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Posts posted by raylifes


    Oh...yea..... #-o


    I was always curious about that. Where did it come from? That the dragonkin made dragons? I mean, is it from a quest, or something? If its just an assumption, i won't believe it. The dragonkin aren't gods, that can 'make' other races. I always thot of the kin like a 'big brother' or something.


    No idea about it though.




    It's been a while since I've played, but if I remember correctly you can find this information during Icthlarin's Little Helper.




    Oh and people, please don't flame. Since this is an interesting topic it would be a shame for it to be locked due to flaming. Oh and, rareghoul1 is right in the flamewar. :-w


    The KBD on the other hand, would have been made somewhere in the creation of the earth, with all other races (back in the 1st age i think).




    Sadly I have no experience with mithril dragons, since I'm not strong enough and my membership just restarted yesterday after 172 days. :P But uh, how is it possible that the KBD was made at the creation of gielinor when dragons altogether were created by the dragonkin? :wall:

  3. I have never written a story before, so I have no idea if my writing will appeal to anyone, but I have decided to give it a try and wrote this story tonight. I know it's small and unfinished, but I am looking for some feedback. Unless some people actually like this story, I won't complete it.




    It is fine to have criticism, but please make it constructive. If you are just going to tell me my story sucks it doesn't really help me. If my choice of words sometimes seems strange, I apologize, I don't like using the 'english isn't my primary language' excuse, but I just feel I still can't use english as freely as I would like.










    Tales of an old wizard










    It was a stormy day. Frightened by the everhowling wind, the children krept closer to each other, sitting on the stone floor looking up at that old man. They all knew him, everyone in the village did, but none knew his name, nor where he came from. He would just come visit a couple of times each year and the villagers of Rimmington grew to like him, for he would always bring great stories with him.




    Rimmington was a small but growing village these days, nothing really happened there and almost no one came to visit this peaceful town. Because of that, people were very friendly to travelers, for they could often share some news from the other parts of the world. People were always excited when a visitor came into town, everyone would know within hours who he or she was and they always rushed in to hear what news there was to be heard.




    The old man had been coming here for as long as people could remember, even the oldest men and women in the village couldn't remember a time when the old man wouldn't visit rimmington with his stories. But they tried not to dwell on that fact too much, for even though it was disturbing, the old man had always been kind and generous. Never had he caused any problems, so people just accepted him as a kind of friendly neighbour.




    It was a late night and everyone was inside their house because of the storm, when suddenly out of nowhere the old man came. He had to knock four times before it could be heard above the sound of the wind and rain, but when the door opened he was welcomed in by a friendly face and escorted to the dinner table. The old man always stayed over at one specific family and although no one really knew why, people accepted it and didn't think about it again.




    Even though the children had already gone to sleep a couple of hours ago they were woken up , for visits by the old man were a joyous occasion and nobody wanted to miss the opportunity to hear his fantastic tales. And so it was that the old man began telling about knights and dragons. About old kingdoms and evil warlocks, witches and castles. He always had a tale about almost anything. Just as he was telling about the proud knights of Falador he stopped in the middle of his sentence, his eyes open wide with shock. As he got up he suddenly seemed very old. He was old, there was no mistaking about it, but now it seemed like he was exhausted beyond even his years, a great weight on his shoulders.




    "What's the matter sir?" Asked one of the children, confused because the old man halted his tale. "I was so sure they wouldn't find me, how can this be?" Replied the old man, looking out the window into the dark night. "I have kept myself hidden for so long now, how can it be that they have found me after all this time." After thinking in silence for a small while he turned around, looked everyone in the eye and started talking, his voice growing in power each second. "I want each and everyone of you to go to the basement and hide. I see bravery in your eyes, but this is not a battle any of you can handle, magic will be the weapon used this night." With that he took some stones out of his backpack, mumbling in himself about his fate finally catching up with him.




