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Posts posted by andufusthebronze

  1. Lol, my first thought was that it was abstract, then I thought it must be something. however, if your going for abstract I recommend you take the second one for the competition, because I lonly thought of volcano because I thought the red beam was an erruption.

  2. Found one








    I'm trying to turn my face away from the computer, yet my tear filled eyes are glued to the screen, tears splash sending ripples throughout the universe. Saddness fills my heart as the text keeps on coming, knowing I'll never be the same.








    Oo, I'm quoting myself! How sad








    His robed swirled around his ankles, as he stormed out the room. His nose held high, he left the building.

  3. What happened to me once is




    noob:can I have armour please, I'm a noob so can't afford




    me:get your smithing up, and make it. If you mine the ore the coal is free




    noob:bet you begged when you where a noob




    me:actually, no I didn't. I got my smithing up




    noob:can I have amour please?





  4. when u mess up like that u have to start most of its again get the ammy and the other thing then go back down to the waterfall go back to the room do the runes in right order and u will be ok sorry if i didnt help u much




    just re-claimed gladrials ammy

  5. I have done it all up to the runes on the pillars. I put the water, earth, and air runes on. Then when I used the fire runes, nothing happened! So I put the ammy on the statue and got kicked out the waterfall, and now can't go back in :cry: what's happening? Can I not complete the quest?

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