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Posts posted by Joes_So_Cool

  1. I like the post count idea, even though mines not very high, but I think it's not that annoying then again, I don't post constantly or get flooded with PM's so I'm not the best judge, but as someone stated earlier, it's only stopped me maybe 10 times in the past two years *granted I took a 5 month or so break.

  2. Alright, well honestly most girls want exactly what you want *no not sex :lol:, but lets think, you want a girl to come up and start a conversation with you, no? Most girls would feel much more relaxed and they'd feel you're more mature and not afraid of girls if you started the conversation, so if you ever see one of your semi close friends with her (not dating or anything) just walking down the hallway, just walk up to him and start asking him a question about something she may be interested in, from there you could turn that A,B,C to a conversation to an A,B conversation and have your friend "C" himself out HAHAHAHAAH wow I'm to funny for myself.




    In all honesty it may be easier to start talking to her on AIM or MSN or whatever online messaging system you use where you live, or even through text messaging. Just try to not come off as creepy.

  3. Really, making an assumption is generally a bad thing to do.




    I think, in most schools, people stay with the people they know after a couple years, making communication with others a little more difficult.




    Or that could just be an observation based upon what I've seen.




    What a huge contradiction.




    Anyway. Yeah. A lot of times what works for me is find a person who's in their group and go up and talk to them and just stand in that group. When you can, just add to the conversation and maybe try and talk directly to her.




    I dunno.




    Heh, guess I wasn't thinking much.




    Well anyway Pure, can you say what you've actually spoken to her about?




    That true is important, I forgot to ask, so now you have two questions to answer, well let me make it 3.




    How old are you?


    How old is she?


    What have you two actually spoken about?

  4. Really, making an assumption is generally a bad thing to do.




    I think, in most schools, people stay with the people they know after a couple years, making communication with others a little more difficult.




    Or that could just be an observation based upon what I've seen.




    You just said you think it's a bad thing to do, then the next thing you said was "I think", that's close to the same thing, just worded differently, yet I do agree with what you said.




    Most people that I've seen, the people who have had the same friends for years obviously want to most likely keep those friends, but some people want to make more as well. I'll agree it'd be easier - well not "easier" but well, I don't know what to call it, but yes, it'd be "easier" for lack of a better term to stay with the friends they've had for years. I'll give him credit for even wanting to become friends with a new girl, or at least try to, so why not try to give him some advice? You obviously don't start off asking to come over for dinner, but start off with light easy conversation that doesn't direct it to her specifically, but something you could have asked to anyone, for example if you know she went to the game last night for say the High School basketball team, you could ask when you're in her general area does anyone know who won or something along those lines.




    I'm not arguing with you by any means, just trying to push aside the fact we're both correct and trying to get to what the thread's about, helping the people who ask for it.

  5. Then congratulations, it's going to be a hell of a lot easier then if she wasn't! Since you two are in a few of the same classes would I be right to assume you've talked at least once or twice, even if it was about a worksheet, or if she asked for a pen?




    Actually, this is going to take a while via this thread, but if you have AIM/MSN just PM me your ScreenName/E-Mail and I'll help you out in 1/10th the time.

  6. Damn man, that really must truly suck pretty badly. Now that I think of it, there's not really much you can do that you're not already trying to do. You could crack down on your studies, even though that's a pretty big joke since it's the 2nd semester of your senior year.. Uh, you coulddddd, crap man, I've got no idea really, I guess you could play a different computer game, I suggest Soldier Front, I play it and it's really an amazing FPS game, check it out on youtube if you are semi interested, trust me, I don't like much, and this game amazes me.


    Why the hell would you need a gun now anyway? Back then, it was needed for protection more, and to acquire food. Now, you don't need it for either.





    There is no less of a need now for the average citizen to be able to protect himself than there was in colonial days. With the federal government trampling our rights at every turn, the day will come where we need once again to be able to protect ourselves from an aggressive government force, as the continental army did in the 18th century.




    And the idea that human rights should wax and wane with the passing of years is as repulsive to me as pedophilia. The rights are ours, and the government that the Founders put in place with the constitution is supposed to be strictly limited in its power to abuse our rights. Over the last 2 centuries, US citizens have ceded more and more of their rights to the federal. state, and local governments, to the point that we don't even trust people or organizations that are devoted to preserving the rights we have and trying to reclaim those we have abandoned.




    One of the basic rights, not spelled out as such in the constitution but an essential tenet of common law, is the freedom of thought. Treating people as criminals because of their thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes is below us as US citizens. That's what theocracies do. We can do better than that.




    The legal line is drawn when illegal acts are committed, attempted, or actively planned. Wanting to rob a bank is not a crime. Conspiring with others to rob a bank is. Attempting to rob a bank and failing is a crime. But thinking about robbing a bank, or killing someone, or committing any other crime, is not and never should be. You have a right to your own thoughts and desires, whether you are free to act on those desires or not.




    Wandered rather far afield from my planned defense of the 2d amendment. Sorry.




    I didn't read all of this, sorry it looks like you put some effort into it..


    From what I read, I think you're supporting the fact that just because you believe something, or think it doesn't mean you did it. For example, if you think of killing someone you didn't actually kill someone.. I agree with you 100%, if this is actually what you're saying.




    *Although I use decent grammar and spelling I probably wouldn't be able to decode the real message in your post even if I read through it thoroughly and more then once anyways.

  8. Ha, I hardly ever go on TIF now, and I've forgotten how amazing it is. I think I'll come back to at least the Off Topic section :thumbsup:




    I hate people who post random junk topics though, most of the topics I post I feel are up for genuine discussion, I'll hardly even make a post irrelevant to anything and plain out dumb.




    Every once in a while I come up with a decent topic and I decide to post it, and so far they've all taken off pretty well, if I think of any more I'll gladly post them. :D

  9. My threads always lead into arguments for the most part, the God one, now this -.-




    Thanks for the comment about my avatar, gotta love family guy.

  10. i do have confidence but i just dont want to be like hey can i have ur number... doenst that make me look like a creeper.




    or start a conversation and just randomly ask for her number...




    Well, I'd like to start helping out on this thread as well ::'




    What I would do in this situation is walk up to her and instead of asking for her number, give her yours, and tell her that if she want's to continue talking, to text you or call you. (I'd start off with texting.)




    This way you can tell if she's interested as well, start off with a common thing though, say you're taking a survey of kids who have cell phones, and ask her if she has one *don't come off creepy and know she has one, even though most teens do, she might think you've watched her use it or something. Then expand on the "survey" you're taking, and say, does your phone have texting, and things like that, but don't make it obvious, also ask random things about her phone, does she have a case for it, does it have a good camera, etc.




    If she seems interested in you by the end of your conversation you could easily just play it smooth and say, to conclude this survey I'll have to ask for your number.

  11. I found this one lets see if anyone can solve it:




    Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?




    Yes. You have a 1/3 chance of getting it in the 1st place, and a 1/2 after the 1st door. However, once he asks, that changes everything (aka variable oods). If you say yes, ill change, you'll have a 66% chance of winnning.




    Cookies to who figure outs what thats from :XD:





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