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Everything posted by Residua

  1. I did a lot better then I was hoping: 2 B's 6 A's 2 A*'s Very pleased with my results, what about everyone else?
  2. Yeah, it was compulsory for me. It's not too bad, just take the necessary notes and you'll be fine. Just hope that you have a good teacher.
  3. Yeah, I think he said he can get it to 9.4, that would be amazing.
  4. Um I think you might not have been watching football man. Idk what you mean by it takes them 15 minutes to line up in the middle of the field, that never happens, they never line up in the middle of the field for any reason. They don't run at each other, they try and get by each other, not to mention there is a such thing as a "pass" play, where they don't run the ball, they throw it to a "wide reciever". There is no five minute break, the "No-huddle offense" is very popular these days where as soon as the ball is spotted the team hikes the ball immediatly to catch the defense off-guard. Their are no 15 minute breaks, there is a half-time, but I think almost every sport has a half-time. Like I said though man, I don't think it was football you were watching. I understand where Yoda is coming from. Want a real game "Football"? Watch Rugby.
  5. Wow, good luck, a huge goal. I wouldn't be able to do it and in all honesty, I think you'll get bored, especially at a low level. All the best though.
  6. Very nice. How are you on your own friends list?
  7. In all honesty, if you aren't able to cruise the Championship, you're in trouble. That was one of the biggest upsets I've come across for me in last years season. I'm not surprised about Middlseborough, as their manager is rubbish. However, the demotion of Newcastle shocked me, they have been a good side and usually are steady and are secure at mid table position. It was a sad time. :(
  8. 382. HA, got it right. :)
  9. 380. lololololol, 340? i iz bl1nd.
  10. I don't believe he will. He has said that the Transfer Market is too inflated and that players are over priced. Ferguson, being the great manager he is (I don't support Manchester), plans for seasons years ahead. So the team we will see come August/September will be a team that he has planned. Don't take Ronaldo into account ;). Look at all the young players he has bought over the last few years. He is always thinking about the future. Even though I would like to see big "Stars" coming to Manchester, I don't think anything will happen by the end. I'm still against Owen playing at all next season.
  11. I want to know a good way to 70 smith, doesn't have to be cheap but I don't want to make a HUGE loss. Thanks in advance.
  12. Just make sure you use supercompost, seriously, the amount of people who say that they don't use it astounds me. >.
  13. Farming ranarrs you will tend to double the money per seed you buy. Snapdragons bring in roughly the same profit. It's down the preference, Snapdragons will give you more exp.
  14. Look at this: http://itemdb-rs.runescape.com/viewitem.ws?obj=5321 I know for a fact that a Merchant clan are raising the price.
  15. Orly? I'm on at the moment, any reason why or is it unknown?
  16. What?!?!?! It was first posted in General discussion and he had it moved, after that he edited his post and said it was moved here, with 0 active members. Anyway, The colours clash, it just looks wrong. Check up a few tutorials, they will help.
  17. That was to the point, thank you very much.
  18. Can someone explain to me how it works and how to do it, I never really got informed about it. Thanks.
  19. Can anyone post a picture of the updated Dragon Plate?
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