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  1. Alright, You do put up a good point Ryan, because to make something like this work, you do have to find something special that none of the other millions of places like it have. Yes, i could say that this is a place where people of many different styles ranging from pixel to photoshop art to photoshop abstract/grunge signatures can all be a part of, however, there are probably a few places that allow many kinds. I could say that it isn't just good sigmakers or even sigmakers at all allowed on here, however there are other places like that. But what i can say is, a place cannot grow into something special without the first few people who join and beleive in it, or, the loyal core you might say. If you want me to back this up with examples from history and the like, i will pm you with it, but right now i'm saving my precious time. So, right now i'm getting those first few people, who will help the place grow, and eventually become large(trust me i'll probably get a domain when its grown enough for it to be worth putting on my limited monthly budget that comes with leaving the house and being in college.), and i can understand that many people would not like to come at first, because those are the people who just feel "why not go somewhere else?" which is perfectly valid right now, but, what i meant in my retaliation against him, though it was a reality check, and i should have said it this way was, that if he felt the need to be negative and didn't want to come, then why post? I'll leave it at that for now because i have to go. :/
  2. Improve the face quite a bit and the shading in the sig just a little and i think you could get very good. Other than that its a great sig.
  3. colors clash too much, brushing isn't that great :( 5/10.
  4. It doesn't matter if your style isn't to everyone's tastes, your welcome to open up shop and bring any other sigmakers, etc, that you'd like, however not everyone gets a subforum unless they do something useful for the site, the people on the site feel they deserve it, or one of the 3 admins feels they deserve it. :)
  5. Lmfao i haven't created a real forum and put effort in? Yes there aren't a ton of categories and such yet, but one can only think of so many things at once when he has things going on in his life, maybe you should give suggestions instead of trying to insult me? Oh and wait, so you want me to have my own domain? Sure, you have the cash then right?
  6. Recently, me and 2 friends decided to start a graphics site, so today, i decided to make it. The current banner is temporary, i'll be making a better one tommorow, and currently were trying to get more designers, people wanting to learn more about sigmaking/other forms of graphic designing, people willing to teach these things, and also people who just want to buy sigs. Here is the link, guests can see the boards, however, they can't post, so i strongly suggest that you register, you do not have to use your rsn or anything near it, and of course, DO NOT use your rs password. http://s14.invisionfree.com/Perpetual_Designs/index.php?act=idx
  7. Thats just....a cropped image with a render behind it, sorry but, nyah, brushing is much better in the long run, which is why you start asap. Too bad tip its sig size is rather small >.< i'll have to go make something other than my start 500x125
  8. DS over Gladz and BK? Thats definitely wrong, though i'm not sure about TD(even though they used to come back...all the time) and bk is DEFINITELY above RSD, you haven't seen RSD having war declarations and such, i'm reserving my top 10 list until after the bk vs. Gladz, to be fair on ranking.
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