventory size a little like 5-10








    Most likely 8 I'd say, since your current inventory is the width of 4 items.








    Oh and maybe it could be worn in your cape area.

  4. I like RS graphics the way it is, I love the 'cartoony' character models.




    Sure it's not the next-gen graphics and is very polygony, but hey I like that style!








    I play RS because my computer doesn't like playing games that require discs or with high detailed graphics.

  5. guthavatar1tr.pngsaraavatar3wq.pngzammyavatar4dy.png








    I'm just starting to get the hang of shading now (in simple form) and quite proud of them =)








    Rate them if you want, just trying things out. Obviously I'm using one for my avatar and if you want you can use one to. :D

  6. I was 13 and trying to learn how to ride a bike, I have learning disabilities, but not major, so I found it a bit hard to ride a bike. Anyway I tried riding a bike down a hill (it was a nice large field on a gentle slop). I started to learn how to peddle while free riding down the hill, then I tried to learn to steer, then lastly brake. Now doing 3 things for me at the same time was staring to confuse me and soon I started to panic while still free riding. I was heading for....a large bramble bush :lol: . 2 girls were watching me and my family were also watching me. The 2 girls shouted "Brake!" I got even more confused: "Should I brake or steer away from the bush????".








    I crashed and ended up in the bramble bush, I had lots of cuts on my face and arms and obviously a bit shaken.








    Also, one time at home and pulled a draw out from my chest-of-draws. I pulled it out too far and fell on my big toe. I found out that I had broken my toe as it had blood underneath the nail.

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