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  1. Alright thanks, its been a while ---------------- Now playing: August Burns Red - Composure
  2. My Membership ran out and i was cleaning out my bank and these are the only items i cannot figure out what they are I dropped them and it doesn't say "You can get [blank] back from [blank]" Sorry if this is a wrong section to post in ---------------- Now playing: The Chariot - Daggers
  3. Meh...7/10 Sorry, if u 1650 total and u were a little bit richer i woudl give u 10/10
  4. I am showing off what i did in this game!! My old pictures fine i will add some other ones
  5. Rofl???I am not the [bleep] who plays this game plus who gives a [cabbage] its 13+ game who the hell would not know what it is????
  6. Btw nope i droped all my items and its actually 28.3 blackmarks no lie... rofl look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4oeD9hthDI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY5p_0KZ ... h_response Then this its what i did to get this lol =]]]]] My friend did even better =]]
  7. Thats my end results......=-]]]]]]]]]] RATE!! This was long before i quit
  8. Wow amazing, I Just quit not too long ago, I also realized how anti-social i am, Plus i find Parties and such not as fun as everyone else. Good luck in life Wakka
  9. No silks no gskin no gull...what is wrong wit people...
  10. not very good.....umm add a few silks or gulls in there then i MAY say its ok...
  11. ummmm...i don't see the big deal....just some discontinued and very rare items...get a gull dagger or gskins then come and talk to me....2/10
  12. Holy [cabbage]!...Omg 99 all skills that is crazy...maybe go for all 99s now =D, Your my idol and a bank picture would be nice lolz EDIT:Sry i excluded slayer.
  13. I am baaaaaack...but bored lol i haven't been on rs very much...its boring for me right now
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