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Posts posted by Jock66600

  1. Ninja Scroll








    I seen that, its one of those movies that is not suitable for the little kiddies. Anyways I like Ergo Proxy. Dragon Ball is a classic, grew up with it. Not sure if this is anime but Final Fantasy 7 is nice. I can list tons but for now, I'll stick with those for a bit.

  2. Wow..A combat requirement is very sad. Jagex for one will never do that because too many people will complain. Getting a Quest Cape at 75 combat is amazing and decent for the levels above. I got mine at 81 and currently pushing 89 combat and I would hate to wait a month to get the requirements only to have 5 more quests. A combat requirement would kill the cape.

  3. Wow? Stop thinking about the wilderness for once and think about it. It is a great new item and cheap to use for other things. Slayer tasks, barrows, Pest Control, Castle Wars, ect. It is a great item and I like it. I always wore nothing on my head but now I'm loving this new helm. Please stop complaining and make 1 sentence rants.








    A little more thought on this matter would improve the discussion a lot.

  4. Wow... So now I must respond to annoying people or I might get reported! Wonderful and great news! You think you might be smart for reporting but those could be decent people. I don't have to respond. I keep my private chat to friends. Back off.








    I agree on some points such as yes, there are autors! Get used to it.








    I hate to have my chat on due to people like you annoying me and asking questions. I guess I can't relax due to people like you. How fun is that? Get a pure up to 76 fishing only to get auto banned for suspected macroring! Get evidence before presenting it to the jury, mister.

  5. I don't wear clothes.








    I have to disagree with this since most stores have a rule where you must have shoes or a shirt on. The police would arrest you if you had no clothes on. Disturbing the peace and other stupid charges like that. Other then that you must stay indoors 24/7, naked, and in front of your computer. Either I find that disturbing or thats just me.








    What's the big deal of being naked and girl? Girls are not icons, that is just me. I find it natural but not everybody thinks like that. So if I was to stroll down the street I would be torn apart by a mob saying my glorious figure is horrid to little children.








    Back on topic, no way. I don't care what shirt I wear but I would dishonor my family by advertising a Fan Site of a game. At school, its fine. I wear a sweater to school since I'm ashamed of all my somethings. Rather not say. Lets just say there was once a ribbon on my wrist that said "Do not open before Christmas." So anyways, no. The answer will always and forever be no. I rather not advertise sites. Any, for that matter.








    Some might think your a geek yet its a broad term. A popular person would probally not wear one for he does not play RuneScape, they go to the movies, ect. If he introduced RuneScape, he might be called a geek instead.








    T-Shirts will only cause blood. I do not care what people think of me. If I wore only a pink spedo, I would not care what others thought of me. The human mind is easily seduced into thinking he/she must do what others do. This is my last shot at redemption, the body is a implausible thing and others bring it down with items and what not. One thing all people have in common is they are just human.








    If no one wore clothes, that would be the perfect world due to the fact that others would not judge us on material possesions rather the shape of our bodies. But our soceity has many beliefs of what and how things should be.








    A T-Shirt is a T-Shirt. A scar is a scar. A fan site shirt is a whole different story, thats advertising. I wear plain shirts. In fact, I think clothes are over rated. If Tip.It really needed money, they could just ask. Thanks anyways Tip.It.

  6. Well, I'll say it as blunt as I can, I'm going for 99 but the question is how?








    I devised two methods, limestone and oak planks.








    Limestone is free and I will need 600,000 of it.








    Planks, I will need 200,000 of them.








    Problem is, getting the fast planks require 55,000,000. Should I make natures for money or just stick to limestones? Your thoughts?








    To Tripis:








    Your angelic words inspire me so. I shall go head first into the abyss dieing valiently. Thank you for your time.








    I'm not worth a moment of your time.








    Your anger hurts my ears.

  7. Well, I think its true.








    Not at the Ardougne Store but at the Druid's Shop. I remember 3 monthes back it was packed to the brim, now there is barely any left. Let me ask you this, what do you think? A bug? A shortage? Discuss and if locked may I ask why. If you must know, I been to 5 worlds, eash with below 15 vials.








    This is not spam nor help, curious whether the community has noticed or not. Its strange to see a sudden urge to whipe a shop clean of 10,000ish vials. If I remember correctly. My herblore is struggling due to lack of vials, that is all. Not a rant, just want to know what others think.
















    I will post my replys here due to my vengeful hate towards the post count, I rather not repeat myself. Its not a question, its a discussion of your thoughts.








    To Devnull:








    So I have figured this much for such a limited amount of good and qualified posts that I'm just another herblorist who is apparently late.








    Jock, something like this sounds to me like there are not enough "glass crafters" out there... I suggest you make some vials and/or enable your ability to make them and get your crafting level up a bit. :wink:








    ~Mr. Devnull








    I see.. Look at my crafting level, I can make them. But they are bloody hard to make, sand is easy to get yet seaweed is a problem. Just confuses me to think such a high number drained.








    To Watch:








    Two words: "Vial merchants".








    Aha, smartest thing I heard all day. Ironic to think they would choke the stores for mechanting but it is possible.

  8. More of going back in time for all holiday events. My internet blew for 3 months, Oct to Dec. By that time, I forgot all about RuneScape. It was a lot nicer back then.








    I rather have a scarf then a santa. One a scarf is untradable. Santa is tradable. It is the value of rarity that matters. Not cost. Who cares if you become rich? Ruins the value of the game if everyone had 300,000,000 gp stocking up. Working for it is better.

  9. Afking or away from the keyboard is illegal in Jagex's eyes. I mean, for all saying you want to expel bodily fluids, you can log out for 40 seconds. For me, I log out even though I got a wee bladder. Takes me a good 5 to 10 seconds to expel, 20 seconds to rinse and lather my hands in good soap. I drink too much water, goes right through my system.








    No need to rush back and forth between bathrooms, for all your solutions. May I suggest a computer in the bathroom? Maybe even a phone, don't even have to get up. Just sitting there all day long... I like to walk around a bit, do a few laps around the house. Sitting all day makes you get cramps so get up. No need to run either. Take your time, log out when needed to.








    Please stop talking about how it should be longer, yes I would agree 10 seconds more should be fine but till Jagex is kind enough not to make it 15 seconds. I like the auto log out because what if you took too many pills and you black out? Someone comes along and sees your still logged it, *yank. There goes all your stuff. So no, its fine as it is.








    So remember! Does it really matter to stay logged it compared to rushing and not washing your hands? I am now personally scared to shake hands with anyone unless I smell soap. Or even getting that tasty chocolate bar? No need to exert energy and run for it. Walk, you would probably strain your calf muscles anyways.








    Thank you for reading, please take the time to log out and wash carefully. It reduces the risk of getting sick too.

  10. Gosh, choices.. I have to say fishing, long time ago. Only annoying draw back was cooking the fish. That was the most annoying thing about that skill. Other then that, I miss back then. Don't think there was an update archive, was only a wee lad. Very wee, hard to remember things. When I came back in 2006, all these new skills. So yep, fishing was the first one that came out when I started. Good times. Don't even think members existed at all.

  11. This is my method, fastest method I have used so far. I would plant my herblore seeds, avantoes and ranarrs at My Arm's Patch. And then kill chaos druids in the time I need to wait. Return back, repeat. I got nearl 65 ranarrs and 73 avantoes, all from this method. I had around 8 ranarr seeds, 9 avantoes. Got 20 irit seeds now.








    Getting the seconds is a hassle, but it saves me money.








    I always do the 6 potions for 1 seed deal.

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