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Everything posted by caztoday

  1. thank you, got it, must have just missed it.
  2. ok, so I`m in Keldagrim, and understand that Reinald is somewhere in a deep mine under the city, but i cant find the mine. Can anyone give me easy and precise directions to finding him?, so I can get my armbands, thanks
  3. lol, change your camera angle (use the arrow keys on your keyboard to do this), then look along the walls, there are gates in the walls, click on gate to open. Often you will have to work your way outwards in order to get back in an area that leads to the centre. You cannot die, take your time, as your reward will be gone by now. :lol:
  4. definetly theiving, because it takes ALOT of clicking and concentration, I know cos I have one :D
  5. I heard of the gloves, and merrily went off to get the hunter level, I was really disappointed. Yes, they do disappear, they only last a short time, and I cant say I noticed any difference whilst wearing them at all, so got my 99 without.
  6. gloves of silence are pretty useless. I have 98 thieving, going for 99, and took valuable time out to get level 53(?), hunting to enable me to wear the gloves. Can`t say I noticed any difference in theving and very quickly they wore out. Tried another pair since, but same results. Just go without and save you`re time and money.
  7. It is probable due to the spaces, it makes it difficult for people to report you. If I was you I would get used to the fact that you will probably not get this account un-banned.
  8. for his level, he is pretty much a sap
  9. killing the demon isnt that hard with prayer pots, however the lead up to that can be very dangerous without prayer
  10. have found my problem, i had banked a keg of beer on my journey, so till i dropped it I coudnt continue. thanks for suggestions thou. mod please lock now.
  11. have put about 5 lit cherry bombs in pipe, I keep trying but must have missed summit. (steam coming out of my ears).
  12. I did, as i said lite it =I lit the bomb first, grrr I hate this being stuck bit. lol
  13. anyone can be member at any time, from day one with no knowledge at all, what r u worried about. just go for it, its great.
  14. I am stuck on manni the reveller. I get the cherry bomb,. lite it and place in pipe, go in and try to take keg or use low alcohol on the keg on table, but it doesnt do anything. bomb never goes off either. Tried lots of things now but cant figure it out, can anyone tell me what I`m doing wrong plz ps, i am using the quest guide, but most be missing something
  15. yes i would like to know too. kept some in bank just in case.
  16. thanks folks, got to say I`m disappointed, but hey I`ll survive, lol
  17. I have all emotes, and full costume minus the beret. Yesterday I got the random, great I thought, now I get the beret., but no, nothing (unless I got gp and did`nt notice). Does the beret come from this random, and anyone any idea why I got nothing?
  18. you get left half, right half, top and bottom, put them all together and you have a septre.
  19. its not hard to get your crafting upto the required level, so just do that, then finish the quest :)
  20. I did it at your level, so you can too. Anti-dragon shield, mith armour, and lots of lobbies, Keep your eyes open, and be prepared to run or tele. Dont take anything you are not prepared to lose. Pick a quiet time too. Good luck.
  21. try the smaller rooms off to the sides, i found a few there.
  22. where is zanaris, and do you need any requirements for evil chickens, thanks
  23. no offence, but could someone with a few more postings confirm that please.
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