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Posts posted by sithlord_man

  1. I'm probably in some of the best shape I've ever been.




    5'11 and I only way like 140 though...Bit under wait...But I can run 5:10-5:30 miles righ now probably, Who knows what I could do once Cross Country starts...

  2. It was fun, Get one of the best Omni Tools in the game, The Sevant X. I didn't buy it, I got it from the game of the Year edition...




    50 free Gamer points and a few codex entries also...

  3. This is embarassing to say, even online, but I want to know if this happens to anyone else.






    [hide=]While running do your guys' penis and testes dramatically shrink to be child size? Honestly every time I run, it can even be 90 degrees, after I get going my junk gets so small LOL.[/hide]


    Nope, but thats nothing out of the ordinary. I think it is just your body's way of conserving blood for different parts of your body.


    It Think its because your heart need to get more oxygen and blood to the places that need it. Main;y when you run the leg muscles...and your arms for the arm movement while running.

  4. Garrus rocks. So far, he's my favorite character with Liara as my second favorite. I know Wrex is a fan favorite, and I'm going to make sure to not lose him this time around (and get the Charismatic achievement at the same time), but I could never really get to liking him as a squadmate. Elevator scenes are much more enjoyable with him though.


    I love Wrex because all he talks about is kicking everybody's and anybody's [wagon]...and the occasional explosion a day keeps the senses keen ::'

  5. Has anyone been able to get on to WaW? I'm disconnecting from the game everything time...Happening with other games too...same with another friend...


    Tried not downloading porn while you play?


    Very funny -.-. I turned my computer off thinking it would solve the problem...It was gone after a few minutes waiting on the dashboard...




    Almost got Bouncing Betty's. Revenge will few sweet...

  6. Is there going to be zombie in mw2?


    I'm pretty sure IW confirmed it, but if it not, it's a rumor. It's going to be called "Terroist mode", but supposed to be like Zombies. Living people ripping down wooden boards anybody? :roll:


    I hope there is, its fun...

  7. I'm looking to improve my overall speed for (American) football. I'm fairly fast, but I play cornerback, so I need to improve my speed a bit. Does anyone have any drills, workouts etc to improve sprinting speed?




    I could probably think of some...




    You could do some 40's and 100's...with a few second break. You could also do longer distance sprints like 200-400's...




    So maybe something like this...




    5 40's


    5 100


    2-3 200's


    2 400's




    Then again, I'm a distance runner and those could be horrible...

  8. If you opt for the evil villain accent, make sure you also grow a long thin mustache that you can twirl when you talk.






    I suggest if you go to Highschool there you start making friends and or Join a sports team. Great way to meet people...

  9. That run I did today was not good for my knee, Starting to hurt like crap...Its like last year when i had the same problem on both my knees but it doesn't hurt to run or walk.




    Hopefully it gets better before the season starts.

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