    As soon as the children and their parents started walking towards the entrance of the basement, a great red light could be seen in front of them. For a small moment which seemed to last forever, they couldn't hear anything. But then as time seemed to resume its course, a white light enveloped them and they saw a great explosion appear where the beautiful red light had been. They heard the old man pant behind them: "I can't keep this shield up forever. The light of Saradomin may be powerful, but I'm not strong enough to control it for much longer. Hurry, run to the basement and don't stop!" Frozen in fear, the people of Rimmington watched as more explosions followed red light and a great fire spread in front of them. "Run!" the old man yelled as he stepped behind them and pushed the children in the direction of the basement. As the children started running, the parents could do nothing but follow, their faces frozen in fear.




    As soon as the villagers were out of sight, something stirred in the shadows behind the great flames. Someone came walking right through the fire, a black mist surrounding him. ``It is time to repay your debt foolish old man, the great lord is starting to grow impatient. Now if you could please stop resisting the inevitable, I have others matters I have to attend to too.'' With that, he stretched out his hand and while mumbling an incantation a red glow appeared in his hand. As soon as he finished his incantation the red glow shot away, speeding towards the old man. But the old man did not try to dodge it, he walked right towards the attacker and as the glow came nearer, that same white light that protected the villagers surrounded him. The red light exploded, but the old man just walked through the explosion, his robes did not even stir for a moment.




    "I might have gone willingly, had you not involved this village. But I can not let you harm these peaceful people, Asmarrin." The old man replied. While walking towards the Asmarrin, he started mumbling his own incantation and his hands too started glowing, but the light never left his hands. As soon as his incantation was over, white lightning appeared out of nowhere and struck Asmarrin. With just a short scream of agony he fell to the ground, reduced to mere ash. As the old man walked through the flames and saw the shadows of Asmarrin's companions nearing, he sighed. He knew this was going to be a long and terrible night.








    A tall man wearing some sort of crude black armour, wielding in his hand a scarlet sword walked towards the burning building that Asmarrin had attacked. He was accompanied by a rather short elf, wearing green leather with a shortbow and a quiver full of arrows tied to her back. "Hey Ivona, do you think Asmarrin is done already?" "I do hope so, this cursed rain is starting to get on my nerves." The elf replied with an irritated look on her face. "I can't imagine a senile old man putting up much resistance against him. Shall we take a look Irrin?" "Yes, let us see if that old man could do anything but scream." Irrin laughingly replied. As they got nearer to the burning building, a bright white flash momentarily blinded them, followed by a jolt of lighting flying towards them. Irrin yelled: "Watch out!" But it was to no avail. As they both jumped into opposite directions, the jolt changed directions in midair, speeding towards Irrin. Just before he was hit, Irrin closed his eyes, waiting for death to take him. But death never came...




    Irrin could smell the scent of burned flesh and quickly opened his eyes to see what had happened. Before him lay Ivona, a wound burned black on her chest where the lighting had struck. "It is too bad it has to end this way." Ivona panted, struggling to keep her eyes open. Irrin gently grabbed her and lay her down in his arms, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Why did you do this? Why did you have to take that shot?!" He asked, trying to keep a steady voice. "You are wearing metal armor, you know as well as I do that magic hits you at full power. I thought my dragonhide would weaken the blast enough for me to survive, but I was wrong. Not even Asmarrin possesses this kind of magic Irrin, it seems we greatly underestimated our opponent." Although Ivona seemed to weaken by the second, her voice was strengthened by a powerful determination: "Go now, run away and abandon this mission. This is not an enemy you can defeat." "But I can't just leave you here, you will die." Irrin replied, trying to keep the tears away. "I am already dying. Only a fool wouldn't see that. I don't want you to die too Irrin. Run now and keep me in your heart forever. Run!" And with that her eyes closed, her chest no longer moving. Gently Irrin laid her on the ground, sobbing softly. Picking up his sword from the wet ground, he slowly got up, his whole body shaking. looking towards the now collapsed building, he saw that cursed old man aproach. With a loud cry he charged towards his enemy, rage blinding him from Ivona's last wish.








