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Posts posted by sykoknight

  1. Chat:


    Honestly, what do you need to say any of those words for?


    Like you said, "that six-year-olds say". If you are supposed to be over 13 to play, I hope you are somewhat mature enough to be over words like that. Most people that are 13+ use the words that should be censored, not the words you stated. So realistically, it shouldn't matter that they are filtered.




    I haven't played RS in a few months, but I have never had any major problems with the censor. On occasion something comes up and it censors a word that it legitimate, but it is never something that I can't find a word to substitute easily.








    I agree that they need some harder/more challenging quests, but as I'm sure you have learned if you have played for a reasonable amount of time, this just won't happen. It's a rare occasion that Jagex releases a quest worthy of a challenge to anyone with a decently high level.




    Skill Teachers:


    Many people enjoy the aspect of learning a game on their own, but even more people get frustrated if they can't figure something out and end up quiting before seeing the true aspects of the game. By adding skill tutors, Jagex was able to pull in more people to the game that would continue playing past their first hours or two. This eventually translates to more members and more money. Who could blame them?




    Wilderness Ditch:


    It's their answer to the tons of messages that they receive daily regarding people being lured into the wilderness and killed while having millions on them. It is necessary? No. It's called common sense. But, from Jagex standpoint, it was an easy solution.


    However, it would be nice to have an option in the tools menu to automatically jump the ditch. Though honestly I have never personally seen the ditch, just read about it.




    Random Events:


    They are a pain at times, but for me, it kind of breaks up the monotony of things. If there were absolutely no randoms, the autoing problem would be worse. Having random makes it so that only the better of programmers can make a program to auto. Unfortunately, that is still a lot.






    Popularity is Jagex goal. It equals money. They do not want that to change, ever.






    They are what they are. I personally love them and not because of anything more then memories. I have quite a few, and every one of them (with the exception of a few santas) are from their corresponding drops. I have never sold a rare and never will, I don't even rare them but once in a blue moon. They will die with my account. I hold no value other then to remind me of the times I played. From my Phats to masks to bunny ears and so on.






    I can't see how you feel you have "beaten" the game. There is so many possible goals to set in this game. I am 122 combat with whatever my skill total is stuck at. Have I even come close to beating the game in my mind? No. Have I become bored with the game and stoped playing? Yes. But I think there are still a ton of unfinished things I could do if I decide to play again.

  2. It all depends on the person behind the character. Levels just give them a specific argument as to say exactly why they are "better" then someone else, but regardless, take the levels away and the problem still exists.




    I played back before and when the wilderness was released and combats were and weren't shown at points. It made no difference with levels being hidden. People would base there "I'm better then you" argument on things like how fast they kill an NPC or that they could catch the NPC before someone else or max hit...etc. If anything, you might even say it was somewhat worse. Level 10's would go around acting like they were a god and claiming stats much higher. Or if someone asked you your combat level and you said 113 (put it into relevant times) then they would start calling you a liar and pathetic and this and that. Similar to all of RSC's existence was melee stats. Someone could be a pure level 85 with 95 strength, but no one would believe them unless they saw a hit in the high 20s.




    I personally don't really play RS anymore, and if I ever do, alot of the time I play with chat off because the overall community seems to be getting worse ever time I decide to log in. People seem to have nothing better to do then to try to put down others. It doesn't matter who you are in RS, someone else will always think they are better then you. At level 3 you are a "noob" with pathetic stats and not worthy of walking streets outside of lumbridge. Yet at level 126 you are a "noob" because you must have no life and must play at least 23 hours a day.

  3. I think the main advantage to the server if for NPC interaction for those who actually speak German.








    It would be nice if everyone else in the server were to speak German as intended, but until you get the server running at a constant 1000+ people, and the resources spaces and training spaces become more used like a normal server, then you will have a lot of English speaking players going there simply to play in a more peaceful area with less people, or to get their resources easier.








