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Posts posted by raylifes

  1. you dont get the point of this rant... just to recap, im ranting about jagex making [developmentally delayed] updates which ruin the wilderness, not about anything else.




    I won't argue about the wilderness, because I haven't pked a lot (In my opinion there hasn't been much honour amonst pkers in a very long time and I don't like that) and I don't consider myself a pker, at least not since rs2 was released, but I don't believe Jagex just hates pkers and encourages people to pk in a untasteful manner. Proof?




    A small change has been made to single-way combat in the Wilderness. Player-vs-player combat now takes precedence over monster fighting, meaning that anyone in battle with a creature can still be attacked by another player. Before, a player could fight another player, run away, enter combat with a creature, and stop the other player from attacking them. All other single-way combat rules still apply, with only one player able to attack you at a time, and only one creature able to attack at any time.




    Unless I'm missing something, this helps honourful pkers doesn't it?




    Besides that there was something else I wanted to address, but it has nothing to do with pking.




    And I care because? I don't play much because I have homework, school, and a life!




    Someone needs a life.. -.-




    Like I stated earlier, I don't want to argue over who is right about pking, but I simply have to react to these sad comments. In real life it is quite hard to make me angry, on the internet even more so, but congratulations, you've done it...




    Who are you to determine if someone has a life or not? Who the hell do you think you are?!




    First of all, He could simply have played only an hour or two every day, that would allow him to get the stats he has today and the knowledge about pking he claims (I'm not saying I doubt you 123Yourgone, but I have no way to know if your claim is true, so I want to keep my comments correct) to possess.




    Secondly, even if he used every part of free time he has had playing Runescape, does that mean he has no life, does that mean your life has more value than his? Why would that be? If he is happy with the way he has spent his time then he has had succesful life, no matter what someone like you thinks about it.





    Why your arguments are stupid-


    You don't use correct grammar


    Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


    You swear for no reason


    You insult others


    You brag


    You assume things.




    Now, no matter what someone thinks, I'm not here to take sides and unfortunately I have to agree with Unoalexi here...




    You (123Yourgone) seem to make it a personal sport to be rude over the internet. I can't decide for you whether you're making a mistake insulting people over the internet or not, but I would like to ask you to try and be more friendly towards others, no matter if you agree or disagree with them.




    Regardless of that, could you try to make your posts a bit easier to read? For example, it would help a lot if you could simply lose the caps... Thanks.

  2. To be fair, I haven't played a lot of oblivion (did it at on a friend's computer, playing oblivion on mine was a disaster :P ), so I can't say with certainty which I find better, but I will say I love morrowind. :D




    What's great about morrowind is two things, freedom and mods. The storyline is nice, but boring after playing once. The graphics aren't exactly great, but hey, if I wanted good graphics I would never have started Runescape...




    The freedom to do just about everything is extremely nice and I really like exploring the island, so that is a plus. Then there are mods, which add a whole new dimension to the game. There's great quests, textures to make morrowind look a bit better, lot's of new races, weapons, armor sets, monsters etc.




    But then there's the bad about Morrowind. The only real thing I dislike is combat. It's SO melee based...which, im a meleer anyways, but Archery is out of the picture completely. As for actual fighting, I hope you can click the left mouse button. A lot. You'll click more times in 5 battles in Morrowind than you do with 5 hours of RuneScape :wall:




    I have to agree that the combat system is severaly limited, which is too bad when you compare it to the rest of the game. But on the archery thing, my bows and I have to disagree... :thumbsup:





  3. I generally spent quite some time on my posts. I don't plan my posts, but I do re-read my posts before submitting and of course correct any mistakes I might have made.




    Usually I just start writing down whatever I think about the subject and after that I start re-arranging stuff so it's understandable. Maybe I spent too much time on my posts, but I prefer posts from people that spent too much time on it over what you generally see on the internet.




    And I don't think I'll comment on the value of internet debates opposed to real-life debates because it takes too much of my time.








    After all, we have all seen that one internet picture about arguing on the itnernet compared to the special olympics


    I haven't. :cry:

  4. What I don't get is why do you use


    instead of





    Advertisement? Or is it just code copied from that site because you don't know how to display images on this forum? :-s

  5. My apologies for getting the threads mixed up.




    But this is still trolling/flamebait with a bogus screenshot.




    I'm very sorry to say this, but my experience on the internet is telling me that qeltar is right...

  6. People seem to forget...If new rares were introduced in the game through this method...for normal players to get them, they would have to pay normal prices for them. All this would really do is take money out of the game, which in fact would increase prices. Even tho there would be more rares, no one would be able to notice that.




    In otherwords, if more rares magically came back into the market, but by being paid for by normal means, it would have no effect.




