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    In my happy place...
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  1. First I don't know if this should be in here or off topic or whatever. But if a mod would be kind enough to move it for me if it is placed incorrectly. Now that I got that out of the way. I've been thinking about changing my xbox screen from a TV to a projector. But The RGB cables won't allow me hae sound along with video. For example. My projector is on the celing and the stero (sp) is on the floor. I need the video plug (yellow) to be in the projector and the audio (red and white) to be in my stero. In other words I was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I could buy a RGB cable that has all three wires in their own wire. (In the standard cable, they are all in one cable untill at the end) Also I need it to be around 50 feet long. Thanks for anyones help. :)
  2. The is kinda....plain but it looks interesting
  3. I admit defeat. :cry: Owned... EDIT: I'm sorry for spamming up this thread... :cry:
  4. You can always find a tut at http://www.pixel2life.com :D By the way its nice for a first :)
  5. If you want to find a tut try http://www.pixel2life.com or look around this forum, there have been many posted.
  6. True, but you never know with google. You might end up finding on the 6th page or something.
  7. Ya your pixels are pretty good. But as a quick tip when abstract brushing try useing 4 brush layers. 1 with a grunge brush and the others with abstract brushes and do differnt colors on each and use differnt blend modes like overlay,linear dodge, linear light, etc. Even get rid of one or 2 of the layers that don't look good. You would be suprised at the result I think. Assuming that you are using photoshop. :D
  8. The background is nice but the text could be a smoother.For example can the color andadd a smaller stroke and maybe try a different font. To blend in with the theme. But other than its good...maybe blend a picture in. But even without a picture it's still good. :D
  9. Thanks, and when you say "better than mine..." you mean your sigs overall or abstract stuff?
  10. Just taking a random stab at this but try google images if you haven't already
  11. Hey, blowtoes do I know you from somewhere? Your name sounds familar...
  12. Alright, thanks, I was tihinking the same thing about the text :P
  13. refresing to see something other than abstract grunge or pixels around here...nice work :)
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