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Posts posted by Infernosage4

  1. Haven't been on Runescape much lately. Pking never really interested me, but clue hunting was one of my favorite things. Those have become a pain the the [wagon] to do with those ghosts wandering around.




    The Christmas event brought me back though. I could literately have snowball fights with people for hours. They're just so fun!




    The new pet shop in Yanille also peaked my interest. Went and checked that out as well. Pretty interesting. Worth the look if you're in the area.




    Also another thing that's kept me away is my new iPod Touch. I've been spending a lot of time messing around with it and hacking it. Super Mario Bros is quite hard with touch screen! :mrgreen:




    A bunch of sports are starting up for me as well. Hockey and indoor soccer start in January for me. And will probably consume most of my time. It's also snowboarding season where I live, so that will probably take my weekends up. With those sports going, I'll be able to play only on Thursday, unless snow conditions are bad, then Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday will be freed up.




    I'll get on as much as I can but it probably won't be much. I'm still keeping my member's running though. I'm not missing Summoning! :mrgreen: I might also play later in the evenings after sports if I'm not too sore and don't need to go lie down.




    I'll update the blog as much as I can though.

  2. Same here, I can't see the RSC forums, and I just logged into RSC for the first time in 245 days \'




    I doubt that, as they delete accounts that have been inactive for more than 6 months.




    Wrong. They only deleted accounts that were inactive for the last six months prior to that update.




    Go on, prove me wrong.

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