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  1. great topic ive been thinking alot to my self.. i am owner of a wc and fmake cape some say fmake is easy skill...that depends on how u go about it i had a 131k willows sitting in bank so i decided on fmake cape i clicked over 300k times for that cape and people say "oo ur cool u can light any log" i got the cape cause its "hawt" i believe a forced cook cape is the lamest cape(getting 99 cook without a high fish)and once u have stats for a quest cape u can get easily only a few quests will make me dissagree i believe fletch isnt hard to get but u make a a few mill off it and i belive rc or farm herby or con or slay at a lower lvl are hardest-most admirable cause u get less exp plz review this and reply 8-)
  2. wow ur doing good on them drops man ffs i wanna come and get a dchain and a d axe drop wth! :evil: i got 99 fmake but i'd rather get a hallo and fight a kalphite for dchain :? btw ya rc is hawt
  3. yo piman u gonna post that fast exp for 99wc i been wondering bout it :-w :-k
  4. wow..... 99 wc is so hawt :D i should know :wink: 2 bad i missed banging party
  5. lol 8-) i sent him so u cant get 99 wc! :twisted: prob will be someone different tommorow \ dun dun dunnnn
  6. lol wow tyler u must get real bored O_o :-X :-X :-X o-yah! :o :oops:
  7. woot grats on 99 wc! \ and soon2be jask and tyler =D> 99 wc pwns!
  8. soz u had to take screenshot alone vince :oops: ill be there for ya 99 and when u win and come get ya cape b4 tyler byah!
  9. ur a line stiller and i pwn u showdown to 1k mages! -u bring ya d axe and 98 wc -ill bring bare hands and 100/99 wc and my smexy cape : loser gives all mages to winner :thumbsup: tree pwner!
  10. im the tree pwner! :shock: thats my line! btw vince is now in 2nd place -zammy tree pwners-w111 seers willows-
  11. i guess ill try getting peeps to plank for me and il ltrade money and oaks that butler thing seems hard and hassleful...is that a word :shock: and i have deamon butler and he might go crazy if i make him be my plank slave :P thanxs for info and if i cant get planks for oaks and $ -if not im gonan go crazy :-# :-w :| :lol: :x
  12. :thumbsup: grats on that 98 :thumbsup: =D> woot =D> :shock: only like 1.2mil exp till u have that smexy wc cape on : forget finals and no-life if :twisted:
  13. :anxious: im thinking about going to 75 con :anxious: but i wont have time to plank oaks and get constant exp.... :shame: so i was wondering what would be a good payment to people who plank them? example:payment for 1k oak planks (btw ill cut all oaks myself i just need a amount of money to go with the 1k oak logs ill pay) :ohnoes:
  14. yep they assume macroer just because of ur lvl i bet if i made a 2nd acct it would just distract me from doing stuff on my real acct and theres always something to do :anxious:
  15. wow i have to consider what to do for theive -pyramid plunder -sorcerers garden -rogues den :-k
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