    "It seems they were lovers, or else she wouldn't have jumped in front him" The old man said to himself, a sad look in eyes. "I guess I could give them a final moment to together." As he waited he saw the man in black armour getting up, shaking heavily. "It is time." The old man started walking towards the scene of death, casting a spell of protection on himself. He heard a cry of sorrow and rage pierce the the sounds of the storm and he saw his enemy running towards him. A sudden fear filled his mind as he noticed the weapon in the hands of his enemy. That is no ordinary sword, that's... The old man started throwing balls of light in panick towards his enemy, using no incantations this time. His enemy wasn't even slowed down by the first three balls, but as the fourth hit him he was thrown back, landing hard on the ground. Without hesitating the armoured man got up, once again running towards the old man as if he had never been hit. As the old man regained control of himself he started chanting an incantation, closed his eyes and his voice started growing in strength. Just as his incantation was finished the old man gasped, for he felt a terrible pain spreading through him. As he opened his eyes he saw the armoured man standing before him, his eyes red with hatred. Before even a second had passed he raised his hand and held it in front of his enemies face. "I'm sorry." Light engulfed his hand and shot forward, hitting the armoured man in the face. With the impact his enemy flew back several feet, landing with his back against the wall of a house. As the dying man closed his eyes, his mouth formed a joyful grin. While the old man limped towards him pulling the scarlet sword from his stomach, he could hear the armoured man mutter softly: 'Ivona, we will be together again.' The armoured man stopped breathing. "I wish I could rest and let my injuries heal, but sadly enough I have a long way to go with almost no time left." The old man said to himself as he started walking away to the east, a red stain spreading on his back, the scarlet sword that had pierced him resting in his hand.








    Red light filled the cave as the dragon breathed its deadly fire towards the attacker. The young knight held his shield in front of him to block the fire, but was not wholly succesful. Bits of fire streamed past his shield and burned his arm, leaving black marks. When he tried to charge forward he was once again greated by a sea of fire. He quickly ran away, taking cover behind a large boulder. There must be a way to get through without me being burned like a piece of meat. If only I could distract it with something... Hey! The young knight picked up a small rock and got ready. With all his might he threw the rock to the other side of the cave. He slowly made his way to the dragon, which was looking at the other side. As soon as the dragon turned it's head he leaped forward with a cry, stabbing the dragon's mouth from beneath with his sword. The dragon screamed as it fell forward, its head almost crushing the young knight. "Phew, that was a close call." Said Phyron to himself. "You can come in now Arthur, the dragon is slain!" He yelled towards the entrance of the cave. Within seconds a man came walking into the cave, looking around suspiciously as if something could attack him at any moment. "Wow, you really did it. You've slain a great dragon!" Arthur exclaimed, sounding as if he still couldn't believe it. "Remember my friend, this was only a young one. An adult dragon doesn't go down this easily." Phyron said. "Shall we search for some valueables and then get the hell out of here?" "Yes, let's leave as soon as possible. I've heard enough of the wilderness to know at least some of the tales are true, and none of them are nice tales" Arthur replied, a frightened tone in his voice. As they walked further into the cave they saw great piles of golden coins and gems. "Hmmm, it seems we'll have to come back another time, because we can't take this much with us right now." "For this, I'll travel through the wilderness as many times as I have to!" Said Arthur, his eyes transfixed on the golden coins.




    It was already becoming dark when Phyron and Arthur were walking on the road back to their village. Phyron was a strong, young man. He was quite muscular, with exeptionally strong arms and he was very tall compared to everyone else in his village. He had long red hair, almost coming down to his waist.He also had a very gentle face, although he was famous for his fear inspiring look when he became angry. Luckily that was another thing he was famous for. It was said that it was easier to teach a stone to talk then to make Phyron angry. Arthur on the other hand wasn't very big. He was a man of wits, not brawn. He had short brown hair and an expression on his face by which you knew there was more to him then met the eye. They were just discussing what they were going to do with all that gold when Arthur suddenly screamed. Phyron immediately drew his sword and turned towards Arthur. What he saw made him step back, his eyes wide open in shock. A great man stood behind Arthor, his armor as black as the night. Arthur's mouth was open in a silent scream, the end of a sword protruding from his chest. Just as Phyron edged forward to strike the black knight, something hit him on the head from behind. Darkness...