    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it would have an effect... Since more rares would enter Runescape and more money would leave Runescape, the relative worth of rares would go down while the relative worth of everything else would go up and the monetary worth of items would go down (I don't have any idea what would happen to the monetary worth of rares). Right? :-s

  7. I would love a system like this... It wouldn't remove stupid people, but at least I would be able to read what people want to say instead of having to decypher it.








    And I guess the stupid people nowadays will just have to be intelliablely stupid. If possible.




    Just as a side note, you should refrain yourself from bumping your topic unless it has dropped to the second page or lower.

  8. people are saying it will lower prices - but I think it will increce them. Think about it - there will be the same number of items for sale (as it dosnt speed up production) so there will be no deflaton.




    As well as this - skillers won't be in as much rush to sell. For example - I am abut to mine 10k coal to get my mining lvl up. Previously I would have sold them quick for about 150 - 160ea - so I could then go off and kill some chaos druids to get some herbs.





    What you are failing to take into account are the HUGE stockpiles of items that high level players have sitting in their banks.. items that they don't use but won't sell because right now it is such a pain.




    Just off the top of my head, I have the following items sitting in my bank, unused:




    - Over 5,000 lower-level herbs.


    - Thousands of good seeds that I don't use.


    - Dozens of talismans.


    - 100 spools of fine cloth.


    - About a dozen pairs of rune boots.




    And a lot more.




    If this system is easier to use, you're going to see a lot of "bank sales" on the GE.




    If I had to take a guess, I'd say you are both right, resulting in a lowering of the general price of items for a short while (because of the huge influx of items people have in their bank that they don't want to waste time on by selling it in world 1 or 2) and after that, people will sell items for the general price instead of a bit lower since they don't have to stand in world 1 or 2 for a long time.

  9. There are plenty of good suggestions, but I think most don't count. Now don't kill me over this, I'm just trying to look at it in another way.




    We can savely assume this is going to be big (very big), since Jagex has never hyped an update as much as this one and they said it was going to be 'very, very big'. :P Thinking about that, I feel several of the ideas from this thread are not valid.




    New banking system:


    For a long time while I was still playing Runescape, I've been hoping they would introduce a new banking system, hoping it would be something similar to **UPDATED** New Bank Of Runescape **UPDATED**.




    But think about it, would this be a huge update? In a way, yes, it would, but in another way it wouldn't. To the players of Runescape it would have a big impact, but how much time would the TB@JT really have to invest to make something like this? In my opinion, not a whole lot. So in that sense, it wouldn't be a huge update that they should be very proud of.




    A new continent:


    Now this could potentially be HUGE. But.....


    I don't feel like this is it either. Though it could be very big, it isn't something groundbreaking. In theory (assuming it would just be the release of a new landmass and maybe a couple of quests) there isn't anything special about it except that it's a whole lot of updates cramped together. Now I know it sounds stupid, that such a huge update wouldn't be special, but think about it. It just a whole bunch of updates at the same time. I don't think they would tell us they were proud of that, it is big, but not that special.




    Weather system, sun, moon etc:


    I don't think so. It would be a big update, but it wouldn't impact us that much unless they implemented things like losing hp in a blizzard or something like that.




    And a sun, well... It's a nice idea, but the way the camera works right now, there wouldn't be much of an opportunity to see it. :lol:




    Runescape going 3d, updated avatars or graphics in general:


    The 3d idea..... Are you guys serious? Like someone suggested, try using the arrow keys on your keyboard ingame. :wall:




    Updated avatars or graphics in general. I don't know, it could be, not much else to say.




    Well then... Besides graphics, what do you think it could be?!


    I don't know. :-w Since they have never hyped an update as much as this, besides rs2, it could be anything. If I have to take a guess, I would look in the direction of randomly generated dungeons, quests etc... I know it already exists, but the idea has a lot more potential then simply escorting people out of a swamp...




    But hey, it could be a banking system, it could be a new landmass (either elven or asian), or something we haven't thought of altogether, your guess is as good as mine and that is what makes this thread so much fun. :thumbsup:

  10. post


    I must admit, that was a very deep and enlightening post, which was, as far as I can tell, more or less completely correct. There is a problem I found in it though, a problem of gaps; although you addressed the issue of the meaning of life in regards to oneself, you neglected the fact that our meanings and actions effect others. That is, yes, your meaning for yourself, if one has been found, can not be measured to be greater or lesser than anyone elses, but the social effect it has can.








    I was about to write a gigantic response to continue my point, in which I would reference a certain thread, but now I realize that the thread itself completely expounds on the point I was going to make. Thus, if you wish to know what I was going to say, or just want to read one of the greatest threads this forum has to offer, read a better version of what I was thinking right here.




