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  1. That is doubtful. The RIAA are not a technical consortium, far from it, in fact this is the group who base their cases on the misinformation that an IP = a person and drops them when the defendant points out that that is not true. That is not to say that any IP-hiding things are going to work; just that the RIAA are not all-powerful network gurus. If they were as intelligent as you make them out to be then they'd be suing people and not leaving a way for them to easily get out of it as they are doing now - they have just been successful so far because the defendants are generally computer-illiterate. Or dead. Fair enough mate. I see where you are coming from there. I wasn't trying to make out that they have limitless resources. My point I spose is that little smart arses shouldn't think that they know better and are safe behind IP hiders.
  2. "Our Doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt." Billy S. "Nothing in this life worth having comes easy." Bob Kelso (Scrubs)
  3. Ahh you're obviously one of those ignorant American types. Down here in Australia an average CD will set you back around $25-30. I tend to be pretty indifferent about the whole downloading thing. I mean yeah the artists are getting cheated. But essentially if they wanted something done about it, it really should be them taking the civil action. After all it is a civil wrong against the artist and not the RIAA. Having said that, I can see that artists want a larger stronger organisation, similar to a workers union to fight for them. The RIAA must be fully aware that they have no hope of eliminating piracy. This is evident by who they choose to take action against. In picking on those who are young or are incapable of posing an adequate defence, they are attempting to scare other users in quitting. They are trying to limit the impact of an inevitable practice. For those who say 'I can't get sued as it isn't against the law. Now watch me be a little [cabbage] and download in spite.' Watch yourselves. You might not have the RIAA in your country, and therefore they don't have the power to do much about it, but there is bound to be a similar sort of organisation where you are. The most frustrating part of this opinion in my eyes is that those who hold it have no comprehension of what civil action is. You don't have to have committed a crime to be sued. It is a wrong against another person or party that has caused damage. The burden of proof (at least over here) is on the balance of probabilities, not beyond reasonable doubt. They are two completely different systems. Finally I have something to say to the 14 year olds who think they have seen it all in this life. 'Hehehehehe I have hide IP platinum, they won't find me in Afghanistan!!! I iz uber 1337zorz!' Sit down, shut up and stop downloading. You are a fool. Let me put your idea here into perspective. I am in senior year and I am in the top 5 people in my physics class. Does that mean I am going to go and tell Stephen Hawking he is wrong and I am right about physics? No, hell no, I am not a tool. So now think about you and your IP hider. The RIAA who obviously know a thing or two about tech and have a fair few resources, are more than likely going to have someone smarter than the bloke who wrote that program. And I dare say that the guy working for the RIAA knows what your real IP is. Oh and if you are going to post here. Perhaps you could use a bit of punctuation, sentence structure and punctuation. You have something to say, make sure we can understand what it is.
  4. Not that this has much to do with anything but that post on the RS website had Alabtross as an unfavourable creature (It's a bird). But an Albatross is meant to be a ships good luck. A charm if you will.
  5. I play WWE Raw 2. Its fun as anything.
  6. here is a movie done is rs. I suggest you listen to the lyrics as they make the whole thing make sense. WARNING: CONTAINS COARSE LANGUAGE. http://rapidshare.de/files/5503287/movie.wmv.html Ohh and it is a windows media file.
  7. Here in rural australia everyone knows how to drive by the age of like 5 so i really dont know how you could confuse the pedals :S. RIP to the mum.... poor girl.
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