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Posts posted by roky95

  1. I think it's a good idea to make a requirement and give slayer tasks for bosses but they'd have to instance them or something because so many people would be killing them. I dont understand why she should give out jad tasks and not other bosses, although jad is instanced.

    Would defiantly add a little spice to slayer ^-^ !!


    (Sorry bit off topic)

  2. I'm doing this myself too, cant figure out how to get talismans tho -> so cant make runes -> can't make ammulets (strength or power atm, and I look silly without any ammulet...)


    Also in your opinion, should I use up all my geepee's from selling my bank or do I just leave it there for when I need to buy shards or other thing's (MTK and stuff from shops etc)



  3. It's virtually impossible to duo any big boss during peak times. I love how Jagex supports the mass team over the small by calculating the kill based on sum of team damage, not the team of the player who did the most damage (like the old system)


    So your saying.. If you and I were duo'ing LS Bandos and we both did the following damage...


    You: 810

    Me: 790


    And a crasher runs in and hits 950 with claws...

    That the crasher should get the drop even though you and I did 62% of the overall damage :?:


    LS/CS worlds are designed for teams to kill in them, so it makes sense that the teams damage is added up to ensure the team that did the most overall damage receives the drop. If this was not the case, a single 138 could beat out a 20 man mass of level 100's almost every round.

    That is indeed true. Jagex changed it a while ago, no idea why. Kinda annoying.

    I think you miss the point. Before lootshare, whoever dealt the most damage received the drop, and they would share it with their team (assuming they are selfless with their team, like lootshare ensures). With lootshare, you would then expect whoever deals the most damage to receive the drop, with the drop going to their team. This means you have to focus on actually doing DAMAGE, not just piling tons of people onto a team to out-hit the other team. Sadly, Jagex went in the other direction, making masses so effective and smaller teams virtually useless in the crowded boss-hunting world.


    This is a good example at how [bleepin] lame some people are:



    100 person mass vs 10 person crash team, who wins?

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