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Posts posted by lotuslord212


    Honestly, how can bullies stuff people in trash cans, beat nerds up, and steal and NEVER GET EXPELLED? They're usally a older kid so hes been in that school for a few years, yet never got expelled. Total bull [cabbage]. Fights will occur, but you can avoid one if you dont "talk trash" or getting other people mad. Of course these are fun to watch. :P
    You've been watching WAY too much TV




    What is that suppose to mean?




    If its on the internet it must be true \'








    Omg i know. High five~!!!
















    Anyways: to the person said that they could shoot you on site, i am pretty sure that is illegal. . .








    And I'm pretty sure it's illegal to get that close. I don't think they would shoot on sight unless you actualy *tried* to get in (or refused to leave) however.








    Shooting there is legal, but this shot must be taken by security guard working in there. They inspect you, like not only cameras, if you go closer to the fences around; you might see a car coming and stopping. :ohnoes:



    And after you were so certain you were correct - you're just going to walk away without proving me wrong?
















    Ok then :uhh:








    like I care to prove bunch of idiots like YOU>>??








    Plus, who are you to me; like I care that I should PROVE??? :lol: :evil:








    Just because I hate u I though I should shut up. :notalk: :notalk: :notalk:








    I don't who you are, but those are the smartest 4 words you have ever posted.








    yes they are smartest cause i dont argue.

  4. Some people will try to convince you that aliens are there. Just point and laugh at them and walk away.








    Yes its a top secret military base




    Yes they test new advanced technology




    No they arnt reverse engineering ufos








    HOw can someone fake the letter from Air force??








    Check on wikipedia, you'll see....








    Plus, the high way is extraterrestrial highway (wrong spelling?)


    Anydo you guys all had to fill the courses sheet?




    It is taking up space in my brain! :(








    Seriously, do you speak English? You must live in an English country if you use the term 'high school'. If you weren't English, I could understand, but you mix up past and present verbs, and all sorts of stuff, it makes it really hard to understand you.








    i'm new....thats why I am asking about this High School.








    And just for your information, High School word is world famous.

  6. And after you were so certain you were correct - you're just going to walk away without proving me wrong?
















    Ok then :uhh:








    like I care to prove bunch of idiots like YOU>>??








    Plus, who are you to me; like I care that I should PROVE??? :lol: :evil:








    Just because I hate u I though I should shut up. :notalk: :notalk: :notalk:

    • I love myself.
      I hate you!
      I can not stand blood. ( I might faint.)
      I go out everyday with my friends.
      I work for $15955852158574525335845654524/whole life time!
      I hate High Schools.
      I am scared to go to High School.
      I love girls. (speciallly hot once)(and they me :wink: )
      I love Cricket.
      I love Hockey.
      I type for 60words/min.

  7. Good idea in theory, I suppose. But it would be unfeasible to have player mods approve every book in the game... maybe have the censor apply and player mods can 'destroy' copies of inappropriate books, perhaps? Maybe leaving a note in the book's place in your bank or inventory?








    Maybe you could add a new 'Author' NPC who could introduce you to books and tell you how to make one? As an idea, you could need a sheet of papyrus per pages of the book (each page 600 chars, maybe?) , leather (to make the cover) and glue to bind the finished product. Maybe make the leather dyeable to make it look nicer?








    You'd also need quills (Already in the game, tbh-that Firebird quill from The Golem) and Ink (In game as well-same quest) to write with. Also need another vial of ink for each page written?








    You could also have a new room in your house that you used to write books. Not sure what it could be called, but it could have a writing desk, where you sit to write (wonder why? =P), bookshelves, papyrus drawers (random idea, probably for more convenient papyrus-of course, you'd need to get the amount of papyrus you want to store yourself) and ink drawers (see previous).








    With all the use of papyrus, you'd probably need to be able to make it-shops would run out pretty quickly. New farming plant-the reed, only growable in new patches?








    I dunno, I'm just churning out ideas for your suggestion as they come.








    But yes, the idea's one that I've had for a while myself, and just not bothered to type it up. No need now, though, seeing as you've already done it. Just needs fleshing out though.








    If you check my posts in this thread before, you will notice that I have alreaddy said that. Most people said they want to have the way my main post says.












    I am :anxious: to know about any more ideas......


    Oh my dear friend,








    they do not count the points way u thinking of.....

    How am I thinking?








    you might want to check ICC website and then post it again!!
    I know how the point system works. Difference in points effects how many you get for a win, and how many are taken for a loss.








    It's fairly simple to "break away" when you play teams with performance standards under what you normaly play (ie: Australia and South Africa).








    Sure the bottom 3 are almost 60 points behind Englnand, but that doesn't mean they still don't make for cheap points at point stage for most of the "middle order". Which is my point.













  9. I'm not a fan of the ODI ladder since teams like India, Sri Lanka and South Africa play teams like Kenya, Zimbabew and Bangladesh enough times to get their points up there. Call my synical; but when the only teams you play are generally crap - logically you'll have higher points than those who don't.








    Oh my dear friend,








    they do not count the points way u thinking of.....








    you might want to check ICC website and then post it again!! :wall:


    I'm not a fan of the ODI ladder since teams like India, Sri Lanka and South Africa play teams like Kenya, Zimbabew and Bangladesh enough times to get their points up there. Call my synical; but when the only teams you play are generally crap - logically you'll have higher points than those who don't.








    They still can't even catch up to us. :D :notalk:








    Heloo why u framing India??








    For Australia, every country is sucky!! So you mean they do it toget their point up right??








    plus, India, Srilanka and South Africa; specially SA and INd can beat Australia.








    So dont even talk.....and be rasis for those ppl.....












    (excuse my spelling please?)

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