    Phyron awoke in darkness. He could feel he was being moved, but he couldn't see a thing. As he tried feeling around him he realised he was being transported inside a box. After recalling for some minutes what had happened, right when he came to the conclusion that he had been kidnapped he felt the moving stop. Suddenly somebody opened the box and Phyron was blinded by the bright light of the sun. He looked up and was greated by a big face full of scars that seemed none too friendly. "Hello boy." The scarred man said, a wicked grin appearing on his hideous face. "I wasn't allowed to kill you because Master wanted to see you alive, but once he has seen you, it's over." Phyron tried to struggle as he was lifted up, but he found he had no strength left in his arms. These men must have been carying me for a long time, that I am so drained of energy. If I'm to escape, I'll need some energy. "ugh ugh, sir, could I please have some food. Your master didn't say you couldn't give me any food, did he?" "Hmm, you're right, Master never said we couldn't feed you. You stay here and I'll come back with some food. If the guards find you trying to escape, I'll beat you up real bad, got that?!" Growled the scarred man. "Yes sir, thank you sir" Replied Phyron with a voice as weak as he felt. As he waited for the food, he tried to think of some plan to escape, but he could think of no way out. In a little while the scarred man returned, with some of the worst smelling food Phyron had ever come across. But hungry as he was, he ate it all. As soon as he was done the scarred man grabbed him, tied him down with rope and carried Phyron away.




    "Well well... What have we got here. I have finally found you, after all these years of searching. Now you are finally mine!" The man that spoke was a little man, though he had a frightening face. He wore red robes and in his right hand he held a black staff with a beautiful ruby on top. Phyron was confused. Why on Gielinor could men be looking for him, he was just a normal adventurer. "Could you please tell me what wrong I may have done upon you, or for what other reason you might be looking for me?" Phyron asked. "Wrong you have done upon me? It is not you that has done anything wrong, it's that cursed old wizard!" The Master yelled. "A bitter world isn't it, where you must pay for other people their mistakes?" The man walked closer to Phyron, until he was mere inches away. "It is too bad for you, but your time is up, sealholder. Kill him!" Phyron tried to break free, but the ropes were too strong. At that moment, he felt cold metal touch his neck, a sharp pain and it was over. Darkness once again surrounded Phyron.








    The old man walked over a hill and in the distance he saw a stake in the ground. From that stake a man was hanging. The old man knew who it was, but nevertheless he had to be sure. As he got closer he recognized the boy over who he had watched for so many years, Phyron. Tears started pouring down his face, old age very visible upon it. When he finally stopped crying he laughed, a bitter laugh. "I guess I do have time to let my wounds heal. It all starts anew and this part of the world is still safe, for now. Too bad I couldn't bring this wonderful sword to you sooner. Ah well, I'll just have to save it for when you need it. I better find you fast though, or we'll all be in trouble." With that he stood up, walking away towards the taverly, the cycle once again starting.

  4. Again, another "the community's going downhill" thread. It's not going downhill, it's just your perspective. You notice two incidents so to you suddenly it seems like things have drastically changed. But really there have always been scammers, beggers, etc. While it's true there are more now, that's only because there are more people playing. The percentage of players who do that stuff is probably always the same, but with a larger population, it seems like there's more of those kind of people. I could go on and on explaining this, but I've written on it before here if you want to read something longer.




