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  1. Here's the idea: Dueling anywhere. You could be able to right-click on a player and one of the options would be "Duel". A confirmation screen like the one used in trading would be used. Then you could duel without having to walk all the way to the Duel Arena. Tell me what you think. :
  2. You are now a moderator, but you're account is hacked and you are banned because the hacker called people n()()bs I wish I for a cookie that will make me completely safe from all harm whatsoever!
  3. Thank you, Da_Guru/\. I personally don't see how some cooked meat on 2 slices of bread with lettuce, tomato etc. (A.K.A The Burger) is such a stretch. You could call it a Cooked Meat sandwitch but that would be lame. Thanks for the know-how on the Screenshots! Has anyone suggested BLTs yet? And why is pepperoni absent from a game with pizza?!?!?!!
  4. Calamari is a good suggestion. Being able to make such simple dishes as Pepper Steak or Pancakes would be great. Tacos, burritos, enchiladas, etc. would be nice to see around. International dishes like sushi are great. Fried chicken is something that I would definatly like to see. Turkey is another. Whats Thanksgiving in Runescape without a turkey? You could have all kinds of seasonal dishes... think eggnog! Ducks should somehow drop their meat... still working on that one! Duck sauce anyone? :XD: More to come later! EDIT: By the way, how do you take screenshots in Runescape?
  5. This is a list of ideas that I have had about the cooking skill. Feel free to add to or criticize it in any way you want. :idea: Cooking ideas: :idea: 1. Lamb. Sheep should be killable and should drop lamb for cooking. 2. Pork, ham, bacon, etc. should be dropped from pigs. 3. Beans should grow in some area of Runescape. 4. Pasta. Everyone loves pasta! Spaghetti, lasagne, etc. 5. Sandwiches. Meat+Bread+Lettuce= Joy! 6. Lettuce. See above. 7. Now, to go with our sandwich, we should have some potato chips! You should also have the option of creating french fries. More to come later.
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