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Everything posted by Ellothar121

  1. This is, simply put, a very, very, VERY awesome idea. I love it. As for the poster before me, I'm pretty sure that Jagex could easily swap most of the text in his pictures. Lock/Unlock is just a combination lock, in the locked position, and the unlocked position. Unlock all could be three or four Unlocked locks, and Ghost could be a transparent item over a regular item. Swap could be two items, with something like that recycle symbol thingy (Yeah, real specific, hm?), and insert could be two items with an arrow coming down between them. Supported!
  2. I support this idea. Me and my little brother used to have competitions to see who could hit a 5 first (Yeah, I know... ^.^) on an Al Kharid Guard (Thought it couldn't get any worse, hm?) Anyways, some people around my level were around, and they often hit my monsters. (Have you ever wanted to shout, "There's FIVE OTHER FREAKIN' GUARDS! HIT ONE OF THOSE!"?) Anyways, he called his first, and took a screeny. It was impossible to tell, because there was a 3, a 5, and 0, all on the same monster. Long story short, I like this idea.
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