You have a bigger bank than me.. from begging. What is this. The biggest banks on Runescape are owned by the biggest [wagon]. Bug abusers, hackers, lucky staking addicts and Sparc Mac. We both know that's a lie. And what did Sparc Mac do to you? Up past 32B here and yeah... That's pretty well accurate. Lol. And Sparc Mac is a tool. The days staking returned he said, "I'm not gonna post a video later saying I got hacked or cleaned asking for money. I know the risks and I'm fully prepapared... Yadda yadda yadda." He lies to his subs more then Jagex does to their customers. Remember when he got that Divine for like 1B junk? Told all his subs he got hacked and they bought all his junk? Well, referring to the first 2 sentences in this paragraph: The day after posting that video, he has full torva, phats, divines, etc. He stakes his sub's money, not his. Guy's a [bleep]ing fake. Not only that, but every video is him being a whiny [puncture]. That's pretty subjective. I like him.