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Everything posted by Evil_Dan5

  1. I'm fairly certain I have a clean slate (despite frequently advertising my clan website and giving out my E-mail) So I can't really complain about it that much but there's a certain aspect of the censor that confuses me. I can't say conscience. It comes up as ***science but the problem isn't the CON because I can say that just fine. Any theories?
  2. YEah, I understand. What you do is have person #1 follow person # 2 and have person #3 follow person #2. This would take quite a bit of planning but wouldd be fun if we could pull it off. BUT, we can make it even cooler. If the person in the front follows the person in the back the line forms a circle and walks continuously. What would be really awesome is if we could make a loop big enough to encircle a town!
  3. I seriously suspect some people just act stupid to annoy every one. Most of these people sound to dumb to find their computers on button. Any way I was sending to noobs on a scavanger hunt to help them learn that the only way to make money is to work for it. There were two of them that were interested so I gave them a list of five worthless items to bring me and the first one to do so would win 2K. One promptly ran off and eventually won after learning how to shear sheep as well as an important lesson about working. The other just stood there here's the conversation that ocured. Me: So, get to it! ... ... noob: Ok, give we the money Me: NO you have to win the scavanger hunt first noob: I new Me: I know that (he was level 4) noob: so give me the money me: do the scvanger hunt and you can win it. noob: NOOOOOOO!!!! Just give me the money me: Shouting wont ge you anywhere you have work for money noob: NOOOOOOOO!!!! I walk away to go get the prize money for the winner he PM's me noob: Give me he money! NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!! me: (a great distance away from him and 52 levels higher) How can you make me? He never came up with a response.
  4. I'm f2p but I still think that f2p has too much as it is and I am willing to stereotype all f2pers as FREE TO PLAY NOOB SCUM! I have the money to be p2p. I'm fifteen but I have a job that makes me about $100-$140 a month but my parents won't let me get a members acount.
  5. I hope 60 ppl will show up for this I expect 10. Secondly this is more than abunch of noobs in a line, it's abunch of noobles in a circle : ! YOu see the person at the front of the line follows the person at the end. Then to some strange bit of programing the group will walk in a big circle until some one stops following.
  6. what? Any way if you want to participate you have to sign up on this forum so that we have the order pre planned. I've decided on the details. 8:00 P.M. central time in alkirid world 75
  7. Ahem, I happen to be a 3-D animator. My skills aren't great but it would look better than runescape itself. Just throwin that out there. Take it as you will.
  8. The first time I ever played runescape after I got off of tutorial island I left lumbridge and clicked to follow some random person. I hadn't learned the importance of logging off properly so I just closed my browser. When I logged back on I was in the center of varrock and it took me a month of wandering to find lumbridge again.
  9. I'm assuming you all know how to make conga line in runescape. If not just ask and I'll explain it. I'll post some details later but any way. I propose that we organise the larges conga line runescape has ever seen. Hope fully in excess of 60 people. We'll need a large open space for it to work right. Since I'm limited to F2P I'm thinking that alkirid would be the best place. I'd like to have every thing organised in time to execute it by the end of the month. Hizzah!
  10. I personally like the name of my pure I started recently, Sir Endarin.
  11. I've made five and use three. Glorfon: around level 35 when I gave him away Evil_dan5:Main level 52 Sir Glorfon:Level 5 I forgot the password Bankerbill: level 3 Skiller Sir endarin: Newest one level 6 mahic/range pure
  12. OK this is kinda funny but I'm not sure what to make of it. He wasn't quite a noob though because he was lvl 51 and I was 47 at the time. I had just walked into the grocery store him: shop noob me: What? him: Hi noob me: jerk him: What: me: don't call me a noob him: Every one calls me a noob. isn't it a compliment? me: no him: then what is it? me: A noob is either some one who's low level or just stupid him: I'm neither me: you thought it was a compliment that makes you pretty stupid some other guy: Hey noob him: Hi noob guy: noob guy: noob guy: noob him: noob guy: noob Me: shut it both of you guy: beat it noob guy:noob him: shut up noob Me: fine I'm turning public chat off guy: good noob him: good noob
  13. I never train or earn money I've had this account about 2 years and I'm level 48. I always just wander around talking to people and doing stupid things like making conga lines with people.
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