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  1. step 4 in the murder mystery guide does not need to be there as after i showed the gaurd the fingerprints he took all the evidence including the thread and i got a quest completion, so as long as you have the thread in your inventory, you dont need step 4
  2. umm it wasnt soo much an error message but it says in your chat log something like its too risky to view these here. you need to go to the white knoghts castle
  3. Missing my mummy Back into the pyramid 9. Get back into the pyramid with some help from your cat (Simply choose the "Open Door" option). You are heading back to the room where you solved the puzzle. Avoid the traps and zigzag past the wall crushers just like earlier. When you jump across the pit and enter the burial chamber again, you will get another flashback and be hypnotised again. Take the the jar you need (it's different for each player) and fight the guardian that appears. It will be one of these four: Het (level 81), Crondis (level 75), Apmeken (level 75), or Scabaras (level 75). The guardian blocks your teleports, so you cannot teleport away.
  4. 5: Communications Orb Sir Tiffy will now give you a Communications Orb. You can either bring him a law rune, a slayer gem and some molten glass* and he will make one for you, or you can buy one from him for 10,000 gold coins. When you have your orb, right click on it to contact Savant. Ask her about your assignment. Then right click your Orb once more, and watch the two recordings Savant has provided you. Once you have finished watching the two recordings, head out to Taverley Dungeon to the Black Knight area. it needs to be stated in there that you need to go back into the White Knights castle in order to see the recordings as it doesnt allow you at Sir Taffey
  5. Hey guys just letting you know 3: Over the wall Go to the tower next to the West Ardougne city gate (north of Omart) and use the pigeon feed on it (using it anywhere on the watchtower will work). is wrong, it only works when using it on the watchtower fence as it is the only thing available
  6. i know that 49 firemaking is not a requirement.... i was actually suggesting that put in brackets that the lantern requires 49 firemaking if they wish to use it... not as a requirement for the quest.... the home port takes about 10 seconds to use, requires no runes which means no cost, and no added bag space occupied
  7. Hey just real quickly, im looking at doing a lot of quests so i will be posting anything that i find to help you guys out. now with this quest there is just a minor one, you might want to put with the required items regarding the bullseye lantern, that a level 49 firemaking is required Also says multiple lumbridge teleports, this isnt effective anymore since the free non-time restricted time home teleport, so you might want to change that again other then that, perfect guide
  8. well the mines is really easy.... and is something anyone can do where all those things, players have to have done something to get the items. also you do realise you could just have one load of ores in your bag and when the assistant says get x amount of y ores you can just retalk until you get the ore that is in your inventory. just thought i might put what i have found out also
  9. hey guys just letting you know since the update mini game "Dominion Tower" the phoenix has been moved to the west over the river, where the guide says it is over by clay rocks, i lost a good 15mins before i went on runescape wiki and saw the actual location, so if you could change that in your guide that will help everyone out, other then that the guide is perfect
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