    I think eventually the world will start to fill up as normal worlds do, and then less English speaking players will be enticed to play there, and hopefully more German players will replace them so the server stays full and doesn't remain a dead server good for resources gathering.


    Torag legs > Karil Skirt :P








    why did you post this? :( i dont get it....












    anyway, i think jagex may have decided to add str to the torso because of all the rumors of 3rd age having str bonus's












    Torags legs are cheaper and they have slightly better defensive stats then Karils skirt.




    So I would imagine that was the point of his post...better stats and cheaper.

  5. The idea that this game is based on pking is just wrong, not to mention silly. Just compare all the time spent not in the wild to time in the wild. Just compare all the geography not in the wild to what is in the wild. Just compare all the people you find playing not in the wild to those in the wild. Just compare all the activities not in the wild to in the wild. Only a rather small percentage of the game takes place in the wild. So, based on pking, ROFLMAO.












    It's nor wrong or silly.




    Runescape was based on PKing. With the release of members, and then RS2, the game started to drift away from PKing.




    But the base of RS, how it all started way back 6 years ago, was PKing. EVERYTHING revolved around PKing. Without it, nothing in the game had a point.








    Now days, RS is not about PKing, but it's start, its roots, its base for foundation started with PKing. Now days, if anything, I would say RS is focused on money rather then Pking or skills.








    From the few posts I have seen from you, it is fairly obvious you never played RSC, or if you did it was very briefly before RS2's release. That's not a fault on your part, but don't try to act like you know every aspect of this game if you haven't seen the changes yourself over the years.

  6. Has anyone ever considered that








    1) Killing other people in the wild who are just working a clue, killing green dragons or crafting runes








    2) and then whining about how unfair it is that you are not getting as much of that other playerÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s stuff that you think you deserve








    3) may be the indication of an adolescently stunted character?








    Really, would a mature person act this way? I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t think so.








    So, why should we care, let them whine.








    Your post isn't even half-way relevant to this topic.








    Firstly, this has nothing to do with clues. If a person wore a fighter torso or fire cape while doing a clue, they deserve to loose it. If you are doing a clue, you shouldn't skull. If you aren't skulled you can easily protect 4 items (which is way to many anyways). It's in the wildy in the first place to make the clues dangerous because you can potentially get a reward worth millions.




    Your are one of those people that want everything to be easy for you, one of the ones that wants Jagex to make a level that you pull and gives you 99s. This game was BASED on PKing...be happy that it isn't around the entire RS world like it was before the wilderness.








    Anyways, on topic, clues have NOTHING to do with this topic. You protect 4 items, and of those 4 items, non should be something like a fighter torso or fire cape.












    I still like my solution from before about items being obtainable, just not wearable unless you have completed the requirements, similar to dragon weapons.

  7. I agree.




    I haven't been a PKer since RSC because I hate the pking system in RS2...but PKing is still a part of the game.




    RS started and because a sucessful game because of the PKing system...being able to kill others and take their items. RS revolved around PKing.




    Since the release of members and RS2 it has slowly been turning away from PKing toward more of a game of achievements to show off. Construction, Hunter, Farming, and thieving really have nothing to do with PKing, and they are all RS2 skill (with the exception of thieving, which was changed in RS2 with the release on runecrafting becoming the new main income for nats).








    Basically every other skill introduced back in RSC is combat oriented.








    RS2 is getting more and more away from combat and PKing....at least in my opinion.












    I think that is they want to release items like this, that show an achievement...it should be like the dragon long. Tradable, but only wieldable after completing a quest. Why not make the fighter plate cost 350k + the points itcost and killing the queen. The plate can be tradable or high alched...just not wielded by anyone who has not gotten the requirments for it yet.




    Heck, I would be willing to get double or even triple the current points for the plate, plus pay 350-500k for it if it was tradable and able to be looted through pking, despite the fact I don't PK.

  8. This game is irritating due to the fact that it seems the majority of people have no idea what to do. I have been collecting and the people on my team keep telling me to keep picking up red eggs when that isn't even the right egg, just because they want them as they do more damage.








