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Posts posted by bmagic


    Are you just using a template for all your guys? I mean a template you made , but just without the details. And then you edit to what they want?








    I'm just curious.








    It looks like it to me :shock: if so, than those sigs wouldn't take that long to do, maybe about an hour depending on dificulty :P








    Ah well, they look preaty good, just all the same :shock:




    yeah i noticed that




    u can at least move him to the other side or something


    it is not stolen art. visual paradox is a site that allows you to use their images. and it gives it's own credit with their site url on the image.








    'Please remember the images are for personal use only. Commercial and website use require a $30 USD license fee.




    Wallpaper sites may obtain permission to link to these wallpaper pages, but not directly to any images. '








    Note 'personal use'








    You are selling a piece of their artwork, which would put it under the commercial and website use, where permission to use is required.




    yeah even if u could of use it




    why would anyone buy that for 10mill




    anyone can put their on text onto it anyway

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