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Posts posted by Omar

  1. We didn't even go, it's closed tonight. Today in class she expressed disappointment at the fact that I had gotten her hopes up before checking whether the museum was even open. I answered that I had told her I might go to the museum, and that she had replied "I'll totally go with you!", so it was, if anything, her fault. She said "Touché". In other words, nothing really happened.

  2. I think it's a stretch to say you can play the stock market because you know how the GE works. At best, you have a clue of how investors' "animal spirits" work, but there are no "Behind the Scenes" or update descriptions that will let you know in advance what changes in technology and tastes will occur; instead, it's the price system that tells us what is valued, what isn't, what's overproduced, what isn't, etc. To game the stock market in the same way you do in RS requires you to anticipate changes in prices based on the same changes in prices.

  3. As I said, aerendil, there probably isn't anything wrong about Runescape that isn't also the case for other activities. You're essentially asking why people stigmatize each other. From the Wikipedia article about social stigma:

    "German born sociologist and historian, Gerhard Falk [2] has written over fifty scholarly works, including STIGMA: How We Treat Outsiders. About Stigma, he wrote:

    All societies will always stigmatize some conditions and some behaviors because doing so provides for group solidarity by delineating "outsiders" from "insiders" (Falk, 2001)."


    RuneScape can be very educational. People have talked in the past about learning conversational English through playing RuneScape, the economy is a great way to learn supply/demand economics (and with the Grand Exchange, you could argue, giving tips on how to play the actual stock market)

    As a matter of fact, economists are very interested in MMOs because collecting data is much easier in that context and it's a pretty good way to get closer to ceteris paribus conditions. I know Valve hired Yanis Varoufakis for this; he even has a blog on their website.

  4. If you dig too deep into the "What's wrong with X, honestly" question, you'll always end up answering "nothing". But ultimately, people don't pick on players because playing RS is immoral, which is what you asked; I think it's because they assume that makes them less fun to be around (which is not as bad a heuristic as you can come across; RS is a pretty dull game most of the time so it's reasonable to expect fun, outgoing people to have better things to do) and that it makes them feel better about themselves.

    As someone else pointed out, it might also be a mechanism to get you to do other "normal" things that you'll actually enjoy.


    And Cracked on the matter, sort of:


  5. Why aren't you interested in her, in the first place?

    She's an unhappy person who would add next to no valuable content to my life. She's also not very pretty.


    Also, be honest. Sure, she may not like it but just talk to her and tell her that you're not interested in her like that, and that you wish to just be friends.

    I'm deadly scared that I've been misinterpreting her signals. Were I wrong, I'm not convinced I would survive the embarrassment. My plan right now is to wait until she makes a clear move, at which point I'll tell her that no.


    @TTanT & y_guy: From what I've heard, she is a drama queen, or maybe some milder form of that, but it's true that there's not much I can do about it. I'd rather deal with whatever could be whipped up than leave the association or something of the sort; that would be plain silly.

  6. A girl I am not at all interested in is hitting on me, I think. She's likely to hang around me for a while (several semesters) because she's running for a position in my student association, and I'll be in there too. I've been pretending her hints were just jokes, but she's pushing pretty hard. What do I do? Do I tell her I'm gay? Do I pretend I'm dating a mutual friend? Do I start writing sitcoms?

    [Edit] Oh yeah, I told her I had an interview at a museum and that I might go to check out the place so I don't look entirely clueless and she kind of latched herself on. She's making it sound like some sort of... date...

  7. I know more middle-aged women than I care to admit

    I'm interested to discover how you know these women, now. :P

    He plays halo and eats chicken with them.



    Yeah, not gonna happen in my school. You just get flak. A lot of it. Believe me, I've tried.

    One thing that really annoys me is how I seemingly can't keep a conversation going for more than 5 minutes with anyone that I communicate daily with. Only times that I really feel as part of a crowd is when I am with my former schoolmates, which happens once every 2 weeks or so...


    It kinda depends what kind of flak they're giving you. If they're just giving you the typical "guy-flak" where they're just insulting you the way guys do, then just laugh it off and don't sweat it. But if they genuinely are trying to make you feel ashamed for your hobbies, then you need to just ignore and distance yourself from those people. People gravitate towards people who don't give a [bleep].

    Yeah, I think if he just owns up to it no one will actually care that much for very long.

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  8. Yeah, not gonna happen in my school. You just get flak. A lot of it. Believe me, I've tried.

    Maybe it's because I'm not in school anymore but I'm at the point where anyone who criticizes me because of something that irrelevant will get weeded out of my life pronto.

  9. I don't have any exoerience with FL, but I know that it works with plugins like Massive. I wish Reason worked with Massive :/ so many new possibilities! As for presets, I think Reason is quite strong in that field, especially for drum samples/instrument samples and percussion.


    I'll post a couple of my songs here for you guys to listen to, check them out if you're interested :)

    You can use FL as a plugin within many DAWs through ReWire. It could also be the case for Reason.

  10. ^Heard that one before. It's pretty true, uppercase included.

    Usually it's a combination of not finding the right samples to match what I have in my head, and not finding the right way to translate what I would play on a real drum into a drum computer, and the fact I don't feel like spending hours working on just drums. My friend, who also produces

    , is a master at programming drums, he manages to make a nice drumline in just a few minutes, that looks and sounds complex, while still sounding nice too. The song I linked isn't my personal favourite of his, but it does show his skills with the drum.

    What kind of drum samples would you like to use?

  11. They don't haha. The bass and the guitars are both free soundfonts. That's not better in and of itself but the free options for those that come with FL are pretty awful. I can't do slides and hammer-on/pull-offs with either of them though; I think that's what makes it least "human". The organ is a sound font ("Jeux14"). The piano is default but it's pretty bad if you listen to it on its own. Could have replaced it, but I didn't want the extra CPU load (FL runs pretty inefficiently). The drums are default FPC, but that's actually pretty good, because each drum or cymbal has several samples, each hit at varying degrees of force, and depending on the velocity you score your notes at, it'll use the corresponding loudness. So, it does sound decently realistic, but you've got to tinker with the velocities a lot. I'll post a screenshot of my piano roll soon and you'll see.

    I guess what I'm getting at is that making drums sound the way you want them to isn't difficult, just time-consuming.

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