    Parts of the Thread I'm Alluding to:


    [hide]I live on the lake and it was a beautiful day outside with temps in the 80s. It was the 2nd day of summer vacation and as I sat on my patio in the early afternoon, I was studying for the MCAT in August. I finished a tough chapter and I looked around me. Flying across the water in a nice boat was a guy I knew from high school. He wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t a very smart guy, all though high school he skipped classes to smoke pot, and he dated a different girl each week. He ended up graduating a pathetic 130th out of 150, but he got into a college (the worst university in the state). He was a communications major at college and from what I gather wants to be a salesman for Nabisco like his dad is. His dad earns a respectable $55,000 a year and his wifeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s job brings the net total to over $100,000. Now I watch him fly past me, one arm holds a beer, the other is wrapped around the waist of a perky blonde in a bikini. For a moment I grew jealous, than I felt anger. Everyone has always told me ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åwork hard and in the end you will get your rewardÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  11. I liked this article, but I have to say I don't agree.




    The key phrase in my opinion was this: but in ten years will that matter at all?




    If you sit down and think about it, what does anything matter? I won't go too far into this subject, because I could ramble on about it for hours, but really, does anything matter?




    I don't want to change the topic into the meaning of life, but it is relevant. A lot of people follow a religion and that is what gives their lives meaning, but I'm not religious and I don't believe their is a grand plan behind everything. What I do believe is that the meaning of life is not something universal. It's different for everyone, because they decide the meaning their life has. Some people try to do good deeds, help humanity or something like that. Others just want to have fun.




    I could be working right now, earning money for some new car, but would that be meaningful? No, not to me. I play video games and I enjoy it, I look forward to when I get home and can play some more. Does that mean my life has less meaning then that of someone else? Maybe to that other person, but not to me...




    In the end I believe everyone should spent their time the way they want to, because if you have fun doing something, then you have spent your time well, no matter what other people think about it.

  12. Sadly the answer is yes... As for tips, here's a nice one. :wink:




    ~!~ Zmaster 1's new lure spot Map ~!~


























































    X________X___Mapped By:____________


    XXXXXXXXXX___Bannana Mon2__________






    &&& :: Here you will find a skeleton. Here you will be protected from any spawn except 33






    Spawn (11):: Will get stuck at point 1, and you cannot be harmed as long as you stay behind the wall.




    Spawn (22) and (44):: Will get stuck at poin 24, allowing you to range it safely




    Spawn (33):: This is the problem spot. If you are unlucky enough to get a 180 to spawn here, its time to dance. Basically, you will run to point 24, then to point 1. Quickly run to point 3, then back to your safespot. This should effectivly place the 180 somewhere around the middle (22) spawn (con*.)




    ### :: Run to this corner if a monster range/mages you from too far away to retaliate against. The monster will come closer, and you can range it safely again.

  13. I don't know about affliction, but if you want to know your combat lvl, we would need to know your hp lvl...




    Assuming (I'm guessing this will be wrong, since you have used/want to use pc) you don't pc, but just kill monster for training....




    70 attack + 70 defense + 99 strength = 14509685 exp


    14509685 / 4 = 3627421,25


    3627421,25 * 1.33 = 4824470,2625


    4824470,2625 = lvl 88 hp




    70 att + 70 def + 99 str + 88 hp = combat lvl 94...




    Might have made a mistake along the way, IÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôm a bit tired, so if you want to be sure do the same calculations. :wink:




    If you ever want to calculate your combat lvl, use this calculator provided by tip.it. http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... t_calc.htm

  14. To all of you commenting that you don't like the Letters to the Editor, did you take the time to vote in the poll asking if you wanted Letters to the Editor or not? The Tip.It Times had to be changed, for a variety of reasons, to a monthly format. So we decided to ask the community if they wanted us to publish Letters to the Editor on those weeks no Times was being published. The majority of Times readers that voted wanted us to publish Letters. So there you have it.




    News Announcement about the Times & Letters:












    I didn't vote, because I wasn't even aware of the change to the times. But my voting has nothing to do with it, I just didn't like these letters. Thanks to your post I am now aware of why this change has happened and if I did vote, my vote would go to yes.




    I'm just saying I didn't like these letters. The letters are better then nothing, but I feel they just aren't as good as the articles that used to be posted weekly, that's all...

  15. I just have one additional question Rebdragon... Why do you keep saying 'no one is perfect'?




    I can understand how you would use that phrase to make clear that everyone enjoys a compliment, but why associate not wanting attention to perfection as if seeking attention is one of our faults. I know it's not wise to turn this thread into a discussion on perfection (we've gone off-topic enough already :P ), but I was just wondering why you would see it as something that doesn't or does contribute to making one perfect.

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