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Posts posted by bmagic

  1. hmm... veery interesting... theres a faimous painiting "the black squer" now theres a white one too




    id give u 100/10 if it would be hand painted with oil(?) paint... and no line work 8)








    current -100/10








    (bleh crappy english)




    yeh i heard of that black painting




    it was all black but there was a red dot in it somewhere




    some famous guy painted it and called it modern art




    he sold it for 3million dollars








    and with the sig




    nice border




    size and color


    i dont get it




    so the contest is over?




    and what do u mean by making it more like one part????








    No, the contest is not over. The contest takes till the 5th of september. Herra made a joke :)








    What i meant with one part is that this one looks like 5 random picked images from the internet and you pasted them on a background. Instead of making it one big part you made a couple of parts on a background. I want it to look good instead of copy pasted. I do pay 900 k minimum you know.








    I didn't paste anything except from the flowers




    i made the film strips camera and animation




    and the first submitted sig had pasted pictures anyway




    and it wasnt one part one her sig anyway




    there was a building trees and everything








    i guess u like the more simple sigs




    i mean




    godspeed sig only has 3 circles and a film that has a layer effect on the background




    oh well




    i try another one

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