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Posts posted by lotuslord212

  1. Heloo, guys




    I just logged in at runescape after a year or so...




    I dont knoow what are those polished buttons in Crafting.




    Are they for members only??


    If they are not members only how can I make them?


    How much do they cost?

  2. Apparently the Chinese empire in those years were even more advanced :-k


    That's why Chinese people are smart. :wink: No racism, even though it's true most of the time





    Since when is China so smart, have so seen the state of China?




    Anyway, it's more a mechanical device than a computer very good nevertheless.




    NO offence to all chinese people but in my school Indians rock....




    They average like 85%...and there are like 50 chinese ppl and they average about 75%...Seriously........

  3. "I think the best sign of the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."


    -Calvin, while observing a pile of dumped trash in the middle of the woods behind his house; Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson






    Well, um may be they are currently like humans 20000 years ago???

  4. The person had a 12 acre property and spent $500,000 on the project, this has absolutely no viability (no one has the space or money for such a system).








    If you look at wha he said, He has Zero electricity billl..wont he be able to recover that money over time by not paying bills???

  5. If i ever get in a fight, ill just keep backing off until they tire out, sometimes lasts over an hour tho, then I start doing funny stuff, like climbing on top off the school, already got suspended for it, my mom just laughed at it








    If I ever ge suspended my parents will kill me..... :ohnoes: :ohnoes:


    You have to take into account that if there are aliens, they're products of evolution aswell. They're not going to be made up of mystical magical stuff. A couple posts above someone said their skin would be a color we couldn't even see...Uhh...Why would that be? They'd be creatures that evolved just like us. They're not magical.








    Is it possible their skin is WAY different? Absolutely, but it isn't something our rbains can't comprehend or something.








    You also have to take into account that if these "gray" aliens were infact real, just by looking at them you can judge that they're probably at LEAST...I dunno'...100,000 years more advanced than we are. I mean, they have no hair...We lost our hair because of technology and weather (clothes), so they'd have to live in a pretty warm place and not have to ever worry about being cold. Their eyes are also completely black, so they've either developed a sun-screen type thing over their eyes or they wear covers to protect them or something. They appear to have no...anatomy....So how does that work?








    Contradicting yourself? They most likely evolved on a different evolutionary path than ours, so they are going to be different, and are going to have uncomprehensible/unearthly features.











    I personally think those "gray" aliens are just made-up. Things like the whole fact that they always appear to have no anatomy, as if noone took into account that, duh, they'd have to reproduced too.








    Again contradicting yourself.








    Grays are the most believable type of alien, along with reptilians or 'Dinosauroids':












    "O RLY?"








    If you compare them to other types of aliens like Muons (they were supposed to come in 2001), Venusians (well now we know that Venus is uninhabitable), Nordics, MASTER AETHURIUS (don't ask, it's a iwerd contactee story), and Squirrels, you will see what I mean.








    You saying that 99% they are grey??


    Are high school really bad??




    They say ppl hit each other with solid material??




    I am goin there after a month.








    I am really scared! :ohnoes:












    Ever tried hitting someone with water?That sucks :notalk:








    Yes i have and it is fun for me!!!





    England all the way! :D








    Nooooo! Aussies all the way mate. :P








    England! :D








    :shame: :notalk:








    Australia will win. :D :P








    But seriously, I don't think England can win it.




    The team is missing something...I just don't know, but something is wrong with England








    If England and India verses each other I bet India will smash England....




    OMG i did not recieve my course selection sheet and it is due today!!








    The school I aplied to, never send it. What should I do??








    Ring them up. NOW.








    My guidance teacher asked me to fill up some other sheet from same school. I am not sure if they will accept it because I applied for special program and the thing that i filled up was for regular program. Hope it makes its way through. :pray: :pray: :pray:








    Special as in special ed or special as in a gifted program?








    I am in special educatiion program....

