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Posts posted by Jock66600

  1. Am I right? A hint? Thanks for your always quick repsonses.








    Um, never noticed this page. What else might Tip.It have under the skin? O well, thank you for that little bit of information. Your funny. And smart.








    O my turn to answer, it died because you never gave or provided much hints. Only dead ends. Thanks for choking our fun and taking the breath out of all of us when you crushed our hopeless dreams.

  2. To Hugh_Mannity








    Well, I will take a big guess when you say who the 2 founders of Tip.It are. It must be one of them. Look... Tip.It was started when the Editor started playing.








    Let me say this I know for a fact that there are 2 founders which I do not know the names too since an admin will not say since she said they are very busy people.








    So when you give the names I will give an answer, those 2.








    To Kiara_Kat:








    When did you start playing? Have you seen the Editor? Care to describe his face and criminal records if it is clean or not? Is he a drug addict?








    Tons of questions I doubt you'll answer.








    I would like to see if you can provide a hint such as towards whether if it is true if it is the founders?

  3. Due to the fact there are numerous glitches and bugs I say this is not worth it just yet. I have only gotten 20,000 exp an hour due to these bugs.








    My guy stops mid stream, not sure why.








    Elementals get stuck.








    Elementals out of sync.








    Nice try Jagex..








    P.S. Due to people getting teleported is another reason why they get out of sync.

  4. I like the new one.








    Barrows for second








    Pest Control for third place.








    I don't like castlewars since its full of rubbish levels who are sometimes level 16. Sorry but if I wanted to beat on punching bags I would do that in the Duel Arena. Boring..








    I say that yes, mini games die down very hard. Temple Trekking, BA. Pyramind Plunder, Barrows, and Pest control remain alive due to the great rewards. The others just don't fit the RuneScape community I suppose.


    A lot of people are complaining about losing their dragon head... As long as you're not afking, you'll be fine...




    Quite right.








    And if I'm not mistaken, the head will only fall off when you start on a tree. It will not happen mid-tree. Just like a Treant/Ent will appear when you start on a tree, not while you're in the midst of cutting.








    But a random on a tree such as that dreadful Treant appears not only by you but by other clicking the tree. If you happen to have a tree planted then you are fine but watch out.








    I got a Dragon Axe. I do not notice a difference much but this clearly shows I'll save at least 8 hours. I am chopping 20,000 yews for fletching and plan on planting my own yew. For all those saying they will lose money, you won't. You can easily merchant or resell the axe to get the money back. Just think, 3,000 mages will pay off the axe so no worries.








    I recommend anyone going for 99 to get it. It will save you hours and hours of woodcutting. Maybe you might save a week's worth of time.

  6. Burn it. Every item you drop or destroy can be acquired again if it is needed for a quest. Jagex won't let something like that happen, trust me. If Jagex didn't allow keys or quest items to be obtained again then why do they make quests? Just some logic.

  7. They aim for free glories and make a quick 65,000 gp. I only bring house teles, 5 of them at most. Only if I can see the look on their face.








    Is it sad? Yes. Is it worth it? Only they can answer that.








    I agree its sad to waste 10,000gp of runes on someone for 5 house teleports but its their choice, I respect that. Even if it is cheap. :wink:

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