    That might be a glitch.








    My screen said green eggs, but every time I clicked the horn to tell the collector, it shouted out red egg.

  9. Nice summary. Jagex disgusts me, all was fine until I saw the "third age" equipment. Eventually something has to give, they NEED to stop making bigger and better weapons/armor. Our hitpoints is never going to get higher than 99 ya know...












    Bigger and better armor isn't really that bad. It just protects those 99 hit points better.




    Now bigger and better weapons could be a problem. I don't think anything better then a whip should be introduced anytime soon without adjustments to HP. Aside from that, something better then a whip would making training even faster then it already is which isn't needed.








    As far as 3rd age items. Nothing wrong with them. They didn't revolutionalize anything. They are still worse then barrows armor, so personally ill stick to barrows.

  10. I like the idea, but I don't think it should require a gold leaf....maybe a bronze, or even steel bar, but not gold leaf.








    It's a simple addition to make the house more realistic, and it would simply provide bronze axes and picks, nothing really great, I don't think its an upgrade that should require gold leaf. But thats just my personal opinion.








    I like the idea of it though.

  11. I know Uloveme and Yogosun both have accounts here. Yogosun was nice enough to post a video of him showing all 99 capes.




    But it all depends on your definition of "best" player. Are you going by most 99s? Highest Exp? longest time playing rs? most respected? most helpful?




    the list goes on...




    Tip.it is full of a bunch of "best" players. That's why tip.it is so great.

  12. And if you happened to have a lowered stat, if you continued to operate the cape, theoretically you should be able to continuously operate it until you are back to lv99.




    I was thinking about that for prayer. That would be very useful.






    You cant use a capes operate function to regain lowered stats.


    The capes +1 doesnt stack with pots. <.<




    At least its the case with attack and strength capes...




    I think the capes SHOULD stack with pots, but they should not be able to regain a lowered stat.

  13. Not a lot of people have 42 construction to build the room.




    As of 3:30pm EST, 99,734 can build the Costume Room.




    There are 800,000 members




    How many of those do you think still actively play?


    How many are pking pures?


    How many do you think are complaining so much about one update they don't like (actually I probably shouldn't ask this considering how active the rants forum always is, but meh)?






    Very good point. I myself logged into RS yesterday for the first time in almost 2 months. I'm sure im not the only person who is still a paying member that doesnt play lol. I like being a member for the rare occassions that I do have time to get on.


    Also ALOT of people have multiple accounts as members, one of those accounts being their main, and the other being their pure. They will be concerned with the capes and room pretty much for their main only (unless they have a mid 90s str pure or something). So theres another HUGE chunk of those members who dont want/care about the cape.




    1-42 construction is easily done in a day, there is no reason you shouldnt be able to get 42 construction. And if you cant afford the little bit of money it takes to get to 42, then theres is absolutely no way you are close to running out of bank space yet, so it serves you no gret purpose anyways.




    I'd love to see how your oppinion on things changes if you play enough to reach a high level. You just think everything should be catored to your level.

  14. I think F2p deserves them since getting any 99 in f2p is harder, BUT I dont think they will be F2p.


    1. The capes will give bonuses. F2p basically gets nothing with a bonus aside from ammys and weapons. though it is possible




    2. Members attractiveness. "Come to member and finally show off you dedication in a skill by wearing a cape!"

  15. ANY 99 is an achievement. So anyone wearing a cape should be respected.




    But of the 99s, I would say prayer, herb, slayer, and smithing. Lots of time and money invested in those, even if you consider it "buying" a skill.






    My biggest question is what kind of bonus's they will give?




    melee stats will most likely get cooresponding melee boosts, thats somewhat obvious.


    But what about things like HP? Smithing? Construction? Herblaw?




    At 99 you can make everything, so what kind of bonus could you get?






    Also what about the quest cape? Does that mean it becomes unequipable every time a new quest is released until you finish it?


    In that case, that cape would be held in somewhat of a high respect as well because it takes weekly upkeep generally to keep that cape.

