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Posts posted by tintin113

  1. How is the clan resource cap set up? Our clan has 50 people. It was 2k then later it was bumped up to 5k (idk how much it's at now haven't been in there for a few hours). Does it go up by the amount of people that visit the citadel?


    Quite simply, that's not the clan resource cap, you might well have seen this:



    The Resource Cap at the bottom of that menu is your personal cap, maxed at 1000.

    Your Clan total is x/y, in this case 18601/13850. 18650 is the amount my clan has gathered, and 13850 is a target set by your clan leader/coodinator/organisor, basically by anyone with permission to change that target. (13850 is also, btw, the amount needed by the next build tick - next Monday - in order to upgrade your citadel and afford the upkeep of your buildings.)

  2. Stupid thread is stupid... Rares don't cause inflation in anything other than rares, if suddenly nobody had rares but instead had billions of gp, they'd buy other items = demand up with same supply = higher prices. Also given that at the moment rares are the most expensive items in the game and are thus where many people hold their money/aim to be, removing their value would seriously anger tens of thousands of players, hell it would annoy me and I don't even have one.

  3. I hope you're not implying that you have done it or intend to do it... The thing that annoys me most about this is their target audience. Anyone with enough money to spend to make it worth your while scamming them isn't stupid enough to do it, the only people who fall for it are the newbs to whom that small amount of money actually means anything. You will make very little money per hour, and every gp you make will be guarenteed to make a newb's life worse, so frankly if you do it then you're [developmentally delayed]ed on so many levels it's not worth me listing them.

  4. "3. Why is the promotion not available in my country?


    We work hard to ensure that promotions are available in all countries that sell RuneScape Game Cards. In some instances this is not always achievable, as we rely on retailers to help support the promotion. This may mean promotions are either delayed or unavailable."


    Gotta give it to Jagex, they really do work hard; to not manage to distribute these things to the SAME COUNTRY as they work in must take a LOT of negotiation...

  5. Sooo instead of paying easily by card online, we have to cancel our membership, drive to a store, pay MORE money than we already are, and in return get the embaressment of actually purchasing one of these things, before then driving home again to see some crappy katana sitting in our bank that will, when wielded, ilicit mocking from all members of the Runescape community. Yknow what Jagex? [bleep]ing wonderful idea :)


    EDIT: Also not announcing it on their main page was just... wow... All time low much, they've obviously had so much fun copying Farmville (8realms) that they think we should all share :)

  6. I know this is a horrendously nub question for such a thread, but since this is in Help & Advice... ;) Was wondering, I'm stuck in ftp atm thanks to exams, and am trying to get a bit of dg done towards my rapier when I get members back in a month or so. I'm currently level 67, have had to solo because finding a decent team in ftp is like w117's worst nightmare. I've been c1 rushing 1-23ish, then doing c6 mediums for the rest, is that the best xp or is there any way I can speed that up? c6 smalls seem to give fairly decent xp considering how fast they are...

  7. Without doubt, Zezima has to have been the biggest name on Runescape of all time, topping the leaderboards for years at a time and being generally a nice guy, along with the global fame he had. 3 hit u, you *were* big, but by NO means the biggest, hell most people have forgotten about you. (No offence ;) )


    A big name to me, though I doubt many people have heard of him, is Renez. Check him out, 95 in every skill, he's been levelling every skill evenly for years and I really respect him for his take on the game.

  8. Well that clears up a lot of stuff :) Except I'm also wondering just how big the bonuses from any of these updates are, or whether they're just cosmetic. Despite me liking the fact that it's not YET a micro-transaction deal, I won't be happy if it means that any members have access to things other members don't, simply due to them paying jagex money for a longer length of time...

  9. Um, far apart from staking, what with this being an expensive items discussion, anyone got any news on the random ~20m dip in low wearables last night? There have been rumours of clan-dumps and such but prices seem already to be rebounding... Tbh there's so much manipulation going on in the low wearables market atm it's difficult to know what to believe, there can be times in w1 where some people are selling santas at 150m (ridiculous) and others are buying at 117m (also ridiculous!)


    (GE appears to be around 127m.)

  10. Anyone got any news on Elysian prices? I'm thinking of coming back after exams and getting one but atm tis a bit too close to my cashpile for comfort (515m,) and while I might buy it now, if it goes up more I probably won't... So are prices going up or down? Forums seem to suggest up, but I'm not sure how long that's gonna last for.

  11. Did you know this was my first ever topic and was publicised on tip.it homepage? :thumbsup: Got over 600 posts but this was before the forums were hacked and then changed so it's gone now, let's hope this one can do as well! :D


    Can't remember many tbh :unsure:


    Slayerbelle - first to get 99 slayer with 10hp.

    Renez is not only going for all 99s in one day, but keeping all his levels even til then! Look him up on hs ;)

    Runescape used to be called Deviant Mud.

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