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Posts posted by Infernosage4

  1. I don't think alot of people know about this...




    Before the update, if you held alt then type some numbers in the chat it would only start typing the numbers.




    But now, the alt+ chatacters work.




    Before the update it would appear in chat like this(example): 424




    After the update it looks like this: ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ




    Idk if it works for anyone... at least it works for me.. :-k




    Also it doesn't work with most combinations, and it only works from num pad (right side of the keyboard)












    Hold alt and type the numbers, then release alt




    That was hidden. But it's been out for a very long time.

  2. The gnome waiter at the grand tree right next to the bank sells Premade Chocolate Bombs in the main stash! They are 160 ea and heal 15 hp! That is one less hit points than monkfish and is cheaper than lobsters! There is absolutely nobody here buying them up so I thought I'd make a post on it so people would take notice of this. I think tis awesome :D .




    ACTUALLY jagex nerfed them because bots started coming and buying them....and unlimited amount! so this thread is dead




    I just went there and they're still 160 each. And there is still an unlimited supply. This thread is not dead. :roll:

  3. I've started growing mine, I was always afraid to grow it because of what other people would have said to me changing it, but seeing as I've started college now with people I don't know, they can't judge me :) .










    but yeah I agree with the above, If it's well kept and it looks clean, then it's fine.




    That's pretty much the same as my hair is.

  4. This thread is still going?




    It. Is. A. Game.




    So many people do not understand this. Shooing a dog is nothing compared to what real cruelty is. What about the damn chickens and cows that get slaughtered on this game? I guess that's not bad.




    Seriously. Use some common sense.

  5. Anyone asking someone to be their "gf" or "bf" especially if they are 30 levels lower and the person they are asking has some really sweet armor or rare items. That just pisses me off.




    Not to mention it's illegal. :ohnoes:




    God I hate people who do that.

  6. Hmm... you're sorta right. The MSB is six times faster than the dark bow, which means it can fire 6 times while the dark bow fires once. However, it can only fire seven times in the time it takes a dark bow to fire twice :-k .




    Have you ever owned a Dark Bow or done any tests to prove this? The MSB fires at a 5 times in the time it takes the dark bow 2 times to shoot. That's a 5:2 ratio not the 6:1 or 7:2 you keep going on about. Now go do some tests and prove me wrong.




    The MSB does not "own" the Dark Bow "hands down". It's just barely faster than the Dark Bow in arrows fired. And the Dark Bow's power makes up for that. Please don't make assumptions on things you're not 100% sure about.




    My opinion: MSB = Dark Bow.

  7. My school had 14 bomb threats last year. No lie. The code for it was "Teachers, please check your thermostats." Pretty obvious after the first one what they meant.




    Plus a state prison is about half a mile away from the school. And I'm supposed to believe school is a safe place? :roll:




    Edit: Haha checked with one of my friends and he told me it was only 8. So maybe I exaggerated. My bad. :-$

  8. I'm athletic. I'm a starter on my football (soccer) team. I always play 85+ minutes. I ride bmx. I love playing hockey. I can play any position in that and well.




    I'm smart, but lazy I guess you could say. I hardly ever do homework (Not because of Runescape... I never did it before I started playing Runescape). I'm definitely not one of the most popular kids in school. I'm in the middle somewhere.




    Myspace if you so wish to see more about me.

  9. I'm not rude, greedy, or whatever these people are that you're describing. I help people once in awhile but usually I'm anti-social and pretend my private chat is off...




    Also stop bashing miniclip. I came from miniclip. I know a lot of people who came from miniclip and they are the complete opposite of what you all stereotype them to be. Stereotypes are bad...

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