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Everything posted by Residua

  1. I'm currently level 61, I've been told the best way to level is to reset my progress and re-do floors 18-24 and repeat this action. Could anyone be able to tell me if this is the best way, or if I've been given some wrong advice?
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if it was me logging in and out, thanks for the reply.
  3. Could someone explain why my Palm trees are taking 32+ hours to grow? One successfully grew but the other 4 are refusing to, Just curious as all.
  4. I'm planning on collecting the hides for Crafting, as well as bones for money. How busy does it normally get in there? I'm not the right level yet, but would appreciate any advice.
  5. I've just got this task but I'm not sure what a good set up for me and perhaps an insight to a decent inventory for them? Thanks in advance!
  6. Thanks for your time, much appriciated.
  7. I have another player in order to get through the gates, but what do I do to actually prgress through the barriers?
  8. Thanks for the help, both of you.
  9. It's been a while since I've played and slayed. What ratio would I be looking at for Prayer Potions:Food?
  10. Okay, thanks for the help! :D
  11. Okay, thanks, what should I pray?
  12. This is my first task for these guys and I'm very unsure on how to approach them. What would be the best way to kill them? (Attack style and equipment) Thanks.
  13. I would be able to take you. :D I got this from KBD: WOOP@@@@@@@@@@@
  14. I was wondering what would be better for training my Attack, Strength and Defence with. Would a GS be better in all the categories than a whip? Strength is obviously going to be the GS. Thanks for your help and replies.
  15. Bought my first godsword (L). Off to barrows, a Dh Helm would be nice!
  16. Did some KBD hunting today with a friend, nothing special. I'm debating whether to buy a BGS, not sure if I should though, I have 26m but I'd also like to go to bandos but I'm a noob there and only been once and need to be shown the ropes.
  17. Well, well, well. I should really start writing in this thing. Had a productive week. Trained some Dungeoneering, then went monster hunting with my friend, taking breaks from slayer. I got 87 Def, and just got 88 HP. Also, gaining 4m or so from barrows, with back to back drops with an ahrim hood and verac helm. Now training my combat to 90!
  18. Don't do that, what a waste of time. I would pick the rounded character, it will be easy getting back money, he has decent stats to do so.
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