    I agree with you to some extend. I feel the ratio of scammers to normal players has actually gotten better. But I find it harder and harder to find nice players. You are correct in your article about people maturing over time and thus disliking the younger players more and more, but it's not just the immature players I'm talking about. I just find it harder these days to find nice players, to me it seems the amount of nice players has only grown a small bit while the total population has gone up by a huge amount.

  5. I have had the feeling that the forums were getting worse for a long while now. A lot of people say that it started this year, or a year ago, but I feel it has been going on for a far longer time. As I have stated in other topics through time, I was what you call a lurker. I never posted, just read. From time to time I have posted sometimes, but never a lot. I would only post when I had something to contribute and not post stupid things like: I agree.




    For some time I have been wondering why I feel tip.it is not what it used to be. Of course I realise that everything changes with time, but tip.it changed for the worse in my opinion. I could never really put my finger on it why this happened, but I think I know now. I'm not saying this is the same for everyone, it might only be the same for a very small amount of people on tif, but at least it's the way I feel.




    Tif has lost its personal touch. It's like the difference between schools. Some schools (one school I went to was this way) are very personal. You have classes of a max of 15 people, usually a bit lower then 15, and because of that the teachers really know who you are, what problems you may have and how to help you. The other kind is the factory school, where you have a classroom of 30 or more people with a teacher just telling the same standard story he has for years, without really having any idea of who the children are.




    I still can't give the full reason, because I don't know it myself, but this is a large part of the problem. Tif just doesn't feel very personal to me anymore. In the old days (I'm really starting to sound like a bitter old man now :oops: ) I knew almost everyone. Not personally, I knew almost no one on tif, but I could recognize almost everyone. I knew a bit of their story. These days I know only a small portion of the community. You could argue this is because the community is so large, but I do not agree. It's because in my opinion 80% of all posts on tif are junk, simple as that.




    I remember someone's name, avatar or signature if they post something interresting, something worth remembering and I'm sad to say most posts these days aren't. And it isn't just ordinary spam either. Back in the old days you had spam too, of course, but if a post wasn't spam, it usually was worth reading. These days topics are so filled with useless posts, it's not worth reading anymore. If you agree with a topic or post, it's alright to say so, but don't just say: 'I agree.' Tell us why, which points do you agree with and which points do you not agree with, why don't you agree with it.




    I don't really find it interresting to know randomdude5783 agrees that runescape is filled with noobs. If he feels so, I would like to know why. This way we can really discuss things. There's another problem: Discussions don't really exist anymore. Once in a while, some good discussion comes along and it's really worth reading through, but in a little while it disappears under the huge pile of topics like, 'The "Best-Skill-Cape-Outfit" Contest 2.0 (ALL CAPES WELCOME)', 'What Do U Do While Playing Runescape?', 'the funniest rare a noob tried to sell', 'Best place for reaping HYT's?' (wtf?) and I could go on for some time. I'm a bit (only a small bit) sorry if I offended someone by placing the name of their topic, but this is the way I feel and these topics are good examples.




    If I could, I would post the perfect solution and everything would be okay again, but the sad truth is, there isn't a perfect solution (or at least I can't think of it). It's not just tif that declines with time. There is this dutch runescape clan, named rsr. In my opinion it's a noobish clan, but I am proud to say I have been part of it, because it had a great forum which was a lot of fun to read. I haven't visited it in a very long time, because the same thing happened, it lost its personal touch. Great and kind people left, stopped playing runescape and thus left the clan. There was this guy, Drass. I realise this example doesn't mean much to the people here, because you don't know him, but he was a great leader, a lot of fun to hang around with. There was/(maybe is) this topic where you could only post at night and this was my favourite topic, since I'm a night person. Drass would almost always be online at night and we would have nice conversations on that topic.




    But people leave and with them a part of the community disappears (I don't mean this literally). A good and sad example is Shiva. He was in my opinion a great person, he was so kind to everyone. He replied even the dumbest questions with a kind and serious anwser. When he died, tif lost something valueable that couldn't be replaced. And a lot of the great people who made tif what it is today have left.




