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Posts posted by ElkNight

  1. Block Periods for English, Band, and P.E. tomorrow.


    I will basically do NOTHING tomorrow.


    Chem and Spanish finals on Thursday though. [bleep].


    I got 94% on my chem final.

    Although it was a take home, and not that difficult.


    So happy I finally got an A at least once in that class.

  2. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    I don't care what gender you're attracted to, but the flambouyance and the general gay subculture is extremely annoying to me.


    It was a Seinfeld reference.



    Hrm. Chirping crickets annoy the hell out of me. Especially right now.

    Holy [cabbage], so loud.

  3. I've never understood why people don't delete people like that. I added my cousin a while ago, and she was like that. She lasted 2 days before I deleted her.

    Oh god, I read this completely wrong.

    I just glanced at it and read, "I dated my cousin a while ago, and she was like that"


    I went O_O

  4. Haven't ran since last summer. Did a 5 mile race today.

    Not the best of ideas, but it was fun.

    I ran nonstop for the first 3 miles (harder then it sounds there was some tough uphill portions.)

    Then basically ran on an off for the last 2 miles.

    Kinda showed me how out of shape I was, but I was still proud of myself.


    I got around 53 minutes, which isn't bad considering I walked some, there was some uphill, and I haven't ran in forever.

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