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Blog Entries posted by RpgGamer

  1. RpgGamer
    I went to a basement show last night and had pretty much the most fun I've had in I don't know how long. Stereo Coma headlining (I'm good friends with the singer's brother), with Hoser, Blankbook and Children's Books supporting. Met a lot of really rad people. On the way back to my buddy's apartment we had a ton of Hoser stickers and there was a certain Comcast van that isn't every going to look the same. Then my buddy, driving my car, backed real close to a guy watching us do it, so that I hit him with the door I was trying to climb into. By accident. But my reaction was just to shout PUNK ROCK at him and we sped off. I ended up passing out around 3 or 4am, after smoking far too much. I woke up at 8 with 3 texts. 1 from my buddy who owns the apartment asking if the girl I brought back with us was single (hell if I know I barely remember her being there). And 2 from my other friend that came with us who decided to WALK [bleep]ING HOME. It's like a 30 minute drive from the apartment we were in back to his house, and that's pure high way. His phone's now dead and I have no idea where he is. If he just waited another 3 hours I would have driven him home for christ's sake. It's not even like it's nice out. Then I had to wake my friend who own's the apartment up and ask him where my car was because for all I knew it was still in Center City.
    Started the Mosh pit, got hit by chicks, and shook hands with bums. God damn I had fun.
  2. RpgGamer
    Just got back from her(my friend's) funeral. I wasn't even close to prepared for the open casket. I literally walked into the wake, dropped my jaw and sat down in shock for 2 hours staring at her lifeless body hoping it would twitch or sigh or shake so that everything would be okay and I could make her smile, and no one would have to deal with her loss. And the whole time I felt guilty for not knowing her better, or making a stronger effort to get to know her more. I finally did work up the nerve to shake her dad's hand, hug her mom and sister. It was heartbreaking. I'd stayed up til 4am drinking and crying last night with some friends, so I was far to dehydrated to even produce tears. But I got to see some people I graduated with I haven't seen since we all walked to our diplomas. She was such a beautiful person, inside and out. She's not on any social media site, and has only had her picture taken like a dozen times. Seeing her in the casket was just...shocking. What I'd do to hear her laugh again. See her smile. Or smell her perfume as she smiled and walked by...
    I don't think I ever want to go to another funeral. I don't want there to be a reason to.
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