    I still enjoy reading the bits on tif that are worth reading and will continue to do so, but with time I feel more and more that tif will never be what it used to be.




    Good day to you all and sorry for the long post. :lol:

  6. Because Zaros controlled eastern runescape.




    I was beginning to wonder if no one knew this. :?


    Zaros controlled that portion of gielinor, so itÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôs kind of obvious thatÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôs where his teleport spells would lead.

  7. As for agility, Brimhaven is your best bet from 35. The reason being is that the Barbarian Course isn't really as efficient as Brimhaven, the Wilderness Course or Ape Atoll when you get the levels of access. You should be doing the course pretty smoothly from level 40 onwards most probably. Remember to return to the middle of the arena after getting your ticket since it's a 5 X 5 grid.




    Good Luck!




    And please remember to avoid the darts, since they lower your agility lvl when you're hit (looks nice if you succeed though :D ).

  8. Anyone have a clue how to change your standard appearance?




    The way your normal clothes look, ect.








    Your Character




    Changing your looks




    You can wear many different clothes, hats, gloves and boots in the game, but there are ways to change even your basic appearance.




    * Skin colour and gender: If you want to change your skin colour or your gender, you will need to visit the Make Over Mage. He is located south-west of Falador. He will charge 3,000 coins to change your appearance.


    * Hair and beard: If you want a new fancy haircut, a nice smooth shave (he can make your beard grow as well!), or a new hair colour, jump by the Hairdresser in his shop in north-west Falador. He will charge 2,000 coins to change your appearance.


    * Clothes: If you want some different clothes, drop by Thessalia in Varrock (her store is in the south-west corner of the market place.) She will charge 500 coins to change your top and another 500 to get your legwear changed. To change your boots visit the Fremennik tailor Yrsa on the west side of Relleka for 500 coins (only members who've completed the Fremennik Trials quest).


  9. An interesting read and I'm sure these stages are correct for a lot of people. I have been through a lot of those stages, but in a totally different order and never the complete description your stages have.




    Stage 1:


    I have ofcourse been through stage 1, but only the first part.


    Skills are just something that he uses, he doesn't necessarily train them. Other players are just other players to him, he does not consider they are real people with real feelings.




    I haven't gone through that part. I have always seen people online as real people and I have always tried to treat them as I would like them to treat me. As for the skilling part, within 2 hours I began my noobie quest to become the best woodcutter... :oops: It didn't really work out, since I stopped around lvl 50, but I did have the ambition to go up in the ranks, so here the order is already starting to change.




    Stage 2:


    I don't know, I guess stage 2 for me was already part of stage 1. In stage 1 I went exploring, somehow found my way to falador and started woodcutting there. The real exploration happened a while later when I started seeking new things to do besides woodcutting and mining.




    Stage 3:


    In this stage, he might make some great friends and use, if not already, the private messaging system.




    This is the only part of stage 3 that happened for me, I never tried scamming and already knew the world (world in general, not just rs) was full of peeps that break the rules. I have never seen the runescape community as a 'complex community' and I don't think I ever will, so that doesn't really apply either.




    Stage 4:


    Like I said, I began my quest to become the best woodcutter on the very first day of playing.




    As the player reaches out to more places he realizes there are guilds and quests- and so many other things to compete with other players.




    It took a while for me to realise there were guilds besides the mining guild, but I became aware of quests very soon. That's how I met my first friends.




    I was just walking around, exploring the land around falador when I found a woman outside a mansion. She asked for help, so I started ernest the chicken. I didn't realise it was a quest untill after I completed it and got that nice 'quest completed' screen in my face. Anyway, I had a hard time getting through that maze in the basement, but I remembered the order of switches and stayed down there for 5 hours helping other people who were having difficulties with the maze. That's how I met some great friends, although all but one have quit rs a long time ago.




    Stage 5:


    The only part of stage 5 that I went through was the finding of tip.it. I never had the urge to let my voice be heard, so I became a lurker and remained a lurker for a couple of years.




