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Posts posted by ctim

  1. OK so this is a normal day training on the Varrock guards trying to get lvl2 clue scrolls. Then this lvl 86 walks up, a second later Zaff teleports right next to him! A second later he leaves and I think nothing of it. A few seconds later I see a "OMG! He's comming again!" in my text box and Zaff telsports right next to him again! This goes on for about half an hour with Zaff teleporting on average 15 times a minute. The guy who was getting harassed by Zaff finaly logs off. But when he logs in 20 minutes later it starts again!


    Is this a peek at summoning?

  2. A very good update. It could be better if they would go to +-10% instead of +-5%. Also a pin for getting your items and money is needed very much. Just think if you put your santa hat up for sale, logged of and went to bed got up the next morning to find that your santa had sold but you lost your 22+mil because someone logged in and retrieved your money.

  3. I once got a iron pick, and 2 steel picks in a lvl 1.


    Lvl 3s are hard and long and considering that you don't have any skills on the highscore you aren't ready for them.


    For you lvl 2s are your best bet. They sometimes require killing a guard but they are never more then lvl 50 or so.

  4. I think that within a week or so prices will even out to where they should be. But on the other hand if everyone keeps buying and selling at the lowest then the economy will change extremly fast. A lot of prices have droped below where they should be (iron ore: 90-99 I think, before update they were selling as much as 120, 125).

  5. I like the idea; good work! But it will never happen as Jagex is smart by not letting people know how long they have been playing. Why? Because if you found out that you on average play 4 hours a day (or whatever) you just might see what a waste of time Runescape is and lose paying members. Don't get me wrong, I love Runescape, but it is a game and needs to be kept in context.

  6. I am low on cash (75K) and I want to make money by training a non-combat skill. What is my best option?


    My stats:


    Runecrafting: 14


    Herblore: 17


    Thief: 36


    Crafting: 35


    Fletching: 19


    Hunter: 12


    Mining: 48


    Smithing: 41


    Fishing: 42


    Cooking: 42


    Woodcutting: 39


    Farming: 20




    I know my stats are not that great, but is there a skill that I could level up by buying what I need; (by not fishing or mining) and making it into something and selling it and making money or at least breaking even.


    Thanks! :)

  7. For the "Farriy Tale part 1" quest I have to get my hands on "raw cave eel". The quest guide says that you can find it in the "Lumbridge swamp caves." I went through there killing every creature I could get my hands on and I didn't find any. Where might I find some or where might I buy some?



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