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Status Updates posted by Barihawk

  1. My point was that bots have always been a problem with free trade. They were the entire reason Free Trade and the Wilderness was removed. We the players demanded those features back, our new overlords allowed it, and now we have to deal with the consequences. Goldsellers and bots are in every mmo, we just have to report them and move on.

  2. Hey Laikrob! I am back ingame (and recovered my account from a hacker) and am glad things are busier for you irl :).

  3. Also, happy birthday.

  4. Hey Chey, get better soon!

  5. Howdy Laikneeb! I decided to get back into the game so adjust your sleep scheduling accordingly! :D

  6. is back at Runescape, baby! Hit me up ingame. Private messaging is on!

  7. Glad to hear it! The body is a strong defense if you can keep it strong!

  8. Wait, you mean the bikini pictures are incoming?! :o

  9. Thanks, love. I really miss your accent and pestering you.

  10. I prefer the blonde as well but you alsways look great :D

  11. Chey rocks my socks.

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