    Stage 6:


    The whole maturity thing never happened in my rs career, since I had already gone through this stage before I began playing rs.




    Stage 7:


    Never happened. I wanted to climb in lvls and ranks to brag a bit, to feel superior to others, everyone has that to a certain extend, but I never aspired to become some kind of leader.




    Stage 8 & 9:


    For me these go hand to hand. At a certain point in time stage 8 kicked in, but only the feeling of having done everything. Thanks to tif I feel I am very knowledgeable about runescape, I know a lot about almost anything you can find in rs and so, I started missing the noobie days of exploring, when there were always new things to discover. Then I decided to quit, which turned out to be a long break instead of a permanent farewell.




    The first time this happened it was my intention to quit the game, not coming back, but after a month I started feeling like playing runescape again. I resisted the urge and kept myself busy with others things, but that rs urge was always present. Then after about 6 months I started playing again, kept playing for about 6 months and stage 8 kicked in again. And so, the cycle started to repeat itself.




    I am now in my third long-term break, but I think I'll start playing again in a week or two, since the summer vacation is starting soon. In all my breaks I always kept lurking around tif, but that is happening less and less. Somehow I feel the quality of the topics here has gone done over the years. I think I'll keep playing runescape for a long time, with the regular breaks, but my time spend at tif will become less untill I finally stay away from the forums and just use tip.it for the guides.

  10. Perhaps I'm looking too deeply into this, but maybe Jagex didn't want to directly make range a tad less powerful, and did this instead. I mean, it's not like it affects meleers as much as it does rangers.






    You might indeed be looking into this too deeply, but I think you have a very good point. Safespots don't really make a difference to meleers, but a lot to rangers. Altough it could affect meleers in the fight caves, since it makes monster blocking somewhat harder...




    Since I haven't played Runescape since Januari I can't just go test this update for myself, so I'm wondering, can npc's only walk diagonally, or also attack diagonally?

  11. Why is inflation bad for the economy?


    Why? Because it widens the gap between the rich and the poor, aka the old and the new (yeah i know huge sterotype but mostly true) and might deter new players when a rune scimmy is suddenly 9678k beacuse money is not worth as much.




    And btw, as history has told us, inflation leads to nasty revoltions, in our case ppl leaving and new ppl not coming in because of the huge financial gao between them and the people who have been here forever.




    Now if you actually tried thinking before posting you would notice it's exactly the opposite. :lol:




    Inflation means there keeps going more and more money into the economy. Because of that, money becomes less valueable (extreme example: in the past you could buy a nature rune for 300 gp, now you would pay 1500 gp, thus the money is worth less. ) Some rich guy has 100M gp in his bank. Suddenly inflation kicks in hard. In the past he could buy 333333 nature runes (300 each) for his 100M, but now he can only buy 66666 nature runes (1500 each) for his 100M, so he has become less rich.




    Now if there was deflation, that would be bad for the new players, since the 100M of the extreme example guy is worth more and the newbs will have a harder time getting such an amount of money.




    Sorry, but you just said the same thing he said, as far as what happens when inflation occurs. With inflation, everyone just becomes less rich, because you can get less for the same amount of money.




    All he said was it will be harder for new players to start off, because everything will be more expensive.




    If deflation occurs, (like now, because of macros,) newbs will have it easier because everything is so cheap.




    AKA think before posting =D>




    And I say the same to you, as you seem to completely miss my point.... =D> I didn't really mean the guy was wrong about inflation, just that his idea that it will be more difficult for newbs to catch because of inflation is wrong. I added the whole (maybe unnecessary) explanation about inflation to better explain my view on the matter.




    Since you didn't try and think over what I said, I'll try to explain myself even better. Inflations is good for newbs! To go back to my example of natures and the guy who already has 100M, my whole point is that it is easier for a newb to catch up to a rich player when there is loads of inflation.




