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  1. He said he needs to find a place to use a rune hally, which means he's p2p, however...The rune hally has no Accurate attack, you cannot train attack with it. (at least the last time I used one you couldn't, i'm going to check.) EDIT: I just checked, there is no accurate attack for it, just controlled, this will mean you'll be there for a long time if you want 60 attack.
  2. fight the level 35 flesh crawlers, I went from 57 str to 60 there, but they do hit 1's, and quite often, so bring a full inven of trout or better if you wanna stay a while. And I have 1 def.
  3. before we can tell you what you should use, you have to give us your stats.
  4. ok thanks, I'll do that quest then.
  5. Is it possible to range the fisherman who's gaurding the grail area or whatever, so I don't have to fight him?
  6. ok i'm a 20 def pure and I'm a member, but I want to know, do you think I can beat this quest with 60 att 60 str 43 pray, and 62 magic?
  7. Rang3rplox-Range Please Mag3rplox-Mage Please Pray3rplox-Prayer Please I just decided to put plox at the end to make it look cool, and of course I always say "You've been ploxed" after I kill someone.
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