  10. I remember when I went to India to see my relatives.








    me and some of my friends were into someone's field. and we got surrounded by fire.....








    Omg it was like in a spash of second, fun down and fear up... :( :shock:




    And, according to you, Squirrels In UFOs. :P








    Not quite.








    Squirrels aren't from outer space, but might be advanced enough to go out there.








    Joke of the day!! :P








    I'm being serious.








    Grays to me are probably the most believable type of alien.
















    They look like the stereotypical alien but are gray.








    Then there's reptilian aliens - think of the aliens from the V series.








    Then there's less believable and disproven ones like Venusians, Saturnians and - yes, squirrels.








    They would most probably will not have colour that we cannot easily see.








    or some rareest colour on earth.


    OMG i did not recieve my course selection sheet and it is due today!!








    The school I aplied to, never send it. What should I do??








    Ring them up. NOW.








    My guidance teacher asked me to fill up some other sheet from same school. I am not sure if they will accept it because I applied for special program and the thing that i filled up was for regular program. Hope it makes its way through. :pray: :pray: :pray:






    Why does it matter....








    Because our government could be telling us flat-out lies on such a thing.




    Why does it matter....








    First off, who is to say they can't keep it hidden? I mean they found it, they can keep it. If you discover a genie that grants 3 wishes to everyone, would you make it public? No you would keep him in your house and deny it. How would you feel if a bunch of elementary school kids keep trying to take pictures of your house through your windows? Would you post a no trespassing sign, or would you just say "Ha, good job kids. Your rumors are true, here have my genie." :roll:








    There is a big difference in your GENIE example and these aliens......








    One is not harmful another might be harmful. :shock:












    NOw, what if they just come tomorrow and starts attacking our planet, what would happen?? :-k




    I'd say a genie is by definition the most dangerous thing to have lying around. Someone could wish they were a god and enslave the human race. And how would dead aliens harmful to earth? I'm assuming there dead since if they were alive how would they have been caught? If they were alive and caught then they must not be very strong so if they were to escape they could just as easily be caught again by the world's joint militarys.




    Now let's assume they died in the crash. A ship crashed there and they dissected the bodies. Okay, now how is that a problem? Are they going to come back to life and kill us? And if you mean "since we disected them, more ships will come to get revenge!"... what difference would it make if the public knew or not? Ships crashed, end of story. The aliens don't care who ownes the bodies.








    My point is, where is the danger? And if there is some danger, what difference does it make if the public knows or not?








    The danger is their technology....








    and us not having same or equal tech..





    Why does it matter....








    Because our government could be telling us flat-out lies on such a thing.




    Why does it matter....








    First off, who is to say they can't keep it hidden? I mean they found it, they can keep it. If you discover a genie that grants 3 wishes to everyone, would you make it public? No you would keep him in your house and deny it. How would you feel if a bunch of elementary school kids keep trying to take pictures of your house through your windows? Would you post a no trespassing sign, or would you just say "Ha, good job kids. Your rumors are true, here have my genie." :roll:








    There is a big difference in your GENIE example and these aliens......








    One is not harmful another might be harmful. :shock:












    NOw, what if they just come tomorrow and starts attacking our planet, what would happen?? :-k




    I'd say a genie is by definition the most dangerous thing to have lying around. Someone could wish they were a god and enslave the human race. And how would dead aliens harmful to earth? I'm assuming there dead since if they were alive how would they have been caught? If they were alive and caught then they must not be very strong so if they were to escape they could just as easily be caught again by the world's joint militarys.




    Now let's assume they died in the crash. A ship crashed there and they dissected the bodies. Okay, now how is that a problem? Are they going to come back to life and kill us? And if you mean "since we disected them, more ships will come to get revenge!"... what difference would it make if the public knew or not? Ships crashed, end of story. The aliens don't care who ownes the bodies.








    My point is, where is the danger? And if there is some danger, what difference does it make if the public knows or not?








    The danger is their technology....

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