    I think it's fairly reasonable to assume the average new player will try to gather great wealth by gathering raw materials. Now then, if he wants to catch up to the rich player and earn 100M, he will have to gather lots of stuff, but I'll just stick to the example of nat crafting.




    Let's set up two times, labeled time B (before) and time A (after). B will be the past time when things were normal and A will be when the prices of all things have changed thanks to inflation. Just like my last example, at B the price for nats is 300 each and at A it's 1500 each. At time B mister newb has to gather 333333 nature runes to get 100M. At time A (prices have gone up due to inflation) mister newb only has to gather 66666 nature runes to get 100M. That's a difference of 266667 nats to gather, so the newb clearly has an easier time catching up to the rich guy when prices have gone up due to inflation.

  12. I have a totally different experience, but there is a good reason for that. I'm not one to engage a conversation with someone out of the blue. Because of this, I don't chat much on Runescape. Because of this, the nice people usually ignore me and the bad people are the only ones who talk to me, which is why I usually just notice bad people.

  13. I'm one lazy guy and I remembered a topic kind of like this from quite a long time ago, so I'm just going to quote myself from that topic. :wink:




    Sometimes I give some stuff away. In the past when newbies asked me to guide them somewhere I would give them a couple of k's when we got there for fun, I mean, it wasn't much but they still liked it and that's what it's about.




    Recently while thieving the fur stall I met some newbie. I dropped all furs and he would pick them up and collect a big amount to sell in varrock.... We chatted a bit and we added each other. I expected him to beg, as all newbies seemingly do, but he just chatted, asked for advice and had fun. He never once asked me for something, he died, but instead of asking me for stuff he just asked for a good method to gain money and get back on his feet.




    A little while ago when I passes white wolf mountain I found a death-pile. Full addy g and some other random things. I waited 15 minutes for the guy to reclaim it, but he never came. I just found the pile, I didn't see him die, so I had no way of giving it back. So I got on my way and stored it in my bank, wondering what I should do with it.




    Some time later I completed contact! and was happy since I had heard some people say it was very hard.. I was so happy I decided that since he was the first newbie on my friendslist who had not begged in any way, I would give the addy to him. So I called him over and told him to follow me when he saw me at the bank, as I didn't want people to see I gave him free stuff, since that would attract the newbies like well, newbies to high lvls... :P




    We had a few laughs about how I was supposed to be a pervert luring him to a quiet spot... And I gave him the addy g, 300k, a rune scimmy and some mith stuff I got from drops, as he couldn't yet use the addy. That just made his day, or week. It's no big amount to me, but as long as he is happy I'm happy.




    I then decided I would try to be a bit kinder to newbies as not all of them are begging little fiends. Usually when I'm busy and someone at falador asks me to bring him to the grand tree I just say sorry and leave. I think from now on I will try a bit harder to be nice to them and just make some time to bring them there.




    In my experience it's things like this give me a sparkle of hope. That by being kind we can kind of spread the wub around. :P

  14. Cabbage shield = :thumbdown:




    You better watch out the next time you are near a cabbage field... Before you know it they will have sneaked up on you from behind and kill you.




    Beware the wrath of the cabbage!




    Ontopic: What do I find unfair about runescape? That hundreds of people whine after every update, no matter what the update was. :-s

  15. First of, I don't do construction, so no bling bling house for me.




    I only wear the strongest things I can use when I use it. When I'm just walking around or skilling I used to wear black/red mystic robes, dragon med, random weapon (usually whip since I don't have a really cool looking weapon) and a Toktz-ket-xil, since I really like the looks of this outfit, not show off my wealth or something like that.




    As for the skill example, I have trained skills that I don't like, but never to show off, more because I feel it's a personal achievement or because I needed it for a quest.




    I, in my oppinion, think that if you do stuff for other people and don't realise that the game isnt about pleasing other people, but that it's about pleasing youself, then you dont belong on ruescape. :notalk:




    But other people don't usually do it to please others. They do it to feel they have accomplished something and to show off.

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