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Posts posted by Joes_So_Cool

  1. Last post before bed, I was thinking about track in the spring - anyone have any experience? Obviously not for sprinting or something, but for discus or shot put? I love the track coach - he's also a teacher, and I think he could help me get into better shape as well.




    Again, I don't do much other then sleep and TIF now, so keeping up the blog once I got someone to put in a decent format wouldn't be to hard for me to handle. I might skip a day on occasion because I have a heavy schedule, but other then that I think I could do it without question at least 5 times a week.




    If anyone wants to help PLEASE post or PM me asap :-#

  2. Thanks for the tip, I don't know what I'm going to go about doing, but I do want results, by this summer hopefully, my goals are.




    Rounded Shoulders.


    A semi flat stomach - not going for a 6 pack in a few months, obviously.


    To top it all off, I'd love the Bicep Vein. I've got veins in my lower arms when I'm not flexing even, but I really want that bicep vein. I guess it couldn't hurt to post a picture of me as of right now?




    [hide=Me, it's a big picture - sorry.]33crh43.jpg[/hide]


    I know I've got more then some fat on me, as well as the stretch marks, I don't need negative comments - thanks.




    It's getting late and I do have school tomorrow, so I'm going to get some sleep, I'll *try to* respond to as many - if not all comments tomorrow around 2:50 EST. - That's about when I get in from school.




    Thanks in advance to everyone, and I'd love to get someone to help me by tomorrow so I can get started!






    ~Joe Nahorniak










    EDIT: To nick. I've cleared it with a super mod, they said it was fine, as long as I don't give up in a matter of 3 days or so.

  3. I just had this idea about 3 hours ago, lets see, what did I eat today?




    A large popcorn chicken thing from KFC, a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi MAX. A popcorn chicken/mashed potatoes/corn/cheese bowl from KFC, forgot the name, a bag of beef jerky, and hmm, fried eggs and rye toast for breakfeast.





    Some background information..


    I'm 16.


    I'm 5'8.


    I weigh 200 lbs.


    It's not all fat, I've got decent arms.




    I'm really interested in loosing weight, I mean I'm not quite so big I can't walk to the other side of my house without panting, or close, and I sure as hell don't want to get there.




    If you'd kindly read my signature, you'll see I have horrible blog making skills and I really don't want this to fall through, I think this is actually crazy enough to work.




    I'm not sure if this is the right place or not, but I know a weight loss blog is able to be posted in off topic, I checked with a super mod I think it was.. I was thinking of taking a picture of myself shirtless every day until the last day of school, and I'd love to have major improvement, in order for this to happen, I'd need a few things.




    The will power. The right diet, and a decent justifiable exercise schedule. If anyone has any suggestions or would kindly take the time out to assist me in making a blog, I'd obviously give you credit, and I could really use the help.




    If I look dumb trying this on an online forum, then I don't need to hear that, although I'm sure it will be said by at least one person or two, actually probably more. I'm just trying to loose some weight, and get support doing it, and some of you must know at least a little about dieting and muscle building.




    Again, I'm not sure if this is the right section to ask for assistance like this, but it is "off topic" so I thought I'd try it, if it's not allowed, will a mod please move/delete it?




    Thank you and I hope to get this started ASAP!


    ~Joe Nahorniak.

  5. Sorry to hijack, I'm not sure if this is even allowed, but is it against the rules to post a weight loss, or progress blog?


    I think i recall someone posting somesort of weightloss blog in OT some time ago, although it may have just been a before and after comparison.






    I'm not saying you shouldnt, but you should be wary of replies; dont post a weight loss blog in which you dont even try to lose weight,


    Yeah technically you can post such a blog in Off-Topic, but I wouldn't recommend doing so unless it's very detailed and you set a good platform for a discussion.




    Alright thanks, I really want to go about doing this, but I know I couldn't do it alone, taking the time to set up the format and such, I'd love if someone would like to help me, I really would appreciate it, I am serious about loosing weight too, I'm not someone who tries something for 3 days and then stops. Especially with the support of some tip.it members.




    If anyone is interested in helping me, or even giving me ideas, please PM Me!

  6. "It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christlike and honorable approach to competition,"




    What a contradiction. Someone clearly does not know what competition is. And firing someone for a ridiculous reason like that does not reflect a "Christlike and honorable approach to administration", does it?




    Very valid point, I think firing someone for winning is a bit extreme.

  7. Hello Brother,




    In my country all we have is bench press. My brother Somit (R.I.P) died from bench press. Be careful so you dont end up like Somit (R.I.P)




    Good Luck Friend.


    Oh great, another troll.


    I work out only like once a week. Most of it is lower body, crunches, and pushups. Lots of pushups.




    Oh great another pureprayer, push ups are probably the best, as well crunches don't really do that much, there are machines you can buy to increase your crunch though.

  8. Now that I think about it, my schedule is close to the same every single day -.-




    Weekdays (Monday - Friday)




    6:00 - Wake up.


    6:10 - Shower.


    6:30 - Get on the school bus for school.


    7:20 - Get off the bus for school.


    7:35 through 2:05 - School.


    2:10 - 2:45 - Bus ride home.


    2:50 - Take a crap.


    3:00 through 6 - Computer.


    6:00 Dinner.


    6:30 through 11:00 - Computer.


    11:00 Watch tv until I go to bed.




    Repeat - It's a little different on friday nights, I'll go out with friends then, not to mention the assorted sporting event with school friends and such.






    Wake up around 11 AM.


    Wander into the kitchen, eat some food.


    Go out until around 4AM.


    Come back home, sleep until 11AM.







  9. For those interested a year ago I posted the same thread topic as a follow up for a psychology experiment I did, complete with data from my surveys: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=689320




    It lead to the Misfile comic being linked to these forums, and to the thread of the same name. Speaking of, if any of you do find the concept of this thread amusing, i recommend reading a few pages of www.misfile.com, it's a webcomic based on the concept.




    He's alive \'




    Yes, I'd love to be a girl for a day, or maybe a week even.

  10. I've heard of people who had to read it in school, I personally hate reading novels, or chapter books if you will in school just because of how often we have to stop and take notes or something unneeded along those lines. So far it's a really good book, I'm starting to like Atticus.

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