  16. Jagex introduced a far faster way of RCing...there had to be a consequence to it or it would have severely unbalanced things. They put it in the wildy because they KNEW people would PK there.




    I dont see RC PKing as 'nooby'. It's the wildy, they can PK where they wish. I DO however, consider all the name calling very immature and pointless. That combined with the PKers there that run at the first site of a real fight the "nooby" part of PKing there.




    I have never PKed there, and never plan on it. To be honest, it seems boring. Just standing their waiting for a defenseless person? Sure, you may gain some profit...but theres no fun in it. The whole aspect that makes PKing fun (at least to me) is the risk involved. Theres virtually no risk for RC PKers...which makes it pointless and boring to me.




    But hey, I guess you could be happy Jagex didnt put it in something like lvl 15-20 wildy right?

  17. Detail: Low / High


    Screen Brightness: Dark / Normal / Bright / Very Bright


    Mouse Buttons: One / Two


    Chat Effects: On / Off


    Split Private Chat: On / Off


    Accept Aid: Yes / No


    Music Volume: (low detail) / Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


    Effect Volume: (low detail) / Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


    Auto Retaliate: On / Off






    My comp and connection are more then able to play on high detail with sounds...but I guess call me old school, I like the worse graphics and no sound better.


    Auto Retaliate very depending on where I am and what I'm doing.[/b]

  18. Wow, 20s with Slayer Dart \' .




    I wonder if we can hit over 30 with Magic now :shock: .




    I doubt you will be able to hit over 30 still :x Im not 100% posative, but im pretty sure that mage is capped at 30 right now. The god spells should hit alot higher then 30s, but they dont because its capped at 30.




    Again, im not 100% posative on that, but I think thats how magic is unfortunately :(

  19. Awsome pictures Hohto, bring back alot of memories.




    I dislike you FPS tho...mine was 3 :cry: wana talk about hard to play RS? My player skipped across the screen lol. Thankfully I only had that for a little over a month, then got a newer computer. Then I was up at 18-19 FPS which was ALOT better.




    I really miss that PK system as well. I wish when they had added the wilderness, they would ahve left the pk system up and just made all cities safe of something. (gaurds were useless for protection) Wilderness was nice because you were able to attack a larger range of people instead of +/- 4 levels...but it took the excitement of walking around runescape away.

  20. If I counted right, this picture has the guy holding 50 Bil... If that's the case, then how the devil is there a 2.1Bil cap today? I understand all the updates would cause problems with Memory and stuff, but when the cap occured, don't you think they were screwing this guy since they took away almost 48 Bil?




    EDIT: 50,922,600,998. Yep, that's 50 Billion alright...




    Theres not really 50 bill there. Numbers in RSC got pushed over with huges ones next to it. Most likely theres either 50 nats and 922mill (doubtful) or there is 509 nats and 22 mill...or possibly even 5092 nats and 2 million.




    There was a trade scam where people would put up say 100k and in the slot next to it in the trade, 1 needle. Needles were very hard to see unless you looked closely, so it would ahve appeard as 1000001 when the gp was only 100000.












    Also remember on RSC you couldnt deposit or withdraw All or "x" amount...you could only withdraw and deposit by 2500. Imagin trying to deposit 1 mill, let alone 22 mill, or even 50 bill. :-X

  21. what tea gives you a construction bonus?




    Tea made from your shelves in your house...but it depends on the shelves u have. you get +1 from lower shelfes, +2 from like teak shelves orsomehting, and + 3 from guilded shelves. Im not sure the exact shelves but the higher they are the more bonus you can get.

  22. with 99 str and the setup I use playing PC the calc claims I should hit a 40 with a whip. The highest ive hit is 38...BUT I hit a 38 nearly every game...


    kinda odd I hit 38s like crazy but I never hit over a 38.




    If I spent the time to get a fire cape and the money to get a berserker ring....and actually wore the berserker helm out of the bank, the calc says I can hit a 43 with whip, which seems high.

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