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Posts posted by KingKnight1

  1. ^Yeah I can do that once I know what to merch thank you very much. <.<








    I want to gain atleast 40k profit from an item, so things that come into my mind are pages. Or maybe cannonballs but I'm not too sure on those.


    Murder Mystery is a biggie here.




    *Sharp intake of breath*








    Criminal's Dagger




    Murder Scene Pot




    Fly Paper traps




    Criminal's Thread




    Anna's Necklace *




    Bob's Teacup *




    Carol's Bottle *




    David's Book *




    Elizabeth's Needle *




    Frank's Pot *




    Anna's Fingerprints




    Bob's Fingerprints




    Carol's Fingerprints




    David's Fingerprints




    Elizabeths's Fingerprints




    Frank's Fingerprints




    Murderer's Fingerprints








    * Floured and Unfloured (Covered in flour)








    *Releases Breath*




















    Are the necklace and dagger equippable?








    Necklace, yes.




    Dagger, no.








    I thought of getting a second silver necklace but foolishly I just carried on the investigation.

  3. ^If you'd like to know, I'll tell my method. I use Windows, so if you got apple or something then nevermind.








    1. Press the 'Print screen' button on keyboard for a snapshot of RuneScape.




    2. Paste onto the Microsoft paint program.




    3. Crop the picture so it shows only the necessary things.




    4. Save as a PNG (You could probably use GIF, not sure).




    5. Go to http://www.imageshack.us/ and click 'browse' and choose your picture.




    6. Click 'upload' and then click your picture (If the file is too large or something, try editing the picture further so its smaller or less detailed).




    7. Right click, then choose properties and copy the url.




    8. Go to Tip.It and post a message. Click the image tags and paste the image url in it.








    Thats how I do it!

  4. Didn't they make it so poison is cured when kicked out of someones house?








    They should make it so your full health when you exit a house, but this could be used as an exploit but might be the solution.








    Or are you talking about dying the the house, and losing your items due to a glitch?

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