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  1. Work in Progress. I'll be adding more things later. :-s
  2. I've edited it, ill upload it later. Its about an hours work so people will be put in and probably an ancient staff
  3. Please Rate / Hate 1/10 And how i can improve
  4. Preditor


    Forum lag made me post twice #-o
  5. It's the pixels around them, not the amount of money, its really pixely compared to the others.
  6. Very nice i would give it a.......8 out of a possible 10
  7. The only one you can really tell is a fake is the money.
  8. Added some background, has anyone got a cool font, all mine ar rubbish. I want it saying bored of walking? :P
  9. The swatica isn't just used for the, nazi's, it is also you in hinduism? On there festival "Divali" The sign dates back centuries before the nazi's used it, so it's not racist Plus just becasue your jewish doesnt mean you can be offended, muslims, catholics any religion really; died in that war. :notalk:
  10. It has no meaning, random question where are they marching to?
  11. Ok aliasing will take me ages question for post above ^ levitating head?
  12. Try refreshing the page, or close than try again in 10 minutes
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