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Posts posted by lotuslord212

  1. You're wrong, you choose if you want to play RuneScape or not. So it doesn't steal important times if you don't want RuneScape.








    The president of the united states will give me example of one show larger than Simpsons.








    No he does not make shows....












    When did world originate?

  2. Then they chuck more wood. And bury you. Under their wood. That they chucked. If a woodchuck could chuck wood. Chucking has never been a woodchuck's strong suit.








    What is the average windspeed velocity of a swallow?
































    What does Cabinet landlords mean?? :D



    I do believe there is something a bit like that on Tip.It... its called the Varrock Library. The graphics aren't amazing, but the stories are.








    yes! I know but I am talking about Runescape.








    True... but would Jagex really put something that advanced into a game filled with 11 year old boys who speak in a language that not even the most expirienced linguist can understand? Doubt it. They're a big source of income. (No offence to ALL 11 year old boys, a good amount of you aren't that bad.)








    I dont get u...can you please put the right spelling in?








    I have same problem... :(






    OK! if the world population is/was around 6,000,000,000 then am I one of the 0.1% of the total population of world? Probably very unique??








    So you are saying you are actualy 600,000 people?








    make sense next time please.












    So u r trying to say u cant read properly?








    make sense in your previous post please.








    You make no sense. Type in proper english with reasonable grammar and he might have understood you. Even though I still don't know what the hell you were trying to say.








    If u look at bolded stuff the u can easily understand it/ :evil:








    Simple misreading. Your posts are so damn jumbled it's hard to make sense of what you are saying.








    And, still, that setnence makes no sense. Part of the .1% of what?








    I was talking about the total popualtion, in that sentence. Anyways, for u ppl I edited the text so that we can move on to the topic. :roll:








    And now some of u r gonna go like, where did that 0.1% came from? Well if u look at the first post regarding this problem, u will see that someone before said that 99.9% of the world population will do the same thing. Now, If I dont fit in that 99.9% then obviously I fit in the left over 0.1%! Right??


    Hmm, I guess you don't learn new things, you just have that little brain of your pried open and filled with biased information.




    You're not saying universities aren't biased either I hope.












    Universities are not bad>>? :?:




    OK! if the world population is/was around 6,000,000,000 then am I one of the 0.1% in the world? Probably very unique??








    So you are saying you are actualy 600,000 people?








    make sense next time please.












    So u r trying to say u cant read properly?








    make sense in your previous post please.








    You make no sense. Type in proper english with reasonable grammar and he might have understood you. Even though I still don't know what the hell you were trying to say.








    If u look at bolded stuff the u can easily understand it/ :evil:

  7. if you have ever played WoW or a good MMO, you would know what im talking about. Its too hard to explain, so go buy WoW or D&D Online, or maybe even Guild Wars, not sure about that one. But yeah, the /y for yell would be useless, so not that one. But the /t and /s would be nice so i dont have to click my friends's names everytime.








    just to know what one person on tip,it is talking about, u r tellin to buy the stuuf?? :shock:


    OK! if the world population is/was around 6,000,000,000 then am I one of the 0.1% in the world? Probably very unique??








    So you are saying you are actualy 600,000 people?








    make sense next time please.












    So u r trying to say u cant read properly?








    make sense in your previous post please.

  9. High School is a waste of time.








    The only thing it's good for is for when you learn something new.















    U think high school is a waste of time?? except you get to learn new thing??









  10. Some of the objects that have been seen/documented/caught on camera defy many of the laws of physics. It's very odd. Some great ships out there, I just wish the government would hurry up and implement them. I've heard leaked stories of engines that could be implemented into cars that could provide us with an endless supply of energy. No worries of fossil fuel usage, no worries of global warming. I wonder what they are waiting for?








    that is so true!




    I think they wont release it because if these technology just get released then there will be no value of America.




    I never said your opnion is stupid or it is dumb, it was you who said that"I say ppl who believe that crap are dumb."








    I honestly consider people who think all of those movies that show "proof" are stupid. I can go take a cow pie, throw it across the room, take a picture of it, and then zoom in really close and say that the aliens use a brown space ship.















    OK! if the world population is/was around 6,000,000,000 then am I one of the 0.1% in the world? Probably very unique??










    You seriously think that when an alien abducts you you're going to have a camera waiting and ready to get them on film? There is also a thing called movies which a lot of people can make now days with a camcorder and a little bit of computer savvy. I'm saying that people who believe that crap are dumb.








    Maybe because they don't come here? Why would they fear loosing there planet? No one has presented any substantial evidence that can not be disproved to show that aliens are real.








    How do you know there space crafts are fast? :-k








    I saw some videos. They showed that the Russian Aircraft(I*think*it*was*one*of*the*fastest) followed it and it just got disappeared(I can say it got disappeared cause they showed it in slow motion.








    second, why would we want their technology if ours is alreaddy faster than theirs.








    Third, if those aircrafts(alien's) were slow then why some of the countries dont just follow them with their aricrafts?? LIke not every single country listens to US.








    and fourth, your belefe of ppl who believe this are stupid is just one opinion, who knows some day a alien comes up to you and starts speaking some alien language to you when you just woke up?? You probably go like "Slow down man!!"








