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  1. At the end of a quest I got a certifcate to take to the king. Went to the king of varrock but he says it doesn't have my name on it so won't give me the award. Cannot find the king of Falador. hmmm? I have a hard time finding previous posts with the search function so I apologize if my questions have been posted before.
  2. From time to time our little square runescape playing area goes white and we lose our session and have to log in again. Why is that? There is a delay when it loses connection so I'm afraid we'll get killed by something in the meantime. We are using Java High Detail one of the Canada worlds
  3. where do u sell phoenix cross bows? the bow shop won't buy them.
  4. count me in. u know, if the price of the game was more reasonable I'd be a member. People will bash me for not agreeing that the price is reasonable but when you add it up over the year, that's a lot of money! And if these guys are almost the richest in the UK you'd think they could cut the price in 1/2 (but then more people could afford it and they'd need more servers, etc...)
  5. I agree the bank space is way too small and limiting. If it's going to limit the space, everything should stack up. But still, more space is required. thank you
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