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Posts posted by Ctth

  1. [hide=Pictures/Maps By Other People, Cited At Bottom]






    Oldschool interface






    Original map






    (Holiday Items were randomly dropped across the world on the ground)












    Back when Paul actually played






    The chaos of oldschool bank












    [hide=Pictures by Ctth]










    (obviously edited, but shows you what axes and such looked like)




    Taken from my ollllld site.






    There ya go! Some old interfaces, maps, originals, etc.

  2. Big deal, merch.




    Anyways, awesome guide! I especially love the detail and information you put into this; it shows you were interested in this subject. Good, though fairly common nowadays, spots. The pics weren't excessive; they were all useful (which opposes most guides nowadays--they're either jammed with useless pics or devoid of any pics). Good ideas and training for f2p. I wish I was still f2p so people would be impressed with those levels, but then I went p2p.




    Enough about me, this is about your guide! Congrats on a good guide. This is a sort of a bump, but it's sincere nonetheless

  3. i personally did not like the guide.


    the lack of english skills made it deathly to even attempt reading.




    i had to stop reading after about 20 lines.


    my eyes were hurting , seriosly...do not make guides if you do not know the english language.








    Haha is this not ironic or what?




    The guide, as everyone has stated, could use more editing and experience on your part. Obviously, though, you explicitly stated that you are not above level 70 and only have suggestions for now. Once you get past those levels, some detailed descriptions of where, how to get there, how many, etc. is always appreciated. Plus, a more direct method than changing what you hunt tends to be more efficient when going for level 99, which I am assuming most people are using the guide for. Good guide for your level and your information, but you should have waited. Good pictures as well...

  4. [hide]






    umm... am i the only person who doesn't get this?


    Nop ur not




    Count me in.




    aaaand me...




    Same, so what, a lv 126 with full rune and defense cape... who the hell cares?




    @the person who posted the image: From your avatar, I assume you aren't 13 or older?




    Actually. Looking at the picture, Looks like the 126 is in f2p.


    (Because of the boots and armor thats being worn)




    So its problably a rare occurance to see something like this in f2p.


    Thats problably why he posted it.




    look at the name, parappa the rappa was a cult classic ps1 rhythm and music game.





    Maybe the person who posted that picture is just a moron who's going crazy over a level 126? :uhh:




    It's moronic to be impressed by a major achievement?

  5. Nice, dat's a lo-[garden tool]-[garden tool]-hong time ago!




    Haha, I like you. You seem cheery; I guess that's what happens when you're an events mod. Thanks either way!




    If I were you I'd block out your ip address.




    Whether I need to, thanks for the advice, and I did it just for sanctity. Thanks, though that was quite blunt =/

  6. Okay, really, I'm not into the whole rating stuff, but I just thought it'd be funny to show people how long it has been since I've changed my character's recovery questions:










    I don't really expect a rate as in numbers, but let me know what you think. For the record, I have no idea what my questions or answers are anymore haha.

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