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  1. hooray! also my first post in about 3 years
  2. and the rule does not even do anything to users who are connecting and disconnecting every 12 hours, even so on the weekends i never do speak in 12 hours. i havent said one word in irc in like 2 weeks, but im still in there and havent been kicked at all.
  3. yeah i think you would jsut simply solve that by going to the respawn room :\
  4. yeah this is like in the middle of nowhere, fish guild is near ardougne :)
  5. banned for not understanding that the noob can not teleblock :P and banned for misinterpreting emo.
  6. banned for mispelling hurt and the person above me.. banned for having a broken siggeh! hahah noob
  7. thats the problem, i can not shade at all, i know its crappy work but it was my first pixel art ever, i did spend hours on it however because i really didnt have a lot of knowledge of what i was doing. im putting it up for grabs so that i can get tips and pointers and decide from there if my career as a pixelartist will actually go anywhere.
  8. add some flowers and bushes and a garden around the church, it will look more like a church that way :P
  9. looks to me like the bench/picnic table is in the water or floating over it not that the view is incorrect
  10. a while ago, like a LONG time ago i spent hours pixel arting my first creation. i never really finished and i want to. i'll post what i got and all i need left is coloring and shading. i know the pixel art quality is [cabbage]ty but if you want you can clean it up. im making the image 100% up for grabs by editors to make it look better. :) i want to turn this into a sig and use it.
  11. i might not have been much of a friend... i never really hung out with you or anything.. but i knew you and you were awesome. you always seemed to make funny jokes.. and you were an amazing rs player. i dont know many who would put all their effort into such a game. but you put so much as to excel in it greatly. and now.. you are.. dead.. it just crushed me to hear about your death. i just wondered why. does everyone have to die if they put their life into what they love. why do we have to have taken away from us what we dear the most. RIP shiva... i will remember you forever.
  12. hey... read my story? i put a lot of work into it...
  13. i dont think you would categorize death cab for cutie as metal.. or other mellow bands like bright eyes or straylight run queen == classic but poop in my opinon :P
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