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    B-Town, Minnesota
  1. People I know concider it lame but would probably never bring it up in a normal conversation, so I never really have a chance to defend it. When I happen to bring it up I play off the fact that they think it's lame (i.e. "The other day when I was playing RuneScape, cause I'm lame, I..." ect). It doesn't matter to me what people think of me playing it, I just don't wanna start any static.
  2. Street art (i.e. graffiti) name is Awake, and I like sevens and threes.
  3. Alright, thanks for the poster, but why don't you like it? Sure, people who swear every other word screw up the english language, sound igorent, and I all around can't stand them, but isn't that hard to curse and not sound like a total idiot. I swear plenty, but I always make sure to use it in context.
  4. Alright, I can handle that. What's the good reason though? What's wrong with cursing?
  5. The rules said that if they were used correctly and not excessivly, cursing was acceptable. What is concidered excessive though. Lets say for example I happen to have a sig I would like to use that is a .gif file. In forementioned .gif 'the F word' is used. It's used for the sake of comedy, and it doesn't reference anything sexual. Are we down with that kind of thing, or is use of that word righ out?
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