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Posts posted by justcallmedaddy

  1. The birds of RuneScape have been perched, sick as a parrot and grebe with envy over these graphical updates that have been higher in the pecking order. Well, now it's their tern; after all, "toucan play at that game".




    That's right, those with eyes of a hawk will notice an upgrade to the plumage of our fowl friends. From the ducks and gulls to the more vicious terrorbirds and jubblies, there is plenty to gobble up.




    So, swallow your pride and flock into game swiftly if you want a goosey gander at our eggs-ellent new bird update - there is certainly plenty to go cuckoo over.




    The bird references in yesterday's update announcement (see above) have been bolded. There are 23 of them.That wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all crammed into one little article, making every other word ring of "bird". I'm not saying drop them altogether, just make them a little less uncommon, don't mash them into players' faces.




    What do you guys think? Are the puns a little over-the-top? Not enough? Let us know!




    the ones I underlined are not puns. -.-

  2. You used to be on my friends list, i helped you get to 99 Runecrafting, 99 Fletching.


    Towards the end of you playing you become ignorant and a really unpleasant person, I'm glad you've changed your ways and i hope you are not like that irl.




    I recently checked your account on RuneScape and i notice you've started playing again, is this you or have you given away your account?




    I hope you post back from this message and remember me.








    Holy crap, don't bump 6 month old topics.

  3. In the true definition of "Completed" I guess you'd need to do the following;




    * all skills to 200m (since you can't gain any more exp at this point)


    * 2.1b cash in bank (max cash)


    * All quests complete


    * All random complete (including challange scrolls)


    * Had ALL rare drops (including visage, dark bow etc...)


    * All music unlocked


    * All emotes unlocked


    * All minigames complete (full CW sets, full void etc...)




    I'm sure I've missed stuff, but you get the drift.






    What does rare drops have to do with beating runescape? :-k






    I'd say allskills 99, all music, and all quests beat is enough to say you beat runescape.

  4. If they love each other, why not?




    But lets face it, you'll see a two-headed cow before you'll see love in RS. Possible, but a really low chance.














    Edit: Sorry Mary Osborn for using your pic.

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