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  1. I wish you luck with all your goals! I would love to help you out, If you need anything rsn = die armbrust main is plavenyatz, but usually on the pure. I hope I can make it to the party, if Im invited, that is =P
  2. but..most of them aren't at home. they are out and about. which makes me think. not nessicarily armor.. but just small things that make them nice to look at example: -a sailor hat on a man near the water. -a beer in the hand of a man at the bar, which he throws at you or hits you with -a lantern in the hand of a man near draynor mansion something along those lines =]
  3. I don't intend to make a giant thread of this, but more to start a suggestion for others to take over and make bigger. BUT I've noticed the extreme difference in the varrock guards. I think It's quite a good makeover but what about the men? sure they are only a lowly level 2, but they deserve more then just some shabby old clothes! how about some bronze armor, or their own special, wonderful armor, like the varock guards =P Something like that. =] Well, lets hear what you people think. thanks for your time everyone =]
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