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Posts posted by deyan2

  1. I was the one who made that post and yes eventually the bots would figure a way around it (they also know how to find moving green dragons and stuff), but slowing them down allready makes me feel good.


    I've made multiple suggestions in the past.

    Also a tax suggestion once when trading was still alloud the old way (pay some rs char 100K before you may cut yews), seemed wonderfull to me that the botowner gave 100K from his main to his botaccount and then boom ban to bad XD gone 100K (100K was worth more then it is nowadays).

    And it would have been easy to trace the main even if you don't know anything about IP-stuff :P.


    Also I have once been the first person ever who made a vid of how to kill bots (south of falador by dropping yew logs, doesn't work any more).

    Later someone here on tip.it made a guide about it, don't know where it is any more.

    Nowadays bots are getting harder and harder to trace and fool, especially in F2p :(.

    I just have to admit that, but I still see possibilitys for Jagex.


    Some bots are first gonna stand next to the thing they need (yew trees for example) before cutting/mining/whatever it, while normal players would simply click the tree/ straight away.


    Also I expect some powerminers/whatevers probably have a very simple small dropping script, no normal person would drop exactly the same way time on time again while I expect bots to do.

    Also autotalkers could be traceble a bit more easy, if you type fast you can't controll your mouse good, so if Jagex sees you can controll your mouse in a correct way while typing like a idiot then you can be like 99% sure it's a bot (altough 99% of the time you allready allmost 99% sure because they typ sick fast but ok).





    Some peoples also think that if someone isn't talking that it's allmost 100% sure a bot, but that simply isn't the case.

    I can remember when I played in... 2003 or something, I was a noob and understood barely anything about the game, I didn't ever fight because I knew I usually lost fights ingame.

    I liked to mine a lot and I was actually mining 58 or something allready and then someone accused me of macroïng and he said something like omg no not bots here too (mining coal near the dwarves and scorpions) and I was wondering what macroïng ment but didn't really ask because I also wanted to be the first who mined the coal (while I had laggy internet at the time).

    Later I understood what macroïng was and I must admit thinking back about it: I was cb 3 or 4 or something, mined like nothing else, didn't talk, barely had armour, actually tipical botting behaviour while I was nothing more as a simple noob. I can also remember others talking that they trained attack till 55 or something before ever training strenght or defence XD...

    Anyway, back to the point: If someone isn't talking doesn't meen it's a bot ;).




    A few years ago it was easy to see if someone was botting.

    I've also seen peoples who were clearly botting sitting behind their comp just chatting, some persons even admitted it after a while after I accused them and wondered how I saw the diffrence between them botting and between them normally playing.

    It was just so obvisious, especially at the time but some of them never got banned :S.



    For me it's remarkeble to see how bad Jagex was/is in tracing bots some times, but ok what can I do about it :(...



    I even know someone irl who's botting nowadays and it's strange to see what such programs can do, and I must say: Yes some of them do get banned like they deserve, but it really does take quite some time before it happens :(.

    Somehow I still refuse to use anything like that, it's sad, I play this game for fun, not for a few high numbers, if I want that I'll just look at someones highscores for an hour (wich I do... But that's a diffrend story (A)).


    I do understand that Jagex doesn't ban straight away because otherwise it would be to easy for a botmaker to find out on what things he can easely get traced on, but still...

  2. Question:

    Does anyone here know why there is not X-option by creating any kind of tiara's (air tiara, body tiara, earth tiara, whatever)?

    We have enough x-options already.

    Yes and this one just seem to be forgotten because barely anyone can afford this way of training anyway and bulks of any kind of tiara's are not much more then trash, but that doesn't meen that this one shouldn't have a X-option does it? :roll:

    It shouldn't have one because we have many x-options already, we don't need anymore.


    Yeah, down with making Runescape easier! I won't sleep till every action's eventual outcome is RSI!



    But really, skills are already naturally getting faster/easier with more content, why make them even easier by adding more x-options?

    Hmmm -28 gp/xp (-370M for 99 rc) in a way that's probably a lot slower then 65K xp/h doesn't sound like "easier" to me... It's just for the richkids and so not easy (and the price will probably even raise quite a lot after the X-option comes out and that easy talismans aren't getteble either ingame next to GE.




    Dapledo is a good one indeed, but here they say he is a bit inactive :S even tho he isn't.

    Serpenttine is a good one too, just a lot younger ;).

  3. Question:

    Does anyone here know why there is not X-option by creating any kind of tiara's (air tiara, body tiara, earth tiara, whatever)?

