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Everything posted by ffred

  1. pmg 6 yrs ago me and my homie will were playin diablo two and i tried to make the name upyourass and swears but then we thought of upyouraxe pmg! sw00t!
  2. just an idea, no one take it personally or anything lol, i was just wondering how big a gap it could get untill something happened from a stationary price like a yew log to the phats. i know that they will keep going up but i was just discussing it :)
  3. Edit: I realise now after i post this how long it is but if you can get through it if you can lol :pray: I played 2 yrs ago and got pretty good (100 cbt etc) and then quit . Now i come back and phats are 700m and santas are 25m, wow! but think about this. you will never have a cannon be more than the worthwile price of 550k to 600k or a yew log/string/nat because they still make the same when you alch them so they need the same prices. so theirs no inflation yet phats have just 10x their market price. In the real world (thats where you live, breath, eat, hang out with friends (if you havent been affected too much with this game) girlfriends, school, etc) everything has inflation (the raise of the price) along with the value of the dollar being raised. And i mean EVERYTHING, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the supplies you need. But in the game half the items will 10x their value and the other half will stay relatively priced. Now the only person who will buy a party hat is someone who has had a party hat, i mean you will NEVER be able to buy a party hat unless youve had rares. iron ores? for get about it, you would have to spend years of getting iron ore to make 700m and then in those years if the markets increase as it has been it will be 7trillion gp. thats alot of iron ores. You can still try to merchant but as soon as you make your 100m the party hats will have gone up to 800m. I understand their are a few circumstances where someone can buy one without having a rare but thats irrelivent. So how will this be resolved? thats what im wondering my self. Soon the people who own party hats will have more party hats. Those people who sold theirs while they could them will soon be makeing money and lvling. However, i believe that the people with the party hats will soon have no one to sell to. Soon their will be maby 500 people with party hats (i know its hard to believe but no one else can afford them) then when people realise they wont keep their value thell try to sell. maby one person will buy a few but then EVERYONE of those 500 or 499 or whatever will realise that no one wants them and panic. then try to sell for alot cheaper but still nothing so soon the party hat will be reduced to less than a set of full dragon and soon lower. So don't start worrying :ohnoes: if you have a phat because i may be wrong but the party hats will still go up in value for a little while. But just be aware, nothing in the stock market goes up forever (dunno why i said that but i guess a phat is a stock in the buisness of rares :twisted:). Thats my opinion so anyone who is interested or wants to say something say it in this post. BTW= If you disagree post your point, dont start spamming you illiterate brats. Also, if you dont know a word go to http://wikipedia.com and if you dont know half of what i said just agree with me like you do know :D FFRED Williams
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