    *sigh* Ok here I go again.








    How do you know it was an alien craft? Maybe it was a new aircraft being tested.








    What the hell are you talking about? I didn't say anything about technology or it being faster....








    Who is to say they are real aliens and not just some hoax made up by attention [bleep]? What does listening to the US have to do with aliens?








    Well your belief that aliens are real is also your opinion, so does that make you're opinion stupid because you consider me stupid for not believing what you believe because it is just your opinion?








    What does an alien coming up to me and speaking to me when I just wake up have to do with anything? No I'll scream, grab my bat, and whack the [bleep] out of the stupid thing.












    You might want to use a spell check because it makes you seem kind of silly.








    I know it was a alien craft because it had some irregualr shape, the kind of irregular shape that human being cannot make one. :o








    about technology and the stuff, I forgot to put the word 'To' and the guys name who wrote about it. (my apologies)








    I never said your opnion is stupid or it is dumb, it was you who said that"I say ppl who believe that crap are dumb."








    Yes! that would be your stupid decision to kill that alien being. Probably the only alien being on this planet, but hey! thats u right?








    It is not making me kind of silly, but u can say it is making my account look silly. None of you ppl know who I am??









    But, some of those video show that humans asked aliens to sell us their technology and they've asked for our genes! So, basically u r saying that, those aliens are dumb.








    Why would they not shoot us?? they dont fear loosing their planet, because we dont even know where they come from, and even if some people do, they cant even get there because of speed of those space craft.








    You seriuosly think that when an alien abducts you you're going to have a camera waiting and ready to get them on film? There is also a thing called movies which a lot of people can make now days with a cam corder and a little bit of computer savvy. I'm saying that people who believe that crap are dumb.








    Maybe because they don't come here? Why would they fear loosing there planet? No one has presented any substantial evidence that can not be disproven to show that aliens are real.








    How do you know there space crafts are fast? :-k








    I saw some videos. They showed that the Russian Aircraft(I*think*it*was*one*of*the*fastest) followed it and it just got disappeared(I can say it got disappeared cause they showed it in slow motion.








    second, why would we want their technology if ours is alreaddy faster than theirs.








    Third, if those aircrafts(alien's) were slow then why some of the countries dont just follow them with their aricrafts?? LIke not every single country listens to US.








    and fourth, your belefe of ppl who believe this are stupid is just one opinion, who knows some day a alien comes up to you and starts speaking some alien language to you when you just woke up?? You probably go like "Slow down man!!"


    regardless if its top secret, peole are getting suspicious, its only gonna take a few more sightings or "abductions" to spark people demanding the full story...








    I bet you only 1% of those sightings may be true, the rest are crazy loonies and attention [bleep].








    Edit - 666th post :twisted:








    But, some of those video show that humans asked aliens to sell us their technology and they've asked for our genes! So, basically u r saying that, those aliens are dumb.








    Why would they not shoot us or take over us?? they dont fear loosing their planet, because we dont even know where they come from, and even if some people do, they cant even get there because of speed of those space craft.





    I'm depressed.




    My I.Q. is 145 at 13yrs old.




    1.) That makes no sense




    2.) IQ doesn't change with age, I don't know where people got this idea from




    3.) Guaranteed 90% of the people who think they know there IQ, don't. If you haven't taken an official IQ test (a long timed written exam like the Raven, followed by an oral exam done by a licensed psycologist) then you can't trust any "IQ test" be it one done in school or, LOL, the internet ones. My brother took an official 2 1/2 test and was given "in the middle of the one hundred teens". The next month he took the online one you always see and was given a 139. I then proceeded to go through the thing and click all "C's". I was given a 132.




    I can't remember if I took a real test (I may have, can't recall), but I'd bet mine and most others' here are pretty inaccurate :-$ , especially looking at those figures.








    I got told that your IQ is your mental age compared with your physical age, so it can change, if your saying your IQ stays the same, what happens when someone suffers a serious blow to the head, pretty sure the IQ may drop a few points, if you study and learn more, pretty sure it can go up.




    IQ is mental age divided by physical age. True.




    "if you study and learn more, it can go up". False. You can maybe raise it by 1-5% if you familiarize yourself with the type of questions, but nothing significant. The questions are designed to test the way your mind processes information, not your knowledge. This isn't at all like a standardized test.




















    And your IQ doesn't change significantly over time. Again 5% or so is expected but people don't go from having a 120 at age 13 to having a 150 at age 35. <.<








    It's easy...a big fat B




    Honestly, how can bullies stuff people in trash cans, beat nerds up, and steal and NEVER GET EXPELLED? They're usally a older kid so hes been in that school for a few years, yet never got expelled. Total bull [cabbage]. Fights will occur, but you can avoid one if you dont "talk trash" or getting other people mad. Of course these are fun to watch. :P
    You've been watching WAY too much TV




    What is that suppose to mean?








    Becuase none of that happens.









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