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  1. I've gone and confirmed in the Tip.it submission forums that the new formula is indeed simply 10x the old one, with the extra tidbit that we know for certain the function is internally floored. So at most, your max hit will increase by 9 more than a factor of 10 (ex. 50 to 509 or the like).
  2. Well, go figure, I tell you guys my max hit formula, and just a couple of months later, Jagex goes and multiplies it by 10. My topic on the RuneScape Forums ("The Max Hit Formula" in Combat Skills, QFC 97-98-143-58596691) is updated, of course, but the basic gist is that now we know that Jagex floors the numbers. So, the formula is FLOOR(13 + Effective Strength + Equipment Bonus / 8 + Effective Strength * Equipment Bonus / 64), rather than using the ROUND or CEILING operations. I've also finally gone and posted my current method of calculating Void Knight bonuses in that thread, with the caveat that I already know it's not correct--just the best I've got so far. This is simply the old formula multiplied by ten; nothing else of substance has actually changed, though it's an important note that any constant damage bonuses (Like the former +4 from Ferocious Ring) are now increased by an order of magnitude as well. Cheers, Oblivion590
  3. Since discussion on the Tip.it forums has come and gone months ago regarding the correct max hit formula, and since Tip.it's max hit calculator has been something of a source of comedy for me for the last few years, I guess now's a good a time as ever to make this post. This is what I know about the RuneScape max hit formula, and if you want more detail or discussion, see my post on the RuneScape official forums, where it has resided since late March. Effective Strength = Strength * Bonus1 * Bonus2 * ... + Style Bonus (Style Bonus: +3 for Aggressive, +1 for Controlled, +3 for Accurate when using ranged) Where STR = effective strength and EQ = equipment strength bonus, max hit is... Max = FLOOR[1.3 + STR/10 + EQ/80 + STR*EQ/640] (or) Max = ROUND[(STR+8)(EQ+64)/640] Max = FLOOR[(STR+8)(EQ+64)/640 + 0.5] Special attack bonuses are fairly common knowledge, and they are, of course, multiplied after other calculations; I prefer flooring to rounding, so I multiply directly before flooring (except for the Keris). The Void Knight set bonus is rather odd, but I can say that it is much closer to 20% than the 10% claimed in the RS Knowledge Base. I've never really bothered with testing the Dharok set effect (too much work, too little gain), but maybe there's some general community knowledge on that. If you use this formula, please credit its contributors, listed below: Oblivion590 Legend Z5 Recklusfire1 Reaper X13 Shandlar W I L M O T Th3 Sun G0d Paleas
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