    We have enough x-options already.

    Yes and this one just seem to be forgotten because barely anyone can afford this way of training anyway and bulks of any kind of tiara's are not much more then trash, but that doesn't meen that this one shouldn't have a X-option does it? :roll:

  4. Jagex should just change small things I think every few days.

    Just move that yew tree 2 steps away, same with rocks or banks, change some of the codenumbers a tiny little bit, such things.

    If a rock is replaced for 1 step it could become a hell of a lot of work to rescript that.

    The codenumbers not that much, but still funny how a couple of bots drop stuff they never wanted to drop :P and it makes them easy to catch.


    Btw does anyone know a good way how you can tease a bot in F2p? :roll:


    We don't have cannons/familiairs/whatever :( ;).

  5. Hmmm I don't think you can succeed maxing in 900 playing days actually...

    In some skills training from 1-99 takes about just as long as from 13M xp to 50M xp...

    So from 1 to 99 alone allready in all skills will allready take quite some time, I guess about 200, and you also need to start with a empty bank that you have to merchant.

    Yes RS is getting more easy and yes it won't take long before RS really will take only 900 days or something before you can max everything even tho there are more skills as 5 years earlier and stuff.



    TBH I think it's quite sad that RS is getting more and more easy, but ok who am I ;).


    I think the first maxing person will max his stats around 2016 and I shouldn't be surprised if it will be a person I've have never heard of today ;)!

  6. Peoples like to predict, if nobody follows the top there would be no fun...


    This is why peoples can even achieve real cash with just winning a game (tennis, football, basketball, call any sport) ;).


    Well it's the same with RS ;) and if one person should know this it would be you wouldn't it Lucipher6? :roll:




    *edit: And Dapledo does gain xp, and quite a lot as well, just not as much as the peoples most peoples concider as the top but that's because he trains the "hard to train skills" instead of the more easy buyables ;)!

  7. It's an interesting battle I think...


    Two names that are barely discussed here but are worth attention are:

    Dapledo; Yes, only 1.2B xp, but his lowest skills except for the new one is over 30M and the hard to train skills (rc, fishing, farming, agility, mining) are all 50M+

    Serpenttine; Yes he/she got quite low totalxp atm, but he/she will play like a Zarfot the 2nd, watch my words ;)



    The most effective top player to max all skills to 200M is probably Zarfot atm, but even he... Or she, I don't even know :oops: isn't perfect.

    If you make 200M xp in a skill before all other skills are like +- at least 180M then you probably will gain even more xp during your RS career.


    With 200M in Dungeon for example you gain about 1M in all the other skills as well (I guess, if not more), so in fact training to 200M is a waste because you actually train to 201M for no reason...



    On the other side, owning rank 1 in a skill is pretty cool too :P!


    The person that probably plays the least effective way to 200M everything of all top players might be Drumgun, but owning 6 records in experience a month (+ overall xp record a month) is quite a impressive achievement as well isn't it? :P And he still got some skills left where he can achieve it in as well :)!



    And yes, El popo1 is probably the best F2p player atm.

    Even tho Water is nat isn't that bad either ;).



    I think El popo1 is in fact a better playing dung then any P2p player, but... No you just can't really prove it can you?


    Players like Serpenttine achieve like 2M xp in dung on daily base if they train, no F2p player has ever achieved any way close near that a day as far as I know, so that's about 2 times as much as any F2p player so yes El popo1 did quite some achievement atm!


    Also note that El popo1 didn't dung from day 1, he first finished his ranged to 200M...


    El popo1 achieves about 700K dung xp a day, maybe raising a little bit after the whole skill is released and he gains lvls, he does't have the best armour or weapons like P2p does, so in fact he really really is the best by miles in my opinion ;)!

  8. I thought I heard Jagex once saying hey where busy with 32/64-bitworlds, but I'm not sure about that any more :oops:

    Anyway I thought they said something like it wasn't worth it to create it and they where talking about the cashpile (so not the xp's) at the time.


    But imo the highscores are worth this...

    I still think Jagex will find a way how peoples can achieve 2147M+, would be sad if Aasiwat was rank 1 and nobody could ever take it over XD :P ;).

  9. Most of the skills that will be added don't slow down as much as it seems.

    The dungeon skill for example will take like 8 months or something, but in thos 8 months you also gain other skills, so yes it does slow down, but not as much as it seems to do, more like 5 months.

    Also 1/10th of the skill can be experience in any skill, RuneCrafting or Slayer for example, so if you have 200m dungeon (by normal training) you also have another 20M xp in any skill you want.


