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Posts posted by vivimancer

  1. Thinks it would be much easier to have a 4 digit pin like a bank pin that you could use instead of or as well as recovery questions, some times i can't even remeber what I had for breakfast let alone a 10 digit alpha-numeriric.


    but support in theory

  2. > Usually i watch a movie while i train a skill. Ironically half the time i don't actually watch the movie.




    Also, I'm a pretty avid smither and generally have a ton of ores banked, so when I find a new player I'll generally smith them full iron/steel sets as a leg up, then make them mith/addy armours/weapons if they bring me the coal (hey nothing is for free=)


    Some times I think hey thats 5k worth of steel bars, down the drain but seeing newbs that you helped out come back as fully fledged players (some of the time with better stats than me) makes me smile

  3. Tan hides, do green dragons, then magically get 70 range to do aviansies. Does not a guide make.


    Maybe, suggesting that a player might try Chaos Druids for herb drops (giving about 150k per hour) or killing Yaks for Hides (about 200k per hour) is a much better idea for low level members,

  4. Random events aren't supposed to be that rewarding. The most rewarding one would be the maze, and that's only because it takes time.



    this, when introduced they put a dent in the ability of botters to operate. We seen as a welcome and lucrative bonus for bottom-end players who might really, really, need 800 gp worth of coal.


    Santa hats in Mystery Boxes? Prove it...

  5. Ok, we have all heard variations on the theme of Smithing is pointless and/or useless countless times, but why is it considered such?


    Smithing used to be a highly valued skill, the ability to make the best armour in the game at a time, meant that PvPers and PvMers relied on skillers to produce the weapons and armour that kept them compative, getting 99 smithing was considered a licence to print GP and high level smiths would be able to afford to have dozens if not hundreds of miners and merchants suppling them (I'm lookingh at you Zezima, Bluerose) knowing that they would be able to make a profit from what they made.




    1: Rune (at least in p2p,) is seen almost as junk, Dragon, Barrows, Granite and now the newer GWD armours make it obsolete,


    2: Unless you can mine all the ores you need it is EXTREMELY expensive to level compared to other 'secondry' skills, (i.e fletching, cooking and runecraft) )the price of <s>most</s> all ores far outstrips the cost of finised items.


    3: Even if you can mine all the ores yourself to get to 85 you would have at least 99 mining, ( assuming 40 to 99 smithing is about 250k coals or equvilent)


    4: PvM far outshines it as a means to make money, in the time it takes to make any money from smithing, a player camping TDs, Abbysal demons or GWDs would make many tens of millions of gold more.


    So is there a solution?


    1: No, adding asthetic touches (cannon updates) or ways of gaining experience quicker (SC hammers) only further devalues the skill, players like myself who smelted steel bars 'generally' feel short changed as they believe there hard work is underminded by cheap or showy updates


    2: Yes but PvMers arn't going to like it... Adding the ability to make granite or dragon items to smithing will be incredibly unpopular, hordes of players would likely respond "OMG wats the point of training slayer to 85 if I can just smith a granite maul?!"

  6. 1 Chessy was a well known player with a massive personal fortune, scammers would have had 40 billion reasons to steal her account

    2 As RWTing is a against the TOS, items including santa hats have no value in the real world unless you are cheating

    3 Sure cheesy might of been 'famous' or even 'a celebrity' but to treat her differently to other players sets a bad prescent

    4 Runescape is sometimes known by less kind groups as 'wombscape' for its overt pandering to the lower age groups, de-insentivising the need to keep you account secure needlessly dumbs down

    the game and puts a lot more pressure on Jagex to go 'ott' on ways to secure the game which would hurt its business even more.

  7. Right, welcome back to runescape...


    If (like me) you use members time to 'boost' your f2p game, make things you can use in f2p, generally everything you can do in members will be cheaper and less time intensive, but if you are a 'casual' gamer spending the money doesn't ever feel like you are "getting the maximum" from it, but for example getting enough nature runes and steel bars to smith platebodys and high alc in a bank all day in f2p for free seems worth it.


    If your intrested in mining, try the living rock caverns, or completing the fremmink isles quest for the jatizo mine, or get 45 dungeoneering and unlock the falador resource dungeon, or or get the money together for a dragon pickaxe...


    For smithing i would definately recommend; the blast furnace in Keldgrim, with sacred clay hammers from the stealing creation minigame to make Unfinished mithril bolts and unfinished iron bolts (for profit) or (with fletching) enough arrows to get 99 range in f2p?


    For fishing? try getting 56 summoning for an ibis familiar when in Piscatoris Fishing Colony, or learn barbarian fishing or try the trawler minigame, or go for a cooking cape perhaps.


    hope this helps

  8. Two seperate issues here OP;



    1: Yes, Jagex are inflating the runescape 'economy' to drive down the value of your account, so you are forced back on the P2P treadmill



    2: Regicide isn't that difficult with the (excellent) tip.it guide, if you are going to quit because of one quest then may I suggest something less taxing like Halo?

  9. which stackable steel items sell the most?

    arrow heads? throwing knives? need advice about this, thanks



    cannonballs, then knives.


    I would recomend either the blast furnace or port myasmis (sp?) or the one click bank in fremmnik isles

  10. You've asked on a public forum for opinions about your RSMV I make suggestions instead of "lol its crap" or ignoring like any of the other 140 people that have viewed this thread and you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.


    Firstly the bridges everywhere at :14 to :16, :22 to :24 and at :33 to :35.


    Still think you should of waited until you had finished your video before publishing,


    After freeze framing I can now see you have layered a picture of hearts over the fountains but before you pointed it out I didn't recognise it and the imagery is still a little confused, hearts still pump blood.


    I'd argue differently, arguably the greatest music video ever was Michael Jackson's Thriller (regardless of what you think of his bizarre private life) The video was great partly because of the choreography but mostly because it stood on its own as a video telling a story (zombies) separately but supportively of the music.


    Having $600 software doesn't make you Michel Gondry, having all the tools some times can be counter productive to the creative process.


    can't wait for the finished version though, topic watched

  11. Felt the video needed a theme (apart from bridges), its cool that you've got a fletching cape but that isn't relevant to the plot of the song.


    Also there seems to be a lot of two on bridges or next to bridges, or by log balances. Also it's too short to be a proper video you should be looking at LEAST 2:30


    The outtro with the moon is very cool though, maybe you could link it some how to the fountains (that you've filtered red, I assume to look like blood,) basically you need the video to tell a story independently of the song, as an exercise try turning the volume off and if see if you can still understand what's going on.


    Which software are you using?

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