    I think eventually suomi will win, not because he is the best or the smartest or anything but just because he's prepared to spent the time.


    Others could be:

    Dapledo (everybody ignores him, because he got no 200M skills and everything but except for the new skill his LOWEST skill is Fletching with 30,274,349 xp atm!)

    So yes he completed more then 1/6th of the game atm.

    Zarfot (He still doesn't play rs the fastest/smartest possible way tho assuming he continues till the end, but he's still smart enough stay ahead of his followers for quite some while)

    Aasiwat (He just goes on and on and on)

    Telmomarques (he's slowly getting slower, but he's still pretty fast :P ;), I wonder how long he can continue)

    Paperbag doesn't seem to be slow either, I never expected him to be be able to afford prayer/construction.



    To all of these persons; if I should go for all 200M then I shouldn't train skills apart to 200M actually, I should stop at... like 150M because sooner or later you will continue to train the skill anyway no matter or you want it or not.



    As a fix for the 5B end could be that if you got all skills 200M you suddenly can continue to 400M or someting (remaining the only player that can do that, first have everyting 200M before you can continue to train).

  10. I haven't seen the first vid, but I have seen this:



    And tbh I don't see this as cheating...

    I pray big bones the same way (that does go a little slower, but way faster then normal praying) and I should get very very angry if Jagex should ban me right now for macroïng because I didn't use any software at all.

    I just clicked the 5 and the + as much as possible while moving my mouse above the bones and that's exactly what he seems to be doïng.

    There is no illegal software involved, there are no Jagex rules broken, you do every single thing with your own hands and you are active behind the computer so... What's the problem?

  11. There does exist 1 way of checking or someone is member at this moment, checking or he/she has been member is impossible :(.


    [ModEdit: You god them *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*.]


    This post has been edited by carl0dublin: Today, 08:31 AM

    Reason for edit:: Removing off-topic content.









    I hope you don't get angry because of this joke

  12. If it is a moneycosting skill then I think I completely ignore the new skill for about 3 months and then see what I can do.

    If it is a moneymaking skill then I think I might do it a lot in the beginning (to achieve a lot of money) and ignore it afterwards anyway.


    I will try to abuse the skill to gain a lot of money in the beginning :P ;).


    *edit: I strongly disadvise to buy any rares atm, but ok who am I...

  13. Another question about the D_sweetheart botting thing:

    She's still a forum moderator at RS, why should Jagex allow her to do all such things if she is botting?

    Also she mainly raised crafting experience this month, that seems like a pretty strange skill to bot isn't it? :roll:


    Anyway I never liked or trusted her so when I first readed it I wasn't even that surprised, but I'm affraid that this story isn't right is it?

  14. I now have requested at jagex to remove my account from their files, should make me not appear on any list any more thanks fror driving me this way :)

    Ofcourse Jagex listens immedietly to your latest wish ;).

    Hmpf I'm still pretty annoyed you left :(...

    Well, if S diamant y is getting ill you will be the first veterinary surgeon I'll try to get in contact with ;) :P!



    Any player around that wants some grapes and jugs of water btw? :roll: (they were meanth for Maur)

  15. Here's something else.



    After personalized shops, for some reason they crashed to below low alch price. :mellow:

    That's because nobody offers cash for this item.

    I mean... Should you offer more then 51 gp's for it?

    Jagex just lowered the bottemprice so it became a tiny bit more easy to trade.


    Jagex actually did a very good job in this case because this made the item come closer to their actual streetprice.

  16. They are merchanting grapes atm :(...


    Gold ores aren't merchanted and haven't been either, that's because of a update...


    To be honoust I absolutely do not care about merchanting, if peoples want to pay for it it's all ok isn't it?

    The hard workers that don't merchant and just sell at GE receive the biggest profits...

    They're seriously merching grapes? Sweet, time to go grape harvesting on my f2p noob. (You get loads of grapes from goblins tbh))

    Yes they do...

    I had over a 100K of them and received a instand sell for max price...

    Remember, grapes can only be bought at max 1K of them every four hours, so there must be at least 100+ accounts involved...


    And they didn't look like beïng begged of at all:




    Sold them at 20 november.

  17. They are merchanting grapes atm :(...


    Gold ores aren't merchanted and haven't been either, that's because of a update...


    To be honoust I absolutely do not care about merchanting, if peoples want to pay for it it's all ok isn't it?

    The hard workers that don't merchant and just sell at GE receive the biggest profits...

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